Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
Saturday, 1st March is the first night of Ramadhan in Singapore.
1) After Asar, close to Maghrib, do a Sunnat bath with the intention to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan.
2) Express joy in your hearts that Ramadhan is beginning.
3) At the Azan of Maghrib, look at the sky to seek the new moon of Ramadhan (unlikely that you can spot it, don’t worry, do it as a Sunnah) and read the Doa welcoming the new Islamic month. (Doa is found on this Sufihub site, link at the end of this post).
4) Make intention to do fardhu Ramadhan fasting for the whole month.
5) Do Charity.
6) There is “Welcoming Ramadhan” recitation to be recited after Maghrib (posted below).
It sounds like this:
7) After Ishak, do 20 raka’ats terawih and 3 raka’ats witir.
8) Choose the shortest Verses to read in terawih. Watch this video to see the example Mawlana shows as to how to conduct terawih prayers if you are doing with family at home:
9) In the first raka’at of terawih tonight, it is encouraged to read the Surah that starts with Iqra’, as it was the first Verse revealed.
10) It is encouraged to read Surah Fatah three times tonight, followed by the Doa of this Surah (posted below).
11) Wipe your face with fragrant rose water for blessings.
12) Sleep early and wake up in the last third of the night if possible and repeat this all month. If you wake up close to Subuh, at least do two raka’ats of Tahajjud each nite.
13) The best Sahur is the one closest to the Azan Fajr.
14) For Sahur, choose foods that give you energy all day, like dates, eggs, oats, yoghurt….keep hydrated too.
15) For those on long term medication for diabetes and hypertension, do remember to take your medication too.
16) Sahur is a very blessed time to make doas, it is full of Barokah.
17) Try to end sahur about 10 minutes before the Azan of Fajr, so that you can brush your teeth. Angels dislike people who have food stuck between their teeth, it also adds to the bad odour later in the day, so brush your teeth to ensure it is free of any food before you start your fast.
18) Perform the Azan of Fajr if you are praying with your family at home. Make Azan loudly each time you pray at home, the louder the Azan, the greater the rewards. Mercy descends when Azan is made.
Shk Mehmet just dreamt two nights ago that Shk Nazim told him in a dream, “Call the Azan!” as a way to remove the calamities befalling Turkey, as Azan will bring Mercy and not punishment.
It is not the same to play the Azan from the radio! Instead, do an actual Azan in your homes with your own voice.
This is the Suhbah with Shk Mehmet’s dream, given yesterday:
Azan with Selawat at the end by Shk Nazim:
(Follow this Azan)
19) Perform the full Adab of Fajr and stay in your prayer place till sunrise, then perform the Ishraq Sunnat prayer. The reward for one who does this is a full Umrah and Haj. And it is multiplied in Ramadhan, so do this daily if possible.
20) Keep all food and snacks out of sight in case you accidentally forget you are fasting, and eat. Should that happen, stop eating immediately and you may continue fasting still.
21) If you are an asthmatic and are in need to use the inhaler, you may do so and it will not nullify the fast. You may also receive injections (eg insulin) without nullifying the fast. You may not perform cupping or receive cupping whilst fasting.
22) When breaking fast, make Doa at that time as it is accepted. Take dates or plain water to break fast. Remember the biggest Sunnahs of eating:
✅ Eat in moderation
✅ Eat slowly
✅ Chew your food thoroughly before swallowing
✅ Stop eating before you feel bloated and full.
You may find all the doas mentioned above, here:
Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.
May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime.
May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.
Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.