Author Archives: The SufiHub Team
First it is hardened, then it is locked
Maulana then posed deep, important questions for us all to ponder about: How do we unlock hearts that have been locked? Who locked their hearts? What had their hearts been locked by? Why had they not resisted the one who came to lock their hearts? Who held them back from resisting the one who came to lock their hearts? After all, there was a time, when their hearts were not locked, so something must have happened that caused them to become locked! So what is the key? Did they lock their own hearts, or did they listen to someone who told them to do so? Continue reading
What is the value of this dunia, to Allah?
Our egos, in collaboration with shaitan, are asking for more and more of dunia. Maulana then poses to the attendees, some very important questions for them to ponder over. What is the value of this dunia? What is the value of this dunia to you? What is the value of this dunia to Allah? Continue reading
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest one of all?
Shaitan has a magic mirror, that he holds up for our ego to admire itself. Shaitan tells us to use this mirror all the time. It is a special mirror, as when the ego looks at himself in that mirror, he looks humungous, he looks so important, he is the centre of attention, he is the special, chosen one, he looks so majestic. When we look into this mirror, we feel pride about ourselves, we feel arrogant and superior, we feel high and mighty! Continue reading
From heart to heart, there is a secret connection
Human hearts come from one Creator, there is a hidden connection between the hearts of humans, a secret relationship that bonds people’s hearts together. Knowledge can be sent from one heart to another, once a connection is established (like a telephone line). It is a valuable bond to forge, it is an invisible means of propagating/acquiring knowledge. So polish your heart, seek a connection to your guide, to receive inspirations and guidance. Continue reading
Oh believers, lower your gaze!
Mankind has been taught by Rasulullah (saw), to lower their gaze from looking at the opposite sex, and from turning their gaze from all that is forbidden, for that gaze is the beginning of a journey, to fulfilling illicit desires. Shaitan is always at hand, to persuade people to take that forbidden second glance, to soak up the sight of exposed flesh, to inflame the passions, to nudge one towards the evil way. Continue reading
Allah has given you a one-way-ticket home, use it wisely
To inherit Paradise for eternity, you only have to be obedient to Allah, and to disobey your ego, for a short time in dunia. We are here only for three days – yesterday, today and tomorrow – it is so short a time, in exchange for eternity, so be patient. Dunia deceives its lovers, to come to it and to abandon eternity. Continue reading
Stairway to heaven
You are free to choose, says Maulana, any path that you wish to take. Choose either to satisfy the animal being in you, or to strive for eternal happiness with your spiritual being. The choice is yours. Remember, once you enter the door of eternity (in death), you will never return here again. You will bear the consequences of your choice, for eternity. That is why shaitan is teaching and cheating Mankind, that eternity does not exist. Continue reading
Islam came to free you from slavery to dunia
By building a bond with dunia, you cannot attain spiritual uplifting, because, to have a relationship with dunia – to forge an attachment to any part of it – is to become its slave! Islam came to free Mankind from slavery to dunia, not to teach Man to cling to it! Islam frees us from being a servant to anything, other than Allah. Continue reading
Have Yaqeen, Over it are Nineteen
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 17th March 2010, Wednesday Have Yaqeen, Over it are Nineteen A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana said that the honour bestowed by Allah upon Angels is completely different … Continue reading
You don’t even understand about one Ant
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 16th March 2010, Tuesday You don’t even understand about one Ant A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana asks if we are able to accept that Allah can send … Continue reading
A true believer is happiest at the moment of death
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 15th March 2010, Monday A true believer is happiest at the moment of death A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana said that our physical strength is dependent on … Continue reading
We must study from one who is connected to the Prophet
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 14th March 2010, Sunday We must study from one who is connected to the Prophet A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that Rasulullah (saw) brought perfect advice … Continue reading
Go East, to where the Sun rises
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 13th March 2010, Saturday Go East, to where the Sun rises A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana said that as believers, we would get very upset to see … Continue reading
Learn about the Creator, not about the creation
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 12th March 2010, Friday Learn about the Creator, not about the creation A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana send his salams on attendees upon this final Friday of … Continue reading
Do not fear the enemy or their weapons
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 11th March 2010, Thursday Do not fear the enemy or their weapons A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana welcomed all attendees on this Holy final Friday of Rabi’ul … Continue reading
The 70 who incurred Allah’s Wrath
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 10th March 2010, Wednesday The 70 who incurred Allah’s Wrath A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that shaitan’s mission is to hide the truth, and to spread … Continue reading
If we are really His servants, then all that we own, is His
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 9th March 2010, Tuesday If we are really His servants, then all that we own, is His A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana instructed all attendees to cut … Continue reading
Death ends life’s bitterness for believers
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 8th March 2010, Monday Death ends life’s bitterness for believers A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminds us all that we have not been created for this worldly … Continue reading
What determines a person’s true value
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 7th March 2010, Sunday What determines a person’s true value A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana began this Suhbah, by asking for the support of the pious ones, … Continue reading
Unlock your heart
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 6th March 2010, Saturday Unlock your heart A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana asks us to doa, that our hearts are unlocked, to receive spiritual guidance. When the … Continue reading
Turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 5th March 2010, Friday Turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminds us to honour Fridays, even the Christians … Continue reading
The Secret to Understanding a Suhbah
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 4th March 2010, Thursday The Secret to Understanding a Suhbah A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana warns us about shaitan’s dedicated helpers, who walk in his footsteps diligently, … Continue reading
Maulana reveals the CROWN of all knowledge
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 3rd March 2010, Wednesday Maulana reveals the CROWN of all knowledge A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that some attendees complain of not being able to understand … Continue reading
The Key to unlock the Powers of your Soul
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 2nd March 2010, Tuesday The Key to unlock the Powers of your Soul A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that we are living in a world of … Continue reading
Leave your fantasy, come to reality
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 1st March 2010, Monday Leave your fantasy, come to reality A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt There are two types of support for humans – heavenly support and worldly … Continue reading
The Deadly Kiss Of Iblis
At the instant shaitan plants his kiss on the forehead of the condemned one, ugliness begins to seep into this person’s face, and gradually, his features change into shaitanic ones, throughout his life, until death comes. After death, worse is to follow – the facial features become even uglier and more horrifying, it acquires an added shade of darkness and a foul odour begins to be emitted from the body. Continue reading
Maulana reveals the Greatest Name of Allah
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 27th February 2010, Saturday Maulana reveals the Greatest Name of Allah A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminds us to spare some time daily for our spiritual development, … Continue reading
Servanthood is honour, slavery is humiliation
Humans reject Servanthood to Allah, they prefer slavery to shaitan. Whereas Servanthood is an unmatched honour, Slavery is an abject humiliation for Mankind, it is the lowest and most degraded state of a human being. Continue reading
Even if you owned all of dunya, it is meaningless
“Oh believers, do not seek the pleasures of dunya, do not chase this worldly life, the Prophet (saw) said that this dunya is a carcass. What is the benefit of having the entire treasures of dunya in your hand? Or for that matter, the treasures of the whole universe in your hand? No Prophet came to call his ummah to dunya. None. You were not created for the purpose of chasing this temporary life, the imitation ruby. Do not waste your life chasing this worldly existence. Anything associated with this dunya is worthless.” Continue reading
Are you standing in a Circle in the Sand?
Many scholars draw a circle in the sand around themselves and accept only what is within that circle, rejecting all that lies outside it. Why? Why place an imaginary limit to Allah’s limitless gifts of knowledge? Why limit yourself from growing in understanding, when Allah gives endlessly? It is a loss for the scholars themselves when they do so, for they are merely standing in shallow waters (of understanding), rejoicing in the little water that surrounds them, rejecting the vast ocean of knowledge before them, hence rejecting the pleasurable satisfaction of advancing in understanding and in spiritual stations. What is worse is that all of this is self-inflicted. It is them who have drawn this imaginary circle around themselves! Continue reading
Ikan tidak akan pernah menjadi lebih besar dari Samudera: 23hb Februari 2010
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 23hb Februari 2010 Ikan tidak akan pernah menjadi lebih besar dari Samudera Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana berkata bahwa rahmat Allah yang kekal tercurah pada orang-orang yang menghadiri perkumpulan … Continue reading
A fish can never grow larger than the Ocean
Run from shaitanic knowledge, for that is not real knowledge, it is masked to appear like knowledge by a clever deception, just like the deep inviting waters of the worldly ocean. As long as Man seeks material treasures from this dunia, he will be attached to this worldly life, of which there will be a limit, a boundary – in death. But he who connects to heavenly beings, and dives into heavenly oceans, he acquires spiritual treasures, of which there are no limits or boundaries, these are endless gifts of endless pleasures. Continue reading
Seventy two sects will fall from the Bridge!
We celebrate our children’s birthdays, and birthdays of those whom we love, yet these are all not at all classified as Innovations, but the moment a Muslim celebrates the birthday of his beloved Prophet (saw), he is deemed as one who has crossed the boundaries of Islam! Did the Prophet (saw) not say to Umar (ra), that a true believer must love Rasulullah (saw), more than everyone, even more than his own self? And do we not celebrate the birthdays of those whom we love? Continue reading
Baca, dengar dan patuhi Al-Qur’an:10hb Februari 2010
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 10hb Februari 2010 Baca, dengar dan patuhi Al-Qur’an Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana mengingatkan kita semua untuk mengawali setiap perbuatan dengan membaca basmalah (Bismillah…), karena setiap perbuatan yang diawali … Continue reading
Read, listen to, and obey the Qur’an
Read the Qur’an, for when you do so, blessings descend upon you like the falling rain, but when you leave it, curses and humiliation descend upon that person/family/community/country that leaves it. How many of our children are learning and reading the Qur’an today, and how many continue to do it all their lives? Continue reading
Siapa yang akan menduduki Tahta di Hari Pengadilan? 8hb Februari 2010
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 8hb Februari 2010 Siapa yang akan menduduki Tahta di Hari Pengadilan? Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana meminta dukungan dari gurunya, Sultan-ul Awliya Shaykh Abdullah (qs), yang merupakan wakil dari … Continue reading
Who will sit on the Throne on Judgement Day?
Who will sit on the Holy Throne at Masyar? Allah Almighty, who is not bound by time and space, will certainly not ‘sit’ on it, for that is a deviant understanding of His Oneness. So whom is the Throne placed there for?
Allah AlMighty says, “My Most beloved, Muhammad, will sit on that Throne, for he represents Me, the Throne cannot carry Me, but it can carry the One who represents Me.” Continue reading
The Prophet took 23 years to digest the Qur’an
The Prophet (saw) was taught the Qur’an by Allah, and the Prophet (saw) then taught the Qur’an to the Ummah. How is it that some Muslims have the gall to discard the Prophet (saw), and to belittle his position as the One who was taught by the Most Gracious?
(Allah) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Qur’an. (Quran 55:1-2)
Without Rasulullah (saw), we will understand nothing! Continue reading
Pemahaman Al-Qur’an Melalui Rasulullah (saw): 7hb Februari 2010
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 7hb Februari 2010 Pemahaman Al-Qur’an Melalui Rasulullah (saw) Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Manusia berbeda dari binatang karena kemampuan pemahamannya. Manusia mempunyai kapasitas untuk maju dalam pemahaman, untuk menggali lebih … Continue reading
Be with the Sadiqin
Shaitan works diligently to bring tears to Man’s life, he wants to see us in sadness, and he brings us diseases, sets traps and whispers evil suggestions to distract and mislead Man at every moment. When Man falls into sadness, shaitan has achieved his diabolical objective! The solution lies in the following true ones… Continue reading
Sertailah Para Sadiqin: 6hb Februari 2010
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 6hb Februari 2010 Sertailah Para Sadiqin Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana mengatakan bahwa karena kehadiran murid-murid yang tekun di antara para hadirin setiap malamnya, Allah mencurahkan rahmat dan barokah … Continue reading
We are wild creatures
We are wild trees or wild animals, says Maulana, we are filled with darkness, we are in need of a guiding light to achieve purity and understanding. Allah had sent the Prophets, and now the Saints, for the sole purpose of grafting tame and domestic human-like characteristics into us. Continue reading
Real Islam is life transforming
Just as shaitan became the accursed one when he disobeyed and defied Allah, we too will suffer the same fate, unless we banish shaitan completely from the whole of our lives. We must remove shaitan, his presence, his advice, his teachings – from our lives, our families, our communities, and our countries – in order to be happy, in this worldly life and in the hereafter. Free yourself from shaitan, and you would have fulfilled what Rasulullah (saw) came to do, and you would have acquired real Islam. Continue reading
Be free from shaitan
Shaitan hammers this into humans all their lives – that there is only one life, this worldly life, and the life of the hereafter is non-existent. Shaitan encourages humans to seek endless pleasures through an endless array of shaitanic suggestions, to never tire of seeking entertainment and new experiences. Shaitan whispers to Man, “Look, I am a free one, free to do as I please, follow me, and you too shall shall be free. I never accept that anyone should command or rule me, I am free of that, I am free to seek pleasure in any way I want……..freedom, freedom….I will give you a freedom, that no one can take away from you.” Continue reading
Bring your best, to meet Allah
In the olden days, when people stayed in farming and agricultural villages, they used to have a special day each week, when they would take their farming produce to the market, to sell them. The farmers would collect all the best fruits and vegetables, leaving the deformed and less-than-perfect ones for their own consumption, to the market. Hence, only the best of the harvest was put on display for all to see, and every farmer would be proud to show what healthy and well-grown fruits and vegetables they had grown.
Similarly, Man will gather on Judgement Day with his harvest, his deeds, and all these will be on display, Continue reading
Each moment, He is giving us a new gift
Maulana says that each day, we see the Sun rise and set, yet we are oblivious to the fact that each rising of the Sun heralds a new set of gifts from Allah – benefits, pleasures and satisfaction. Allah sends new gifts daily, both day and night, for it is human nature to like to experience new things, for all that is new, is enjoyable. Allah the Almighty knows the intricate needs of His creation, and he is constantly sending His gifts on the creation, in order to fulfill these spoken and unspoken needs. Praise be to Allah! Continue reading
You can never reach Allah, without a Guide
We have been created to know our Creator. We must seek a ‘means of approach’, a Waseelah, to Him, as taught in the Ayat above. This is also known as asbab, a reason for something to occur. Maulana explains what Waseelah means. If a person wants to fly up into the sky, he is unable to do so because of his physical limitations. So he has to use an aeroplane. By means of using an aeroplane, he is able to achieve his previously unattainable goal, of reaching the sky. The aeroplane – is his means of attaining his goal – it is the asbab – it is the Waseelah. Continue reading
Thank Allah and Don’t Complain
Allah does not like to hear his Servants complaining! Allah likes His servants to be thankful! It is strange that we thank people all the time, but we forget to thank Allah, day and night. We should say, “Ya Rabbi, syukrulillah.” For every ‘thank you’ we give to our fellow man, we should give millions and billions of thanks to Allah Almighty for his merciful never-ending gifts upon us. So don’t complain, accept His gifts and thank Him ceaselessly! Continue reading
Oh Mankind, Paradise is for clean ones!
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 29th January 2010, Friday Oh Mankind, Paradise is for clean ones! A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana begins this sobering Suhbah, by welcoming all the attendees at the gathering. … Continue reading
The Secret of the Atom
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 25th January 2010, Monday The Secret of the Atom A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt (This Suhbah is best read after you have read the one on 24th January 2010, … Continue reading
Each atom has its own personality
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 24th January 2010, Sunday Each atom has its own personality A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Every creation of Allah is alive, and glorifies Him. Every atom is created by … Continue reading
When you are not with Allah, you are with shaitan
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 23rd January 2010, Saturday When you are not with Allah, you are with shaitan A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that the recital of A’uzubillah destroys the … Continue reading
Where should we run to, for safety?
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 22nd January 2010, Friday Where should we run to, for safety? A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana prays for us to be given help and ease in understanding … Continue reading
Worship Allah, Respect Rasulullah (s.a.w)
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 20th January 2010, Wednesday Worship Allah, Respect Rasulullah (s.a.w) A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that even ants, bacteria and viruses ask for support from Allah to … Continue reading
In Jesus’ miraculous birth, lies a POWERFUL lesson
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 19th January 2010, Tuesday In Jesus’s miraculous birth, lies a POWERFUL lesson A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that ALL humans are weak, we must not be … Continue reading
Two Doors that You Will See After Death
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 17th January 2010, Sunday Two Doors that You Will See After Death A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana laments the fact that many of us are heedless and … Continue reading
Honor for Man, Is to Know Allah
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 16th January 2010, Saturday Honor for Man, Is to Know Allah A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana recited A’uzubillah, and reminds us to recite this often, as a means … Continue reading
Tariqat trains you to have Adab to Allah
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 13th January 2010, Wednesday Tariqat trains you to have Adab to Allah A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana advises you to give each Suhbah your COMPLETE concentration, and … Continue reading
Do you know Rasulullah’s (saw) real Station
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 12th January 2010, Tuesday Do you know Rasulullah’s (saw) real Station A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana speaks out against the emergence of so-called modern day scholars, who … Continue reading
Islam is the Only Way to Cleanliness
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 11th January 2010, Monday Islam is the Only Way to Cleanliness A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminded us to spread the Islamic greeting of Assalamu’alaikum, as it … Continue reading
Shaitan is working day & night to drag you down with him
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 5th January 2010, Tuesday Shaitan is working day & night to drag you down with him A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Knowledge comes from Experience. Only one who … Continue reading
You are not Allah’s servant, you are a servant to your desires
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 4th January 2010, Monday You are not Allah’s servant, you are a servant to your desires A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana exhorts us to be thankful for … Continue reading
Hadees: “Beware of what you say!”
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 3rd January 2010, Sunday Hadees: “Beware of what you say!” A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminds all that the giving of the Islamic greeting of Assalamu’alaikum, is … Continue reading
You must use your minds to attain salvation
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 2nd January 2010, Saturday You must use your minds to attain salvation A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana begins by asking you, if you know yourself. If you … Continue reading
Allah loves NOT, the ways of the unbelievers
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 27th December 2009, Sunday Allah loves NOT, the ways of the unbelievers A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana reminds us to be thankful that we have been created as … Continue reading
Allah tidak menyukai cara-cara para kafir: 27hb Desember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 27hb Desember 2009 Allah tidak menyukai cara-cara para kafir A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Mawlana mengingatkan kita untuk selalu bersyukur karena kita telah diciptakan sebagai manusia, Bani Adam, khalifah Allah. Bersyukurlah pada-Nya … Continue reading
Refuting the Claim that Jesus is God
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 22nd December 2009, Tuesday Refuting the Claim that Jesus is God A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that a person is important, only if Allah considers him important. … Continue reading
Menyanggah pendapat bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan: 22hb Disember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 22hb Disember 2009 Menyanggah pendapat bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Mawlana berkata bahwa seseorang itu penting hanya jika Allah menganggapnya penting. Jika kita menganggap diri kita penting, … Continue reading
Graduates from the Academy of iblis
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 21st December 2009, Monday Graduates from the Academy of iblis A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that iblis was the most jealous of all the creatures that Allah created, … Continue reading
Lulusan Akademi Iblis: 21hb Disember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 21hb Disember 2009 Lulusan Akademi Iblis A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Mawlana berkata bahwa iblis adalah makhluk yang paling dengki di antara semua makhluk yang Allah ciptakan. Semua orang yang memiliki … Continue reading
Only Clean ones are accepted by ALLAH
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 20th December 2009, Sunday Only Clean ones are accepted by ALLAH A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that Man must listen, understand and obey the advice given to … Continue reading
Hanya Orang-Orang yang Bersih yang Diterima Allah: 20hb Disember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 20hb Disember 2009 Hanya Orang-Orang yang Bersih yang Diterima Allah A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Mawlana berkata bahwa manusia harus mendengarkan, memahami dan mematuhi nasihat yang diberikan pada mereka. Dan sebelum … Continue reading
Darwin versus 124000 Prophets
In this Suhbah, maulana explains how Darwin’s theory is meant to destroy Man’s belief in God, and why such threories are easily rejected by using one’s mind, for if there is Creation, for certain, there must be a Creator! Continue reading
Darwin vs 124 000 Nabi: 19hb Disember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 19hb Disember 2009 Darwin vs 124 000 Nabi A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Ada SATU bumi, SATU Tuhan, dan hanya SATU Kehendak yang berlaku. Tidak boleh ada DUA Kehendak yang berlaku. … Continue reading
What we must learn in this world
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 18th December 2009, Friday What we must learn in this world A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that whenever we wish to draw closer to heavenly levels, we … Continue reading
Sebab sebenarnya terjadi krisis ekonomi: 17hb Disember 2009
Ringkasan Suhbah Harian Maulana Syaikh Nazim 17hb Disember 2009 Sebab sebenarnya terjadi krisis ekonomi A’uzubillah himinasyaitan nirrajiim Bismillahir Rahman-nir Rahiim Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Mawlana mengatakan bahwa malapetaka atau kesulitan datang pada manusia karena mereka telah MELUPAKAN Allah. Setiap kali manusia lupa, … Continue reading
The Real Reason for this Economic Crisis
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 17th December 2009, Thursday The Real Reason for this Economic Crisis A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana said that disaster or difficulty befalls Man because he has FORGOTTEN Allah. … Continue reading
Para Nabi dan Rasul membawa Kunci-Kunci Surga: 16hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 16hb Disember 2009 Para Nabi dan Rasul membawa Kunci-Kunci Surga Mawlana berkata bahwa ketika Allah mengeluarkan Nabi Adam (as) dan Hawa dari Surga, mereka menangis dengan pahitnya karena dua alasan. Yang pertama, mereka ditampakkan bahwa … Continue reading
Prophets brought us the keys to Paradise
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 16th December 2009, Wednesday Prophets brought us the keys to Paradise A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that, when Allah sent Prophet Adam (as) and Hawa out of … Continue reading
Jangan menilai orang lain, nilailah dirimu sendiri: 15hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 15hb Disember 2009 Jangan menilai orang lain, nilailah dirimu sendiri Mawlana berkata bahwa pengetahuan surgawi mengajarkan manusia untuk MENGENAL TUHANNYA. Semua ciptaan, bahwa setiap bagian dari sebuah atom, mengenal siapa Tuhan mereka, dan mereka selalu … Continue reading
Don’t Judge Others, Judge Yourself
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 15th December 2009, Tuesday Don’t Judge Others, Judge Yourself A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that divine knowledge teaches Man to KNOW HIS LORD. All of creation, even … Continue reading
Bersyukurlah karena Kita tercipta sebagai Manusia: 14hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 14hb Disember 2009 Bersyukurlah karena Kita tercipta sebagai Manusia Manusia dalam BENTUK YANG TERBAIK, sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam surah Tiin. Seorang manusia yang lebih pendek dari 1.5 m atau lebih tinggi dari 2 m akan nampak … Continue reading
Be thankful you were created as humans
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 14th December 2009, Monday Be thankful you were created as humans A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that Allah created Man in the BEST FORM, as stated in … Continue reading
Dua kategori manusia: 13hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 13hb Disember 2009 Dua kategori manusia Mawlana berbicara mengenai derajat terhormat yang telah dicapai oleh para wali (awliyaAllah), karena satu sisi mereka selalu menghadap Allah dan sisi yang lain menghadap ciptaan-Nya. Kehormatan mereka terletak pada … Continue reading
There are two categories of Humans
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 13th December 2009, Sunday There are two categories of Humans A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana spoke of the blessed position the Walis (AwliyaAllah) have attained, for they have … Continue reading
Bersikaplah rendah hati, carilah orang-orang yang memiliki Ilmu Sejati: 12hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 12hb Disember 2009 Bersikaplah rendah hati, carilah orang-orang yang memiliki Ilmu Sejati Mawlana berkata bahwa manusia mencari keselamatan, kebahagiaan dan kehormatan di akhirat, tetapi mereka gagal bertanya mengenai bagaimana cara mendapatkan itu semua. Kita harus … Continue reading
Be humble, seek those with real Knowledge
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 12th December 2009, Saturday Be humble, seek those with real Knowledge A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that Man seeks safety, happiness and honour in the hereafter, but … Continue reading
Jangan keras kepala seperti iblis! 11hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 11hb Disember 2009 Jangan keras kepala seperti iblis! Mawlana memulai suhbah dengan membaca ta’awudz, Audzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir Rajiim, dan basmalah, Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahiim, dan mendorong kita untuk membacanya sesering dan sedisiplin mungkin, karena kedua … Continue reading
Don’t be stubborn like Iblis
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Summaries Given on the 11th of December 2009 DON’T BE STUBBORN LIKE IBLῑS As-salāmu ’alaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh A’ūdhubillāhi min ash-shayṭān ir-rajīm Bismillāhi ‘r-Raḥmāni ‘r-Raḥīm Mawlana urged us to recite A’ūdhubillāhi min ash-shayṭān ir-rajīm … Continue reading
Pertanyaan Terpenting yang Allah akan tanyakan pada kita: 10hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 10hb Disember 2009 Pertanyaan Terpenting yang Allah akan tanyakan pada kita Mawlana berkata bahwa pujian dan pengagungan tertinggi adalah hanya untuk Allah semata, dan di antara seluruh ciptaan, tidak ada yang layak untuk lebih dihargai … Continue reading
The Most Important Question That Allah will ask Us
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 10th December 2009, Thursday The Most Important Question That Allah will ask Us A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that the Highest Praise and Glorification is due to … Continue reading
Don’t live in dunia, just to show off!
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 9th December 2009, Wednesday Don’t live in dunia, just to show off! A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that the most important part about learning knowledge, is the … Continue reading
Jangan hidup hanya untuk pamer! 9hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 9hb Disember 2009 Jangan hidup hanya untuk pamer! Rangkuman ini ditujukan bagi yang tidak menghadiri suhbah yang dilakukan pada jam 1.30 dini hari tadi, dan juga bagi yang menginginkan rangkuman singkat mengenai apa yang diajarkan. … Continue reading
Penghormatan tertinggi bagi Rasulullah (saw): 8hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 8hb Disember 2009 Penghormatan tertinggi bagi Rasulullah (saw) Rangkuman ini ditujukan bagi yang tidak menghadiri suhbah yang dilakukan pada jam 1.30 dini hari tadi, dan juga bagi yang menginginkan rangkuman singkat mengenai apa yang diajarkan. … Continue reading
Oh Muslims, give your Highest respect to Rasulullah (s.a.w)
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 8th December 2009, Tuesday Oh Muslims, give your Highest respect to Rasulullah (s.a.w) A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana began with the recitation of A’uzubillahiminasy syaitanirrajeem. When a believer … Continue reading
Syaitan – Tipu Dayanya, Perangkapnya, dan Bagaimana Mengalahkannya: 7hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 7hb Desember 2009 SYAITAN – Tipu Dayanya, Perangkapnya, dan Bagaimana Mengalahkannya Rangkuman ini ditujukan bagi yang tidak menghadiri suhbah yang dilakukan pada jam 1.30 dini hari tadi, dan juga bagi yang menginginkan rangkuman singkat mengenai … Continue reading
Shaitan – his tricks, his traps, and how to defeat him
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 7th December 2009, Monday Shaitan – his tricks, his traps, and how to defeat him A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana began by reciting AUZUBILLAHI MINASY SYAITAN NIRRAJEEM, and … Continue reading
Menghormati orang dari segala ras: 6hb Disember 2009
Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 6hb Disember 2009 Menghormati orang dari segala ras Semakin kita menunjukkan rasa hormat kita pada Rasulullah (saw), semakin banyak rahmat dan berkah yang dicurahkan ALLAH pada kita. Kita harus bersyukur dan bangga menjadi bagian dari … Continue reading
Respecting People of All Races
Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah 6th December 2009, Sunday Respecting People of All Races A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt The more respect we show to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the more Allah will grant us … Continue reading
Prophetic Medicine & Cures, advice on ilnesses
From Prophetic Medicine & Cures, advice on ilnesses This is a short introduction for a new medicine and treatment booklet. People in our days are very much in need of this, because illness are increasing and it is becoming … Continue reading
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