Author Archives: The SufiHub Team

Why Sayyidina Yusuf stepped forward: 10th November 2010

“Every task must be entrusted to one who is cut out for the task. When a post/position/portfolio/job is entrusted to one who is not an expert (not qualified) at executing the task, it is a sign that Qiyamat is near.” Would you allow an unqualified doctor to perform surgery on you? His intervention will not solve your problem, instead, such an incompetent surgeon will add to your illness, and may even cause your death. In today’s world, people of ability and merit do not often get the post they are meant for. Instead, unqualified and unscrupulous ones are vying for coveted posts in government and management, they bribe, campaign, promise and lobby their way to the top. We each have a Divinely given task for which we have been programmed for. Sayyidina Yusuf (as) performed a mind-boggling task, something that he was able to do because he had been equipped with Divine help. Continue reading

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Maulana congratulates all rubbish-collectors: 5th November 2010

Why is all of Mankind, from East to West, collecting this dunia? Why is everyone running to collect heaps of rubbish (for that is the reality of this world’s treasures)? Even a heap of gold in dunia, is in reality, a heap of rubbish! Like dogs furiously chasing the elusive rabbit, Man goes out to work everyday with the dream of finally snaring the prey he seeks. Maulana says that dunia is what we flush down out toilets, that is the reality of the ‘treasures’ of this world! This is a generation of people, who believe that their goal in life, is to collect as many heaps of rubbish and as much sewage, as humanly possible! Every human being is an empty-headed one, if he is running after dunia. Maulana cried out, “Congratulations to you who have happily acquired filth as your life’s mission. You have become a rubbish-collector, congratulations!” Mankind has become blind, obsessed animals, rushing to rubbish-collection centres, incinerators, sewage plants and dumps – all greedily stuffing themselves with filth and excrement. Continue reading

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Islam honours Women: 30th October 2010

It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). (Quran 36:40)
The Sun and Moon each have their own orbits, each has its own unique journey and role, each has been equipped for that specific Divine duty that it has been created for. Similarly, men and women have been created and equipped differently and uniquely for their respective duties. Just as the Sun cannot do what the Moon does or vice-versa (the Solar System would be in chaos if it did), men and women must follow the Divine roles they have been designed for. Once they try to move outside their ordained ‘orbits’, chaos will descend upon their lives, as we are seeing right before our eyes, today. Continue reading

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Thank God it’s Friday: 29th October 2010

Anyone who disregards his Friday prayers, his entire week will be in chaos! Some people skip prayers, because they are unable to get time off from work. “They will fire me from my job if I pray,” they say. Don’t fear those whom you work for, instead, fear Allah. Let them fire you. Maulana says, it is better to make your boss angry, than to make Allah angry! Oh believers, take the barokah (blessings) of Juma’ah, for if you forsake the blessings of Juma’ah, the other days of the week contain no barokah for you. Continue reading

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This single hadees contains all knowledge: 29th October 2010

Some people take comfort in the fact that their countries lie outside the earthquake zone, or that they do not lie along the hurricane belt, or that they are not in the tsunami strike zone. Disasters are sent by Allah, they are not random occurrences due to ‘nature’! Maulana says, each disaster is a precise punishment from the heavens, that claims its victims by Heavenly order, so don’t take comfort in being far from a potential disaster zone. The advent of typhoons and hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, floods, political unrest, deadly diseases and marital conflicts, are signs of Allah’s Anger towards Man intensifying. With so much uncertainty in his life, Man lives in constant fear now. Amidst this madness, how does one find peace and security? Continue reading

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Why Maulana Shaykh Nazim stopped his Suhbahs

We have been served with 500 Suhbahs, 500 heavenly table-spreads of sumptuous Spiritual food. We have hardly even tasted of the dishes…and we are clamouring and demanding for more? Astaghfirullah….Maulana Shaykh Nazim said the next day, that we must digest the food first, only then will we feel hungry again. It is an oblique reference to the many who have not practised any of the life-changing advice contained within these powerful Suhbahs…. Continue reading

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Saints are hidden during Winter: 24th October 2010

We are now at the end of Winter, during which the Tree of Islam had been laid bare, leafless and fruitless. Faced with a journey devoid of tasteless, humans flocked to seek gratification by drowning themselves in this worldly quagmire. Led by diabolical ‘guides’, many generations of youths have been vaccinated until they have become immune to piety and guidance. But as Winter draws to a close, the approach of the promised Spring is clear, and those who had worked to uproot the Tree of Islam are stunned to see the revival of what they thought, was a Tree that they had annihilated. Have they forgotten, Who planted that Tree? Continue reading

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Those who Seek, shall Find: 23rd October 2010

Man’s greatest honour, is to have been invited to the Divine presence. And to add to that honour, Allah addressed the Children of Adam, and sent His Most Honoured Servants to invite him to Allah. With such unprecedented honour, we should be in an eternal prostration of thankfulness and ecstasy. The purpose of Maulana’s Suhbahs, is to invite us to Him. Some hearts have been awakened, but some have run away from the Merciful. Oh Mankind, what has caused you to turn away from your Lord Most Kind? Continue reading

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Short snippets of Advice: 21st October 2010

Allah said: ‘Oh My servant, obey Me, and I will raise you to become a Divinely one (Robbani), and when you say ‘BE’ to a matter, it shall be!'” To become a Divinely one, study these 500 Suhbahs that Maulana has given! Maulana said that attenders had been given more (knowledge) than they asked for, they had reached the limit already. Like a person who has eaten his fill, he cannot eat any more until he has digested what is in his stomach. And once a person has digested his food, he becomes hungry again; only then is it time to serve him food once again. If he eats more food while he is still full, everything gets mixed up within his stomach, and he will not derive any benefit from the extra food that he is trying to force down. So it is only logical, to digest the food in one’s stomach first, before asking for more. Continue reading

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The night of the special declaration: “Be Mine!” 20th October 2010

Tonight’s Suhbah is the culmination of almost 500 Suhbahs that Maulana has given daily, for almost 18 months. It touches on the very highest point of Servanthood, one that should be our ultimate target to achieve. Any person who understands this Suhbah, will no longer busy himself with petty quarrels and childish egositic acts – we are at the Gate of Qiyamat, and we must complete the journey of becoming Rabbani, His Khalifa, before we return. In this concluding episode, Maulana leads us skillfully to the much-awaited finale. Continue reading

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Don’t let strangers into your home: 19th October 2010

Is He happy with us? Do you know what makes Allah unhappy with us? It is when He looks into our hearts, and finds something/someone there, besides Himself! Allah is unhappy with a human being, who puts or welcomes, other than Him, into his heart. The heart is Baitullah, the House of Allah. If it is His House, He is the only One allowed there. How is it that we are allowing this dirty worldly life and our filthy egos, to enter His House? Continue reading

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The Key to a Sweet Life: 18th October 2010

Life is sweet, which is why no one wants to die. Even an ant, Maulana says, if you chase it and attempt to kill it, it will run for its life, as it wants to continue to exist and taste the sweetness of existence. Even an ant knows Who brought it into existence and it recites tasbih, glorification of Allah, for it is thankful to have been created out of nothingness, and been brought into existence to taste life’s pleasures. Know that you have been honoured so highly by Allah, so live in a way befitting that honour and draw close to the One who gave you that honour, by thanking Him. Be pleased with Him, and live to please Him. Continue reading

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The Art of War – Know your Enemy: 17th October 2010

The aim of every Prophet was to destroy evil. We must have the same intention too, to destroy shaitan and his diabolical representatives. But shaitan has cunningly turned Man against each other, so that they are no longer fighting him. By getting Man to forget this main aim, shaitan ensures that each man lives with bitterness and hatred to his fellow man. Maulana is calling all Muslims, Christians and Jews to return to their respective Holy Books, and to return to the original aim of our lives in dunia. Don’t fight each other – that teaching is from shaitan. Instead, fight shaitan – that teaching is from your Lord! We are to always remember that shaitan is indeed, a cruel and despicable adversary. Man has taken shaitan as a friend, whereas shaitan has always regarded Man as his enemy. Continue reading

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The Kingdom of Heaven on earth: 16th October 2010

The only Quranic method of government is rule of Kings – all other Man-made models, are doomed to failure. But as prophesized by Rasulullah (saw), Kings will make way for tyrants, and in that era, ignorance fills the earth, and the ensuing Armageddon removes every cruel tyrant, leaving only those with love in their hearts, to herald the coming of Mahdi (as). Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth! Continue reading

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Return to Him as a servant, and He will honour you like a king: 14th October 2010

There are only two categories in life. There is the Creator, and there is the creation (servants). Since you are not the Creator, you must be the creation, the servant! If you are not acting as a servant, that means you are acting as the Master! Allah is displeased with those who do that – Allah has no partners. So there is only servanthood, there is no other category for us except that. Return to him as servants, and He will grant you never-ending honour and glory! Don’t return to him as a King, but as a servant! Continue reading

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Live like a flower in a Garden: 15th October 2010

In this beautiful discourse, Maulana spoke of the need to return to obedience, and to return to a natural way of life, reducing our dependence on technology. He exhorted us to live as brothers, like flowers, existing side-by-side without conflict, in a magnificent Garden (of Paradise). Finally, he warned of an impending Divine cleansing, that will destroy all the weeds, but will leave the flowers, untouched. Continue reading

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Dive for pearls in the Ocean: 13th October 2010

The Companions of the Seal of Prophets were chosen to be recipient’s of Prophetic pearls. They carry the heavy responsibility for the foundation of Islam as we know it. We must follow those who follow them, and we must accord them their due respect and gratitude. We should never speak ill of them – they are chosen ones! Continue reading

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“Oh My Lord, I surrender!” 12th October 2010

Ego makes it difficult for a person to accept that there is one more knowledgeable than himself. Oh believers, humble yourselves! You must admit to yourselves, that you are in constant need of guidance and supervision. What is the Summary of the purpose of the whole Shariah of Islam? It is so that, day by day, the ego becomes weaker and weaker, until it eventually surrenders. At that point, you will say, “I am surrendering, Oh my Lord.” Continue reading

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Satu pertanyaan dari Sahabat2 Nabi Isa: 11hb Oktober 2010

Setiap perbuatan yang kamu lakukan, yang menta’ati ego, adalah penderhakaan kepada Allah! Setiap permintaan ego mu, adalah haram! Maka, walau kamu bergerak setapak pun menurut kehendak ego mu, kamu akan di azab oleh Allah. Pastikan setiap tapak yang kamu ambil adalah dalam ta’at kepada Syariat Allah. Setiap saat dalam kehidupan mu, mesti di dalam keta’atan. Orang yang beriman, tidak di izinkan untuk melakukan walau satu perbuatan menurut egonya! Sikap tunduk dan redha dengan senang hati atas setiap kehendak Allah, adalah adab yang paling sempurna bagi seorang yang bergelar hamba. Adakah kamu benar2 yakin yang Allah mampu untuk menanggung keperluan rezeki mu? Continue reading

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A question posed by the disciples of Jesus: 11th October 2010

Prophets never came to bring laughter and jokes, they were on a serious mission to bring realities. Prophets and Holy Books teach Man to change his life until it is in line with Heavenly Orders. Are you observing closely what you are doing – is it in accordance with Heavenly orders or are you doing as you like? Every act that is obeying your ego, is disobeying Allah! Every act that is accordance with you ego’s demands, is haram! The ultimate pedestal Man can be placed on in this world, is not to be a King, but to be His servant. Continue reading

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Close your heart to this worldly life: 10th October 2010

“Are you drunk?” Maulana asks. You are so happy to earn the limited profits of this world, and yet you are ignoring the limitless profits of the hereafter? Such heedlessness, oh Mankind of today! Don’t you know how to differentiate between the temporary and permanent life? Continue reading

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Tutuplah pintu hatimu terhadap dunia ini! 10hb Oktober 2010

Bagi hal-hal duniawi, kamu memberikan perhatian yg sangat mendalam dan memberi perincian dan perancangan yang begitu teliti. Wahai Manusia zaman ini yang lalai! Mengapakan kamu begitu senang untuk mendapatkan/meraih keuntungan yang terbatas di dunia, tetapi kamu mengabaikan keuntungan yang tidak terbatas di akhirat? Wahai manusia, tutuplah pintu hati mu tehadap dunia, kerana dunia itu kotor, ia ibarat bangkai, dan jika ia memasuki hati kamu, ia akan membawa kekotoran dan penyakit yang akan mengheret kita ke dalam kegelapan penderitaan neraka. Continue reading

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Arrange your life, as He likes it, not as you like it. 8th October 2010

In this chilling Suhbah, Maulana warns of impending disaster for those who refused to arrange their lives, according to what was brought by the Prophet (saw), for the Way of life brought by the Prophet (saw), is what is pleasing to Him. Nowadays, we are living as we please, not as He pleases. Maulana sees dark clouds on the horizon this Muharram, and warns of a flood of fire, a flood of blood – Divine punishment for those who continue to defy Allah. Continue reading

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Sentiasalah sedar akan hampirnya ajalmu! 9hb Oktober 2010

Setiap orang pasti akan melalui/merasakan kepahitan Kematian. Ingat, wahai manusia, bahawa kamu akan meninggalkan dunia ini, maka persiapkan dirimu untuk kehidupan selepas kematian! Kematian tidak bermakna, kehidupan kamu telah berakhir, kamu tidak akan tenggelam ke dalam ketiadaan atau dilupakan, tidak! Kematian membawa kamu ke sebuah permulaan, ke alamul barzakh, kepada satu kehidupan baru dialam kubur. Nasihatlah keluarga mu yang di kasihi, dan ingatkan mereka mengenai kematian yang sentiasa mengekori. Continue reading

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Be always aware of your approaching death: 9th October 2010

Death is a constant reminder of the hereafter, and we are asked to keep this reminder, by visiting graves. Keep advising the family about the certainty of death, and strive for true conviction and belief (yaqeen). One who has it, will be propelled into Paradise, but one who has no conviction, will become a ride (mount) for his ego and for shaitan. Continue reading

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Imitated faith, as compared to real faith

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Suhbah at KTM Surau 25th September 2010, after tahlil for Allahyarham Shaykh Zakaria bin Omar Bagharib Imitated faith vs Real faith We begin with Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem, for any action that begins with Basmalah is supported … Continue reading

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Atur hidup mu, sepertimana Dia sukai, bukan seperti yang kamu sukai: 8hb Oktober 2010

Manusia zaman ini hidup dalam keadaan derhaka dan saling benci-membenci. Allah mencipta Manusia, supaya mereka boleh dikenakan pakaian kehormatan, tetapi kebanyakan Manusia telah mengikut iblis, mereka telah dipakaikan dengan pakaian kebuasan dan sifat2 liar. Mengapakah Allah dedahkan kisah2 musibah2 yang menimpa ummat2 dahulu di dalam Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an? Kerana kepada setiap ummat telah diutus seorang Nabi untuk membimbing mereka, dan setiap Nabi membawa cara hidup yang di redhai Allah, yang disenangi oleh Tuhan semesta alam. Cara hidup selain dari apa yang dipaparkan oleh para Nabi dan Rasul, tidak di redhai oleh Allah. Dan jika seseorang melakukan apa yang tidak menyenangkan Allah, dia berada dalam bahaya besar. Continue reading

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Change your aim! 7th October 2010

Maulana Shaykh Nazim spoke about how death follows us like a shadow. He also told a beautiful story of how a powerful King, Ibrahim bin Adham (qs) had an encounter with Divine inspirations whilst he was deer-hunting, which caused him to completely alter his life’s aim, till he became the King of Sufis. Continue reading

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There is a Pharoah in each one of us! 6th October 2010

Allah says, “Ya Muhammad (saw), if I am giving the same opportunity to all the Children of Adam, as I had given to Fir’aun, they would all have become like him!” we are like him in many ways, that, like him, we desire absolute power, we secretly wish to be idolised and ‘worshipped’, we desire to be emulated, to be the centre of attention, to be the main attraction, to be the one everybody admires and bows to, to be the dominant Master. We are as egoistic as Pharoah was! Continue reading

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Ubahlah tujuan hidup anda! 7hb Oktober 2010

Maulana memberi peringatan kepada semua, bahawasanya, kematian mengekori manusia, seperti bayang2 yang sentiasa menemani kamu dan kematian boleh muncul pada bila2 masa, maka hiduplah dengan membuat persiapan yang sewajarnya untuk berpindah ke alam akherat. Maulana juga mengimbas kembali mengenai perubahan yang tejadi kepada Raja sekalian Wali, Ibrahim ibn Adham, sewaktu dia sedang memburu rusa. Continue reading

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Setiap manusia mempunyai ciri2 dan sifat egois seperti Fir’aun! 6hb Oktober 2010

Maulana menerangkan sifat tersembunyi yang tersirat di dalam hati setiap insan, iaitu mereka ingin menjadi seorang yang di sanjung dan yang berkuasa, seperti Fir’aun. Maulana menasihati kita supaya tidak memberi peluang kepada ego yang merbahaya ini, untuk berkembang. Continue reading

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Love one another and spread the Azan, 5th October 2010

“None of you will truly have faith, until he loves for his brother, what he loves for himself.” Maulana said, “Write this Holy hadees with golden letters, and look at it constantly! One who ignores his neighbours, cannot acquire true faith. Forms small Communes of believers, help one another, call out azan and pray together. Muslims must unite, regardless of their race and nationality! That is our honour. Continue reading

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Are you of any value, in the Divine Presence? 4th Oct 2010

Maulana spoke about the value of Man – what makes him valuable and what makes him worthless, in the Divine’s Judgement. Maulana quoted the story of Habil and Qabil, the two sons of Sayyidina Adam (as), to illustrate his point. The adulation and admiration of humans do not add anything to the value to your worth, so seek what will truly make you valuable eternally. Continue reading

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Sebarkan kasih sayang dan laungan Azan: 5hb Oktober 2010

“Tidak beriman seseorang kamu sehinggalah dia mengasihi untuk saudaranya apa yang dia kasih untuk dirinya sendiri.” Berdasarkan hadees yang termashur ini, Maulana memberi huraian bagaimana kamu dapat menjadi manusia yang hidup sebagai insan yang beriman dan bermasyarakat mengikut Sunnah Rasulullah (saw). Continue reading

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Apakah nilai mu, di sisi Allah? 4hb Oktober 2010

Jadilah insan yang berharga di sisi Allah! Bagaimana kamu boleh menjadi salah seorang dari mereka yang berharga di sisi Allah? Kamu harus mempelajari apa yang menjadikan seseorang hamba itu berharga atau tidak berharga, di sisi Allah. sanjungan dan sokongan manusia, walau jutaan manusia sekalipun, tidak akan dapat meningkatkan/menambahkan nilai kamu di sisi Allah walau sedikitpun! Continue reading

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Ramadhan 2010

Don’t be cruel Suhbah at the house of Ummi (wife of late Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib) in Singapore on 19th of August 2010, 9th Ramadhan 1431, after Khatam Khwajagan Float like a butterfly Suhbah at the house of Ummi (wife of late … Continue reading

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Rabitah – a Bond of Love

This bond that we are trying to build is very difficult to achieve – it can only be achieved if we are practising what Maulana is sending to us every week – to overlook each other’s faults, to look for the goodness in people, to be merciful amongst ourselves and to always hold other people in high esteem by according them their due respect. This is something very difficult to do, as we have been doing the opposite for decades now, and it will take many years of practice to perfect it. Continue reading

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Float like a butterfly

Butterflies can taste the sweetness, unlike caterpillars. Right now, we are just eating from the leaves, not tasting any sweetness. We ask from Allah, after we go through the 10 days of good iktikaf, that we will be able to taste the sweetness of Islam, the sweetness of Iman (faith), the sweetness of love for Allah and His Rasul and our Shaykh. Continue reading

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Don’t be cruel

Have pity on yourselves. Be careful of what you say and do. You can destroy all that you have worked for, with just one cruel word. And you can hurl yourself into the deepest pit of hell, with just one unacceptable deed. So look after yourself and be careful, never be heedless of what you are saying and doing, do not be oppressors to yourselves. Remember, the Mercy of Allah is very close to you, but if you don’t have pity on yourselves and those around you, there’s nothing that you will receive from that Mercy. Continue reading

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Zaman kejahilan yang kedua: 1hb Juli 2010

Zaman kejahilan yang kedua Ya Allah, kurniakan kami kemampuan utk menunaikan perintah2 MU, tepat pada waktunya. Kurniakan kami sifat, yg kami sentiasa senang terhadap takdirMU, di dunia dan di akherat. Kami juga memohon tambahan cahaya ilahi, supaya kami memahamai apa … Continue reading

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Kamu adalah hamba, tetapi kamu tidak kenal perhambaan! 28hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 28hb June 2010 Kamu adalah hamba, tetapi kamu tidak kenal perhambaan! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Shafaatkanlah kami, ya Sayyidi ya Rasulullah. Salam atas Imam kami, Qutbul Zaman, Sahibul Zaman. Kami memohon dukungan dari Grand Shaykh, dia yang bertanggungjawab … Continue reading

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Tujuan utama manusia adalah untuk mencari keredhaan Allah: 27hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 27hb June 2010 Tujuan utama manusia adalah untuk mencari keredhaan Allah Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Wahai Tuhan Kami, kurniakan dari barokah MU yang tidak terbatas, kepada dia yang paling mulia dan paling tinggi darjatnya di sisi MU, iaitu … Continue reading

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Jgn merendahkan martabat Rasulullah (saw): 26hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 26hb June 2010 Jgn merendahkan martabat Rasulullah (saw) Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakan kpd kekasihMU, Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), tambahan kemuliaan, dan kurniakan juga keatas Ummatnya, lebih2 lagi kpd sebenar2 pengikut2nya. Assalamu’alaikum Salam awal kpd pendukung kami di … Continue reading

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Tanda kejahilan manusia dalam zaman ini: 25th June 2010

Suhbah pada 25th June 2010 Tanda kejahilan manusia dalam zaman ini Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kepada mereka yang beribadah soleh. A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem. Bersyukurlah kepada Allah, yang kami adalah dari Ummatun Habeeb, Nur Arshillah (Arash Allah). Itu adalah … Continue reading

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Adab yang paling tinggi bagi seorang hamba: 24hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 24hb June 2010 Adab yang paling tinggi bagi seorang hamba Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakanlah kepada kekasihmu, KhalifaMu dari pra-abadi sehingga abadi, kurniakan kepada Baginda, dari lautan kemuliaan MU yang tiada akhirnya, kurniakan kami kemuliaan … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Adab yang paling tinggi bagi seorang hamba: 24hb June 2010

Pakailah pakaian Taqwa! 23hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 23hb June 2010 Pakailah pakaian Taqwa! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kepada mereka yang beribadah soleh. Sebutlah A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem dan Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem. Wahai sekelian yang hadir dari jenis Jinn dan manusia yang tinggal di atas … Continue reading

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Sebenar2 tugas ulama’ adalah untuk menghancurkan kebatilan: 22hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 22hb June 2010 Sebenar2 tugas ulama’ adalah untuk menghancurkan kebatilan Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakan kepada kekasihmu, KhalifaMu dari pra-abadi sehingga abadi, kurniakan kepada Baginda, dari lautan kemuliaan MU yang tiada akhirnya, kurniakan pada Baginda … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Sebenar2 tugas ulama’ adalah untuk menghancurkan kebatilan: 22hb June 2010

Allah mencipta malam hari untuk berehat dan beribadah, bukan untuk berpesta! 21hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 21hb June 2010 Allah mencipta malam hari untuk berehat dan beribadah, bukan untuk berpesta! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Kurniakan barokah dan pujian yang setinggi2nya, pujian yang tidak terhingga, untuk kekasihMu dan KhalifaMu, Sayyidina Muhammad (saw), yang Engkau telah … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Allah mencipta malam hari untuk berehat dan beribadah, bukan untuk berpesta! 21hb June 2010

Jalan yang lurus hanya satu, jalan sesat banyak sekali: 20hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 20hb June 2010 Jalan yang lurus hanya satu, jalan sesat banyak sekali Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Sebutlah A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem, Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem… Ya Tuhan Kami, kurnia Engkau atas kami, yang kami dapat melafazkan Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem, … Continue reading

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Tanggalkan kasut mu, wahai Musa: 19hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 19hb June 2010 Tanggalkan kasut mu, wahai Musa Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Tiada Tuhan selain Engkau, Maha Suci Engkau, kami memohon barokah dari Mu dan keampunan MU, ya Tuhan kami. Kami menyampaikan setinggi pujian atas dia, tiada pujian … Continue reading

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Jangan meniru cara hidup orang2 yang tidak beriman: 18hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 18hb June 2010 Jangan meniru cara hidup orang2 yang tidak beriman Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum. Wahai kamu yang lalai, wahai bahlul2 (Maulana Shaykh Nazim bergurau/bercanda), mintalah ampun dari Allah demi kemuliaan Rasulullah. Assalamu’alaikum , A’uzubillah himinasy syaitan … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Jangan meniru cara hidup orang2 yang tidak beriman: 18hb June 2010

Alam ini melambangkan kebesaran Allah: 17hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 17hb June 2010 Alam ini melambangkan kebesaran Allah Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Ya Allah…Ampunkan kami, kami bermohon demi dia yang paling mulia di sisiMU, Sayyidina Muhammad (saw). Assalamu’alaikum wahai yang hadir. Berilah sedikit waktu untuk menghadiri dan untuk … Continue reading

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Mudahkan bagi manusia, jangan menyusahkan: 16hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 16hb June 2010 Mudahkan bagi manusia, jangan menyusahkan Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum wahai yang hadir. Demi kemuliaan Rasulullah, Allah mengirim angin yang membawa nyawa kepada (hati2/jiwa2) manusia. Angin tersebut datang dari syurga/langit, dan angin syurgawi yang sampai … Continue reading

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Perbezaan Sahabat2 Nabi Isa dan Nabi Muhammad:15hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 15hb June 2010 Perbezaan Sahabat2 Nabi Isa dan Nabi Muhammad Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Sebutlah… A’uzubillah himinasy syaitan nirrajeem. Sebutlah… Bismillah hirrahmanirraheem. Kami memberi penghormatan dan salam kepada seluruh mahluk yang suci dari alam langit dan di bumi, … Continue reading

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Ajarlah manusia menurut tahap kefahaman masing2: 14hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 14hb June 2010 Ajarlah manusia menurut tahap kefahaman masing2 Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Kami amat bersyukur pada Allah yang telah mengurniakan kami dengan kalimah ‘Bismillah hirrahmanirraheem’. Kalimah tersebut adalah kurnia yang paling besar kepada hamba2 NYA, ia adalah … Continue reading

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Ambillah kunci kefahaman dari pembimbingmu: 13hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 13hb June 2010 Ambillah kunci kefahaman dari pembimbingmu Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Wahai semua yang hadir, Assalamualaikum wrh wbkt. Kami mulakan dengan pujian atas manusia yang mengenal yang mereka adalah hamba, dan mereka bersifat tawadduk, dan mereka sedar … Continue reading

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Apakah yang dapat kamu berikan pada Tuhanmu? 12hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 12hb June 2010 Apakah yang dapat kamu berikan pada Tuhanmu? Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kepada kamu semua, kamu sedang mencari jalan supaya dapat menjadi hamba Allah yang sempurna, maka berita baik menanti kamu yang demikian. Salam saya … Continue reading

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Selidiki mengenai kehidupan Nabi2, itulah jalan keselamatan: 11hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 11hb June 2010 Selidiki mengenai kehidupan Nabi2, itulah jalan keselamatan Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum, A’uzubillah…..Bismillah….. Wahai manusia yang hadir, dari timur ke barat dan dari utara ke selatan, dari berbagai negara, dari jenis para Jinn dan manusia … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Selidiki mengenai kehidupan Nabi2, itulah jalan keselamatan: 11hb June 2010

Berusahalah untuk mengatasi sifat2 kebinatangan dalam diri mu! 10hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 10hb June 2010 Berusahalah untuk mengatasi sifat2 kebinatangan dalam diri mu! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt. Setiap manusia mempunyai sifat2 kebinatangan. Ramai di antara kamu yang telah di kuasai oleh sifat2 kebinatangan. Seperti seorang anak kecil … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Berusahalah untuk mengatasi sifat2 kebinatangan dalam diri mu! 10hb June 2010

Tuhanmu Maha Pemurah, maka jangan putus asa! 9hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 9hb June 2010 Tuhanmu Maha Pemurah, maka jangan putus asa! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum wahai hamba kepada Tuhan semesta alam, Assalamu’alaikum kepada yang hadir. Mereka yang hadir mengharap agar di tambahkan cahaya mereka dan mereka juga mengharapkan … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Juni | Comments Off on Tuhanmu Maha Pemurah, maka jangan putus asa! 9hb June 2010

Jalan yang lurus adalah jalan yang suci: 8hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 8hb June 2010 Jalan yang lurus adalah jalan yang suci Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kepada semua yang hadir, di sisi saya, dan kepada semua yang mendengar (melalui internet). Tiada perbezaan di antara pendengar (di internet) dan yang … Continue reading

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Seorang hamba tidak patut menyombong diri: 7hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 7hb June 2010 Seorang hamba tidak patut menyombong diri Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kepada semua para Nabi dan orang2 aleem. Salam ini adalah seruan ilahi yg membawa kurnia untuk kami dari syurga. Dengar, wahai manusia, saya berada … Continue reading

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Gunakan neraca atas setiap perbuatanmu: 6hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 6hb June 2010 Gunakan neraca atas setiap perbuatanmu Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Madad ya Rijallallah. Wahai manusia yg di kurniakan pertolongan dan kekuatan syurgawi. Satu manusia demikian lebih dari mencukupi utk membantu keperluan bumi ini seratus kali. Ini … Continue reading

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Bukalah ikatan belenggu dunia, dari dirimu! 4hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 4hb June 2010 Bukalah ikatan belenggu dunia, dari dirimu! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalam’ualaikum wahai yg beribadah soleh, wahai mukmineen, wahai hadirin sekalian. Assalamu’alaikum wahai yg hadir, selamat datang. Kami berharap bahawasanya seluruh org2 yg beriman berada dalam … Continue reading

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Musnahkan patung2 berhala dalam dirimu! 3hb June 2010

Suhbah pada 3hb June 2010 Musnahkan patung2 berhala dalam dirimu! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Assalamu’alaikum kpd mereka yg beribadah soleh – kami memberi salam kpd mereka yg mentaati perintah2 Allah, Pencipta Kami. Assalam’alaikum kpd yg hadir. Kamu boleh hadir atau … Continue reading

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Ummat2 dahulu tidak di kurniakan Basmalah! 2hb Jun 2010

Suhbah pada 2hb Jun 2010 Ummat2 dahulu tidak di kurniakan Basmalah! Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani Madad ya Sahibal Imdad, kami memohon pertolongan syurgawi, wahai Gr Shaykh di atas bumi, moga2 kamu di kurniakan tambahan ilmu dan kuasa. Assalamu’alaiakum wahai yg … Continue reading

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No other Ummah was given Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Each Prophet had been bestowed the use of Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim only briefly and only during life-threatening moments during their lives. After each incident, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim was lifted back up to the heavens, and their Ummahs did not receive this verse as a gift for themselves.
We are the only Nation (Ummah) granted Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We are so blessed, for we are the Ummah of the Beloved of Allah, and He has given us Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim as a gift for the Ummah of Habeebullah! Continue reading

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Don’t bring pride, when you meet Allah

The dirtiest filth the shaitan possesses is pride! Mankind has inherited that terrible characteristic of iblis today (which caused his downfall) – arrogance and pride. People of our times seek to share in this characteristic of iblis, they are proud of all that they achieve and administer. We must cleanse ourselves of this sickness in our Souls. 21st century people are proud ones, Maulana says, prouder than Namrud or Fir’aun ever was! Continue reading

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Those who seek to please Allah are on Siratal Mustaqeem

Man claims that he is now at the peak of advancement, having harnessed the full potential of technology. A hundred years ago, technology did not exist. Today, we have reached the peak, there is nothing more to achieve, so Shaytan makes Man busy trying to invent theories for many nonsensical matters. What is the point of knowing what size of teeth a T-Rex had? Why should we try to guess the age of the Universe? What is the benefit of knowing the composition of a star a billion miles away? By immersing Man in the pursuit of useless, meaningless and nonsensical knowledge, Man forgets the most important duty he has here on Earth – to understand the reality of his purpose of creation, his status and his journey to his final destination. Continue reading

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How a flute produces beautiful notes

Allah had created each human being as a unique entity. Each creature has been given its own special individual tasks and duties – hence every human being has a responsibility towards His Lord Almighty. Look at how Great and Magnificent Allah is – the Lord has given each creature a special and unique existence, and He is the only One who understands the real identity of every created being. No two humans have identical personalities or responsibilities – each one is special, everyone in mankind is 100% different from the next human being. Continue reading

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Visit the graves of Saints, there is benefit in it

The Prophet (saw) had said, “Remember death, and remember those who have died.” That will remind you of death and life after death. In another Hadeeth, when the Prophet (saw) was asked by the Companions on how one may recognize a Wali (Saint) of Allah, Rasulullah (saw) replied, “When you look at a real Saint who is beloved in the Divine presence, the sign is that – your hair will stand on end and you will suddenly remember the Lord of the Heavens, and your heart will tremble in awe of Him.” That is the sign of Sainthood. Continue reading

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The disease of this Nation, is that we forget Death

Mawlana called out to us: Make preparations for the Day of Resurrection, you are about to be in the Divine presence! Ponder over it; you are going to be ordered to present your deeds to Him! Why are you chasing dunya, when you cannot own more treasures and jewels than Qarun did. And even if you did, look what happened to Qarun- he and his wealth were swallowed by an earthquake from Heavenly Anger.
Everyday, he is in suffering in his grave, and he will continue to suffer for eternity. Is it worth it, to seek dunya? Qarun was with Sayyidina Musa (as) only physically, by he gave his heart to Shaytan, and he incurred Divine Wrath! Mawlana prayed, “Oh Allah, protect us from following those who are astray!” Continue reading

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Every Guide must ask himself this question

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 22nd April 2010, Thursday Every Guide must ask himself this question A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana asked to be bestowed knowledge that would help us ascend from … Continue reading

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A single lighted candle, can light a thousand other candles

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 21st April 2010, Wednesday A single lighted candle, can light a thousand other candles A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana said that the recitation of the Holy Words … Continue reading

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“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens can contain Me, but the heart of a Believing Servant, contains Me.”

The purpose of being a scholar is not to acquire respect from the people around you – many scholars enjoy strutting around dressed in their scholarly garb, with a Kitab under their armpits. That should not be their aim of their existence. Their sole aim should be to become a fountain of sincere advice to their communities, to teach their followers real knowledge – where they are now, where they have been invited to, and to show them the stairway to spiritual ascension – not to the bowels of dunya! Continue reading

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“ Tidak DuniaKu atau Syurga Ku dapat mengisi Aku, tetapi hati hamba yang beriman dapat mengisi Aku.” 20hb April 2010

Ringkasan Suhbah Maulana Shaykh Nazim (20th. April 2010). “ Tidak DuniaKu atau Syurga Ku dapat mengisi Aku, tetapi hati hamba yang beriman dapat mengisi Aku.” Assalamu’alaikum wrh mtll wbkt…. A’uzubillahi minasy syaitan nirrajeem…. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Maulana meminta kita memikirkan … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, April @id, Suhbah @id | Comments Off on “ Tidak DuniaKu atau Syurga Ku dapat mengisi Aku, tetapi hati hamba yang beriman dapat mengisi Aku.” 20hb April 2010

The Secrets behind Prophet Adam’s (as) fall from Paradise

Shaytan then whispered to them, “Do not eat the fruit – that is forbidden – but surely, you can taste a little of it on your tongues?” Sayyidina Adam (as) and Sayyidatina Hawwa (as) heeded this evil suggestion, and no sooner had they tasted the fruit on their tongues, the heavenly rains of honor that had been showering them incessantly was cut off immediately. Their robes of honor fell from them, and they were left standing naked in the Garden. Continue reading

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The river must finally reach the Ocean

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 18th April 2010, Sunday The river must finally reach the Ocean A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana welcomed the ‘happy’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ attendees, and then he recited Bismillahi … Continue reading

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Be a raindrop that dissolves in the Ocean

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 17th April 2010, Saturday Be a raindrop that dissolves in the Ocean A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana recited A’ūdhubillāhi min ash-shayṭān ir-rajīm and remarked that Shayṭān is the … Continue reading

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Divine Anger is knocking on our door now

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 16th April 2010, Friday Divine Anger is knocking on our door now A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana greeted attendees with As-salāmu ’alaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh saying that … Continue reading

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Questions that will change your life forever

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 15th April 2010, Thursday Questions that will change your life forever A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt In today’s powerful Suhbah, Mawlana asked thought provoking questions, each question being the … Continue reading

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The Secret of how a Saint remained clean for 37 years

One big Saint of the Golden Chain, Abdul Khaliq Al-Ghujwani (q) said to his students, “Oh my sons, oh my followers! I am going to tell you something from which you may take a lesson, and from which you may learn how you should be obedient to the Lord of Heavens. Oh my students, oh my followers! For the past 37 years, up till this moment, I have never stepped in dirtiness or jumped into it.” Continue reading

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“Oh My servant, I am happy with you!”

Allah wants His servants to be happy! We must be happy that we have been created as human beings. We must be happy to be servants to One who is Merciful and Bountiful. We must be grateful to have been bestowed life and pleasure, goodness and blessings by a Generous One. We must be thankful that we have been created by a Kind One and showered with blessings by a Gentle One, who knows our needs intimately. Why then is Man constantly worrying, fearful, angry, sorrowful, complaining and frowning? Continue reading

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The story of a rich King who died hungry

A Jewish man who found a hoard of treasure. “I am so blessed,” said the man, as he opened the treasure chest. He was overjoyed when he saw the contents of the chest, he found gold, diamonds, rubies, emeralds – and a strange letter! The letter had been written by a King who had lived many years before that. The letter read as follows: “Oh you who has found this treasure, this treasure used to belong to me when I was King. I was a rich King, so much land was under my rule, and I had many subjects. Allah had given me generously from His bounties, but I was not thankful… Continue reading

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Raja kaya yang mati kelaparan: 10hb April 2010

Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 10hb April 2010 Raja kaya yang mati kelaparan Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim Mawlana menyambut hadirin dengan mengucapkan Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. berulang kali, karena bacaan tersebut membawa rahmat surgawi seperti curahan … Continue reading

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Oh Man, He created creation to serve you, he created you to serve Him

Allah then raised Man as His Vicegerent, His Khalifah, His Representative – above all of creation. That is the position of the Crown Prince to the King! That is a gift that is Azaliyyun Abadiyyun, from pre-eternity, to eternity. It is the greatest gift ever bestowed on any creation! So how should Man act, how should he behave towards his Lord who has given him this unmatched honor? Allah says, “Oh My Servants, I Created you, and I Sent you to be in this dunya. Beware and be aware! You were created for your Lord! I Created you for Myself, I Created dunya, for you.” Continue reading

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Defend the truth, and He will defend you

Tabligh (the act of preaching) is very important in Islam. Teachers / Guides / Scholars / Learned ones must know their responsibilities, and must not busy themselves with trivial and unimportant matters, whilst foregoing their prime duties of advising/teaching/guiding. It is a pity that most of them are busy looking like pious ones, instead of dispensing actual life-saving advice, day and night, to the ailing Ummah. Continue reading

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He who cheats, is not of my Ummah

  Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 7th April 2010, Wednesday He who cheats, is not of my Ummah A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana said that all those who attended, would be blessed … Continue reading

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Which camp are you from, the Mukhliseen (sincere ones) or the Mujrimoon (defiant ones)?

A sincere servant, will ask, “Where is the real Islam today?” And he will seek to uphold the mission of Rasulullah (saw). Such a one will oppose all those who seek to expand Shaytan’s kingdom, be they from Man or Jinn, and it may be that Allah will help him wipe out these hardened enemies of faith in just one night! Believers will know who is really on the side of their Lord, and who is with Shaytan, by the signs on their faces. The hardcore Shaytanic ones have spiritually darkened faces, steeped in ugliness. Mawlana said, we must ask ourselves, on whose side are we on? Are we with the Prophet (saw) or are we with Shaytan, the Mujrimoon? Continue reading

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Has it never occurred to you, that the Qur’an contains a message for you?

Pondering upon the Qur’an is like a man who has entered the Ocean, and who begins to explore it. If he snorkels, he can see more now (as compared to just standing at the beach). If he dives deeper in, he can see / find / discover / experience even more! If he has a submarine, he can see much more than the snorkeler or the diver has seen. If he uses a microscope to study the seawater, he will discover so many microscopic creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eye. So depending on how determined we are to explore and discover, more and more knowledge is revealed to us. Continue reading

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Name one thing that you own in this world

  Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 4th April 2010, Sunday Name one thing that you own in this world A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt   Mawlana said that we are all His servants – … Continue reading

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A thousand years in dunia passes in the blink of an eye

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 3rd April 2010, Saturday A thousand years in dunia passes in the blink of an eye A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana said that a hunter would focus … Continue reading

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Be the pearl, not the shell

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 2nd April 2010, Friday Be the pearl, not the shell A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana gave salams to attendees, and he prayed that safety and blessings would … Continue reading

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Jadilah mutiara, jangan menjadi cangkangnya: 2hb April 2010

Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 2hb April 2010 Jadilah mutiara, jangan menjadi cangkangnya Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana menyampaikan salam pada seluruh hadirin, dan beliau mendoakan agar keselamatan dan keberkatan akan tercurah pada grup … Continue reading

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Take off your mask and be yourself

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s daily Suhbahs 1st April 2010, Thursday Take off your mask and be yourself A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Mawlana instructed all attendees to seek forgiveness and to cleanse themselves, for … Continue reading

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Lepaskan topengmu dan Jadilah dirimu sendiri: 1hb April 2010

Rangkuman Suhbah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim 1hb April 2010 Lepaskan topengmu dan Jadilah dirimu sendiri Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. A’udzu billahi min-asy syaitan-ir rajim. Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim. Mawlana menginstruksikan semua hadirin untuk memohon ampun dan membersihkan diri sendiri, karena kebersihan (baik fisik, mental, … Continue reading

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“Oh Man, I created you for Myself!”

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 31st March 2010, Wednesday “Oh Man, I created you for Myself!” A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana urged all attendees to constantly be in the company of the … Continue reading

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The Emperor’s new clothes

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 30th March 2010, Tuesday The Emperor’s new clothes A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana says that we must spend some time daily to attend the Suhbahs, even it … Continue reading

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Be united, be moderate and be with true ones

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 29th March 2010, Monday Be united, be moderate and be with true ones A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana began by explaining that at times Allah sent down … Continue reading

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Allah gave us seven names, Maulana reveals the first

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah 28th March 2010, Sunday Allah gave us seven names, Maulana reveals the first A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt Maulana instructed all attendees to focus completely on the Suhbah, … Continue reading

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