Category Archives: Ramadhan: Advice
The Qur’an, Map to The Hidden Treasure
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In Loving Memory of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan – Ramadhan Series Here is a synopsis of a Sohbah given by Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar Khan on 7 April 2023: Please … Continue reading
The Best Among The Believers
The best amongst the believers, are those whose lives benefit others. Use your knowledge, wealth, time and doas to benefit your family, your fellow mureeds from the Tariqah and the Ummah of Rasulullah ﷺ. On the authority of Ibn ‘Umar … Continue reading
The Doa Made At Tahajjud Is An Arrow That Does Not Miss Its Target
The doa made at Tahajjud is an arrow that does not miss its target. Anyone with a serious hajat will not miss Tahajjud prayers. “And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is … Continue reading
Welcoming Ramadhan on the Eve of Ramadhan – Awrads and Actions
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. The blessed month of Ramadhan is upon us, and it is incumbent on us mureeds of the Naqshbandi Aliyya tariqah to perform some awards in order to welcome the new, holy and blessed month. In this … Continue reading
Qur’an App for Mureeds
A powerful tool to help every mureed’s Qur’an recitation👆I would like to introduce this website above to you today. As mureeds, we have much Qur’an to recite in our daily practices: ✅ we must read a particular surah after … Continue reading
Rabitah – a Bond of Love
This bond that we are trying to build is very difficult to achieve – it can only be achieved if we are practising what Maulana is sending to us every week – to overlook each other’s faults, to look for the goodness in people, to be merciful amongst ourselves and to always hold other people in high esteem by according them their due respect. This is something very difficult to do, as we have been doing the opposite for decades now, and it will take many years of practice to perfect it. Continue reading
Float like a butterfly
Butterflies can taste the sweetness, unlike caterpillars. Right now, we are just eating from the leaves, not tasting any sweetness. We ask from Allah, after we go through the 10 days of good iktikaf, that we will be able to taste the sweetness of Islam, the sweetness of Iman (faith), the sweetness of love for Allah and His Rasul and our Shaykh. Continue reading
Don’t be cruel
Have pity on yourselves. Be careful of what you say and do. You can destroy all that you have worked for, with just one cruel word. And you can hurl yourself into the deepest pit of hell, with just one unacceptable deed. So look after yourself and be careful, never be heedless of what you are saying and doing, do not be oppressors to yourselves. Remember, the Mercy of Allah is very close to you, but if you don’t have pity on yourselves and those around you, there’s nothing that you will receive from that Mercy. Continue reading