Tag Archives: Mahdi

The Day of Arafah – its determination and practices

Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s elaboration on this year’s Hajjul Akbar 1st Nov 2011 A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt (Maulana first spoke on this matter on the 28th of July this year (2011), predicting that although the … Continue reading

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The tragic end of Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden has been a controversial figure in the Muslim world. Some view him as a true Islamic warrior, others, as a murderer and terrorist. Is his death that of a martyr or otherwise? Maulana skillfully dissects Osama’s actions and motives, explaining to the mureeds a very important lesson as to why Tariqah is so important, for it is the only means of subduing the Ego. Maulana says, we are all servants – either to our Egos, or to our Lord. One who returns to Allah as a slave to his Ego, has lost his honour, forever.

This is perhaps one of the most important Suhbahs ever Summarised, it is for anyone who seeks to know what religion is really all about. The aim of religion is so simple, so fundamental, but shaitan has distracted us from the true destination – it is like a student who enrolls in the best University, who goes to campus everyday, and participates in so many campus activities (like Sports, Social work, running the Campus newsletter and standing for elections on the Student Council etc) – he does everything, except study, and in the end he fails his examinations.

Today’s believers are doing just that – they are aimlessly going through the motion of performing the religious rituals, but they are not tasting or feeling anything real, for they have left out the most important ingredient of the meal. Food without salt is tasteless, just as drinks without sugar is. Each time we have whip up a gourmet meal, shaitan ensures that we forget the salt and sugar. Because religion is so tasteless today, people are seeking to taste from the enjoyment of dunia instead.

Read this Suhbah slowly and with a real desire to understand what has gone wrong in our lives. Maulana has laid out our most important struggle in religion, clearly for us to see.

May Allah bestow us all with understanding and wisdom, ameen! Continue reading

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Cuatro órdenes divinas para la humanidad

Hemos entrado en un largo túnel que nos conducirá, a través del Armagedón, a la llegada del Mahdi (as). Maulana dice: “Estamos pasando por un túnel muy difícil. No te puedes imaginar el miedo y el espanto del túnel a través del cual las personas deben pasar para llegar al momento de Mahdi (as) “La limpieza es una condición principal para ser protegido” Los sucios no serán protegidos se les pondrá en el cubo de basura y se lo llevarán. Trate de ser limpio, con la mente limpia, un corazón limpio, cuerpo limpio, las lenguas limpias y de trabajo limpio (fuente de sustento), y las intenciones limpias! Si no es así, como la basura, se lo llevarán. Quién se convierte en corrupto o sucio no puede estar en el momento del Mahdi (a), cuando ya no habrá más gente impura; sólo habrá gente del Paraíso en el momento del Mahdi (a) no más gente del infierno, están acabados! Que Allah les conceda ser gente del Paraíso, y perdónenme.
“Así que sólo los destinados al paraíso saldrán desde el final de este túnel”. Lea las cuatro órdenes que se dieron a conocer en el corazón de nuestro amado mensajero por inspiración divina, y hagan los cambios necesarios con el fin de sobrevivir a los acontecimientos. Continue reading

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Vier Goddelijke Bevelen aan de Gehele Mensheid

We zijn een lange tunnel binnengegaan die zal leiden, via het Armageddon, naar de komst van Mahdi (as). Maulana zegt, “Wij passeren door een zeer moeilijke tunnel. Je kunt niet de vrees en afschuwelijkheid van die tunnel voorstellen, waardoor heen mensen moeten passeren om de tijd van de Mahdi (as) te bereiken! Zuiverheid is een belangrijke conditie om beschermd te worden. Vuile mensen zullen nooit beschermd worden omdat zij in de vuilnisbak verdwijnen en weggenomen worden. Probeer zuiver te zijn met zuivere geesten, zuivere harten, zuivere lichamen, zuivere tongen, zuiver werk (bron van levensonderhoud), en zuivere intenties! Zo niet, net als afval, wordt u weggenomen. Wie onrein wordt , kan niet bestaan ten tijde van de Mahdi (as), wanneer er geen onreine mensen zullen zijn; in de tijd van de Mahdi(as) zullen alleen Paradijs mensen aanwezig zijn en niet meer mensen van de Hel, zij zullen weggenomen worden! Moge Allah je naar het paradijs brengen, en mij vergeven” Dus alleen Paradijs gebonden mensen zullen aan het einde van deze tunnel overblijven. Lees de vier bevelen die door inspiratie waren geopennbaard aan onze geliefde Waarschuwer, en maak de noodzakelijke veranderingen om de ontvouwende gebeurtenissen te overleven. Continue reading

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Quatro Ordens Divinas para a Humanidade

Quatro Ordens Divinas para a Humanidade Suhbah de Maulana Shaykh Nazim sexta-feira à noite 7 de Abril de 2011 A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt (Maulana falou a uma delegação Real da Jordânia sobre assuntos de … Continue reading

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Four Divine Orders for all Mankind

We have entered a long tunnel that will lead, via the Armageddon, to the arrival of Mahdi (as). Maulana says, “We are passing through a very difficult tunnel. You can’t imagine the fear and the terribleness of that tunnel through which people must pass in order to reach the time of Mahdi (as)! Cleanliness is a main condition for being protected. Dirty ones will never be protected as they are put in the dustbin and taken away. Try to be clean ones with clean minds, clean hearts, clean bodies, clean tongues, clean work (source of sustenance), and clean intentions! If not, like garbage, you will be taken away. Who becomes unclean cannot be at the time of Mahdi (a), when there will be no more unclean people; there will only be Paradise people at the time of Mahdi (a) and no more Hell’s people, they are finished! May Allah grant you to be Paradise people, and forgive me.”

So only Paradise-bound ones will emerge from the end of this Tunnel of Subjugation! Read the four Orders that were revealed by inspiration into the heart of our beloved Warner, and make the necessary changes that you must, in order to survive the unfolding events. Continue reading

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Why the Crusaders failed to conquer Jerusalem: 19th December 2010

This Suhbah explains a fundamental principle which must accompany every practice of a believer – sincerity. It was upon the warped intentions of the Crusaders – to murder believers as well as to pillage, plunder and desecrate the Holy Land of Jerusalem – that Allah punished them with failure and humiliation. Due to the compassion and justice of Muslim rulers, Christians and Jews have always been protected under Islamic rule, their communities flourished and they were afforded rights and dignity. The same cannot be said when Muslims fell under their rule – history is a witness to the atrocities that have been inflicted upon the Muslim community. Without a Sultan leading the Ummah, Muslims are cut off from Divine support and honour. Maulana also spoke on the two types of questions that we must avoid, and importance of asking questions that benefitted the entire Ummah. Continue reading

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Living in a Palace: 4th December 2010

In this Suhbah, Maulana explains the dangers of shaitan’s incessant whisperings, and how shaitan always plants in our hearts the desire to seek, strive for and attain dunia, whereas dunia is but a fleeting pleasure. In doing so, Man has taken the advice of the cursed enemy, and abandons his eternal hereafter for this temporary worldly pleasure. So many Kings have occupied majestic palaces, yet where are all these Kings today? Death is our common lot, and we will leave everything in death. Continue reading

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The Kingdom of Heaven on earth: 16th October 2010

The only Quranic method of government is rule of Kings – all other Man-made models, are doomed to failure. But as prophesized by Rasulullah (saw), Kings will make way for tyrants, and in that era, ignorance fills the earth, and the ensuing Armageddon removes every cruel tyrant, leaving only those with love in their hearts, to herald the coming of Mahdi (as). Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth! Continue reading

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Kerajaan Syurga di Muka Bumi: 16hb Oktober 2010

Sebuah Hadits Rasulullah (saw) mengatakan, “Sultan/Raja adalah merupakan bayangan Allah di muka bumi,” sehingga Sultan mewakili Kerajaan Syurga di muka bumi. Di dalam sejarah manusia, tidak ada satupun Nabi atau Awliya Allah yang pilih oleh manusia. Mereka semua adalah pilihan Allah dengan Kebijaksanaan-Nya. Lihatlah dunia sekarang ini, mereka telah dikutuk karena mereka telah menyimpang! Continue reading

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Are you of any value, in the Divine Presence? 4th Oct 2010

Maulana spoke about the value of Man – what makes him valuable and what makes him worthless, in the Divine’s Judgement. Maulana quoted the story of Habil and Qabil, the two sons of Sayyidina Adam (as), to illustrate his point. The adulation and admiration of humans do not add anything to the value to your worth, so seek what will truly make you valuable eternally. Continue reading

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