Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
“These three months are blessed months. Especially, the month of Ramadhan. Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla granted more beauties to it, as it is the month of the Ummah. Wherever you are, you feel that beauty, everywhere.”
– Mawlana Shaykh Muhammadق
1) At Azan Maghrib tomorrow night (Saturday, 1st March), we enter into the Blessed Month of Ramadhan in Singapore.
Mawlanaق will begin tonight, 28th February, in Lefke, Cyprus.
2) Do clean your houses thoroughly today. Wash the toilets. Mop the floors, wipe dirty surfaces, rewash clothing that will be used for prayers this month, perfume the house and burn pleasant fragrances like oud and frankincense.
By Maghrib tomorrow, be ready to welcome Ramadhan in a clean garb, in a clean house.
Perfume yourself and wash your face with a handful of Rose Water.
3) At Azan Maghrib tonight, look at the sky for the Ramadhan moon. Although you will likely not see it, it is Sunnah to look for it on the 29th of Sha’ban.
4) There is the “Welcoming Ramadhan D’ua” to be recited after Maghrib tomorrow.
For practices of tomorrow night:
5) Do pray 20 raka’at of Terawih and 3 raka’at Witr with your family after Ishak.
Note to Imams – read quickly, and you only need to recite one Verse of any Surah, in each raka’at, after Fatihah.
Remember to keep prayers quick and brief, as we don’t want our families to feel burdened by our prolonged prayers.
6) All of Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar’s Ramadhan Sohbahs have been compiled here.
Almarhum also gave some advice to start the month, which can be found here.
7) Ramadhan Kareem Mubarak to all. May this month bring us the closest we have ever been to Allah ﷻ and His Rasul ﷺ.
May we find it in our hearts to forgive those who have hurt us in any way, do find it in your hearts to forgive us and our families too, maaf zahir dan bathin.
Full practices & devotions of this Holy Month here.

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