Treasure Every Moment of Ramadhan

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In Loving Memory of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan – Ramadhan Series

Here is a short synopsis of a Sohbah given by Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar Khan on 17 March 2023:

  • Two beautiful stories concerning the miraculous blessings of attending Majlis of AwliyaAllah, how it benefitted two villagers who passed away in the vicinity of two great AwliyaAllah, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق and Sheikh Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawaniق.
  • Why we should chase Laylatul Qadr from the first night of Ramadhan, and not wait till the last odd days only.
  • Beware the thief of time – scrolling on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram will devour precious hours of this blessed Month of Ramadhan. Before you know it, so much time has been lost forever.
  • The Month of Ramadhan is the time to harvest, the time to Battle our Egos – less eating and drinking, less sleeping, less speaking and less sinful deeds. Only one hijab is left between a servant and his Lord at iftar – so make Du’a when breaking fast, it is accepted.
  • How to tell if the inner voice is a Divine Inspiration or a Whisper from Shaytan?

Do watch the Sohbah for the full elaboration on the points above here:

Here is a transcription of the Sohbah:

Alhamdulillah wa syukru lillah. MashaAllah, we are now on the verge of the blessed month of Ramadhan. And Allah is giving us hidayah, guidance, to be gathering on this very blessed night. A gathering which may be a source of safety or a source of great blessings for us. We never know which of these gatherings will be the one that is accepted by Allah, the one that becomes the means by which all our sins are forgiven.

There was once in the village of Shaykh Abdul Khaliq Ghijduwani, in the mountainous regions where he used to conduct his Zikr, there was a villager who passed away and they were unable to lift his body because of the amount of sins he had done. They gathered many people from the village but they were unable to lift the body of this mayat, this dead one.

And so they came to see the Shaykh and said to him,“Ya Sayyidi, Ya Mawlana, there is such and such a person who has passed away, and we cannot lift his body. We ask from you for your du’a that he can be brought to the graveyard.” And so Shaykh Abdul Khaliq Ghijduwani went down to the place where this man had died and looked at the body, and he was deep in thought for some time.

He asked the people around the house of this man, the villagers, do you know this person? And they said, “Yes, Sayyidi, we know him.” Has he done any good deed to you before? They said, “No, as far as we know, he was a wretched person, a bad person. We’ve only seen from him evil and badness.”

After looking for some time and not finding anyone who can vouch for this man, for his goodness, for some good deed he has done to his neighbours or his friends, the Shaykh then entered into the house of the man who passed away and asked the wife, is this your husband? She said yes. Is he a good man? She said no. Has he done any goodness to you in the whole time you were married? She said no. He is indeed a very evil person and I suffered a lot at his hands. “What did he do?” the Shaykh asked the wife. She said, “He was a person who used to hide in the mountain trails and rob people and kill people and beat them senseless for whatever goods they were carrying. He had no mercy and he was a very cruel and evil person.”

So the Shaykh sat down and thought for some time and asked the wife, “Can you think deep into the past, can you think of any one incident of some goodness that he did?” She thought for a long time and she related the following.

There was one small incident. There was once my husband was waiting on the road that was leading to your Zikr. One of your mureeds was going to Khatam and he was carrying with himself a bottle of honey. So as usual, my husband stopped him.

First he asked this man, where are you going? The man said, I’m going for Khatam Khwajagan with my Shaykh. And he said, what is that that you’re carrying? He said, I’m carrying some honey. I wish to share with all the mureeds after the Khatam Khwajagan, so they have something sweet to take. So he said, I wanted to provide some honey for them. The thief said, no, give the honey to me. And of course, for fear for his life, for fear of being beaten or killed, he gave the bottle of honey to the thief.

The thief then took the bottle and began to walk downhill towards his house. Then he thought to himself, “This is not very much, it’s just honey. This is not gold or money or something of great value. It’s something they can eat and it will bring some happiness to them.” So he turned around and walked uphill towards the Dergah and chased after this mureed who was very frightened wondering why he was being chased. And the thief said, “No, come come, you take this honey and give to your people. I don’t want it.” So the mureed gladly took back the honey and began to run up the hill.

The thief turned around and began to go downhill and immediately his heart felt regret. He thought, “I already had it in my hands. Why did I go and return this thing to this person? I was so foolish, I could have just walked off with it.” So when he came back he told his wife how he actually had something in his hands and he gave it away. The wife remembered this story and told it to the Shaykh and the Shaykh lifted his hands and said, “Oh Allah, this man had walked towards my Khatam, walked towards the dergah, walked towards this majlis of Khatam Khwajagan bringing a gift for us. I seek shafa’ah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) for this one that his azab (punishment) is less and he is allowed to be carried and brought to the graveyard.” And by the grace of Allah Almighty, his mayat was able to be lifted off the ground and brought to the graveyard.

So imagine people like you who have come all the way, week after week, sitting in a gathering like this, and that man simply took maybe five steps, six steps, and not even to attend the Khatam in reality, just to return the honey, which he also regretted immediately. His good deed was just maybe for two seconds, three seconds, and immediately he was filled with regret. But by the Grace of Allah, by the Mercy of Allah, and by the intercession of RasulAllah, and the du’a of the Shaykh, Allah Almighty lifted the burden from him and allowed him to be brought to the grave.

In another very interesting story there was a man who passed away, and was buried in the village of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani, and the kashaf ones amongst the mureeds were able to hear this man screaming and shouting for help every night, so they went to see Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani. 

They said, “Ya Sayyidi, Ya Mawlana, this man is being tortured in the grave. Can you please make du’a? We feel very sorry to hear his pitiful cries and his great suffering.” Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani asked the mureeds, Is he a mureed? They said no. Has he taken bai’ah? Has he ever come to this mosque to be with us? They said no. Has he ever sat in any sohbah, any gathering, I conducted? They said no. Has he ever passed by outside this Dergah when we are having a majlis here? They said, “No, Sayyidi. We have never seen him before. He has not come here. He hasn’t attended anything that we have done.”

Again, deep in thought, Syed Abdul Qadir Jailani began to do munajat, and asked all his mureeds, have any of you ever seen him do anything at any time? Have any of you even glanced and noticed him before? And one mureed said, “Yes Shaykh, once, you left with your horse and your carriage, and there was this cloud of dust that was on the road. I was still behind. I saw this man. He came. And he walked, and some of this dust touched his clothing.” Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani then lifted his hands, made du’a for this man, and the mureeds would later bear witness that they didn’t hear him suffering anymore after the du’a of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani.

What about yourselves, who came all the way, with the dust covering your feet and your hands, week after week, coming to attend a majlis inside Zawiyah? May Allah accept. May Allah grant us safety in this journey. May Allah grant us to be among the good ones, to have a good passing from this dunya. So, Alhamdulillah, Allah has chosen us, chosen you, to be here today, and for all the majlis to come. And we are going to enter into a very, very blessed month.

And this is a month, the month of harvesting. Rejab, you planted the seeds. In Sha’ban, it was the rain that caused these seeds to germinate. And then in this month, is the month of the harvest. I received so many emails inviting me to attend these talks to have tafsir, to have these classes in Ramadhan to talk about Ramadhan, to talk about the blessings of Ramadhan and I say to you my brothers and sisters, Ramadhan is not the time to attend lessons. When you’re already in the battlefield you cannot say, “Can you teach me how to ride a horse? Can you teach me how to fire a bow and arrow?”

Once you’re already in the time where you are in a battle, when you’re already harvesting what has to be harvested it is not the time for you to attend courses and to learn about Ramadhan and Laylatul Qadr. Next month, you would have already stepped into the battlefield against yourself. Your ego, jihad al-aqbar, jihad al-nafs, overcoming the ego, overcoming the desire to overeat when you break your fast, to eat massive amounts of food. No, you are trying to really keep to the minimal food that can keep yourself running because you can only taste the sweetness of Ramadhan if you are able to stop yourself from overeating, stop yourself from over-speaking, stop yourself from over-sleeping because you are fighting your ego.

Ego likes to sleep, eat, drink, talk, right, enjoy with your spouses, all these things you push aside, and you are trying to weaken your ego. It is mentioned in the Hadith that between a believer who is fasting and Allah, there is left only one hijab from the 70,000 hijabs that are between us and Allah. That is why it is said when you are about to break your fast, don’t start eating the moment you hear the azan. Give a few seconds to make du’a first.

Lift your hands because the du’a of the one who is fasting in Ramadhan is not rejected. Especially in the time he breaks his fast, your heart will be filled with happiness. It’s mentioned in the Hadith. Allah says, “All your deeds are for yourself but fasting is for me.” Because when you fast, you are against your ego. And when you are against your ego, it means you are pleasing Allah. Every act against the ego is pleasing to Allah.

And Allah says, “I grant them two happiness. One, the happiness of breaking fast. The second happiness, is when they look upon My countenance, My face.” So, you are fighting your ego this whole Ramadhan. Fighting, fighting, fighting. This is the big jihad and you are trying to draw close to Allah. Don’t strengthen your ego by eating a lot, sleeping a lot, talking a lot. Do not let Ramadhan pass like an ordinary month as if it’s nothing special. 

You must feel it, you can feel it even when you enter into the azan of Maghrib this coming week. Already you can feel how the atmosphere is different. You’re entering into the 10 days of Mercy and these are the doors open so wide, to the point that even sleeping in Ramadhan is considered worshipping, what more if you are doing more and more worship. RasulAllah (SAW) says if you miss one day of fasting in Ramadhan, even if you fasted your whole life, the whole of your life 70, 80 more years you fasted, you cannot get back the reward from that one day of fasting in Ramadhan. So do not cancel your fasting by lying, backbiting and doing things that are displeasing to Allah, because you must fast for all your organs.

I wish to remind you in this month of Ramadhan to be very careful about your handphone because it is the thief that steals the time from you. Shaytan makes you busy with your phones, makes you busy as you scroll from a friend, sends you a nice video maybe something about Quran something about the benefits of Laylatul Qadr you get so excited and you open TikTok or Instagram or Facebook and then you scroll and the next one may not be such such a pious subject, it could be something irrelevant to Ramadhan then you start to watch and then you scroll and scroll and scroll and then one hour has passed. In one hour you could have finished two chapters of Quran or maybe Quran and Dalailul Khayrat. So be very careful about this thief that comes to you in a very subtle form. Be very, very, careful because every second of Ramadhan is something that you cannot get back once it has disappeared or let go from your hands.

So many things we take for granted happen. For example, in the Hadith, the Prophet said, good health, free time. These are two gifts that people take for granted in their lives. A person doesn’t care about his health until he falls very sick. And MashaAllah, suddenly he’s trying to eat healthy, trying to take all the supplements, trying to blend these juices, trying to find fenugreek, mixing with cloves, mixing with oil. Suddenly he becomes a very healthy eater. But for the past 40-50 years, he didn’t care about his health. Now he is trying his best to get back the health that has slipped from his hands. 

This is a reality. Many people are exactly like this. Right? And we take many things for granted. We go to work every day believing we will come back home. We say bye to our families every day when they leave, believing that we will see them later on. Not knowing that in this life, nothing is certain.

When we take something for granted, we become less shukur. Less prepared when something against our plans happens. And just as this Zawiyah is no longer going to be with us by the time we enter May, we are giving up this place. It’s a shock to many people. In fact, many people who spoke to me are devastated. Of course, we feel sad. So many memories here. Ten years of Shaykh visits. So many blessings.

People are trained in Zawiyahs to fight their egos. People are trained in Zawiyahs to transform themselves to change for the better. In Zawiyahs if you ask how many people came from such terrible backgrounds – all of us in fact – and when we step into a Zawiyah and the Hidayah enters our hearts. Very few people enter a mosque and straight away transform. I’ve never heard of that. They usually find hidayah from somewhere else and those places usually are the Dergahs, the Zawiyahsthe places where people come for training and places like this are very, very special.

Sayyidina Ali said, if you are the source of hidayah, just for one person to change, it’s better for you than this world and all its contents. Imagine the place which is the training ground when people gather, their hearts are transformed, where the spiritual training happens even though we are so far from Lefke, so far from Akbaba. But Mawlana said, just as every mosque is a daughter of Nabawi, every single Zawiyah is a daughter of Lefke or Akbaba. They’re always linked to Sultanul Awliya. It’s the same tajalli. If you’re sitting here and you’re sitting in Akaba, it’s the same tajalli. And so those people who have been helping to clean this place, to support the space financially, Alhamdulillah, we’ve come to the end of 10 years of doing so. May Allah reward those who have been taking the time and effort to look after this place.

But it’s a good lesson. It’s a good lesson for us. Things we take for granted, disappear. And then from there, we begin to realize, MashaAllah, I wish I had given more time to the Zawiyah. I wish I had given more effort to pay for the Zawiyah and things like that. And it will happen even in the time of Mahdi Alaihisalam when Imam Mahdi emerges and there’s no more charity from that point, no more charity because everybody is rich. 

They will say, “Oh, if only I had given charity when I had the time, when I had the means, when I had the opportunity before this day had come”. So, cherish this time. We will have the last few months in this Zawiyah. So Inshallah, we will be gathering like this on Friday night, the night of Eid, which is a beautiful farewell to this lovely place, a beautiful way to take away our memories from this beloved Zawiyah.

It has helped many of us transform and grow. And when I asked Mawlana whether we will be able to have a new Zawiyah, he says when the mureeds are ready, the Zawiyah will be there. As they say, when the students are ready, the teacher will emerge. Those of you who begin to look for a teacher, you end up here, to be connected to a guide. So similarly, when the mureeds are ready, ready to commit financially, able to commit their time, then Allah Almighty will grant us something that will be a better Zawiyah, that we can put more people Inshallah, that we can use as a spiritual training ground for more people to reach their destination.

See how in the blink of an eye, something can just change. That is how when the coming of death, coming of something that changes our situation, it’s very shocking. Sometimes when we are eating, we never realize that could be the last meal before we ended up taking meals through a tube, through our nose, things like that.

Many a time, a person is not aware of the gifts of Allah, not aware of the situation, being able to be changed any time by the will of Allah Almighty. So similarly, this Ramadhan, don’t think that, ”Oh, I’ve worshipped through Ramadhan for the past 20 years. I have so many more Ramadhans to go. This Ramadhan, I’m busy. I got project. I have a lot of work in my office. I will do the basic minimal Ramadhan and Inshallah, you know, you see how it goes.” Don’t have that attitude. Just as we can see how things transform in the blink of an eye, this could be somebody’s last Ramadhan.

So, as we enter into this Ramadhan, you must put your whole effort to take these gifts. Allah likes to see one who is running after his gifts. Even Laylatul Qadr, don’t wait for the last 10 days. It’s mentioned in the Hadith, there are times Laylatul Qadr is even outside Ramadhan. There are times it’s even outside the last 10 days.

I met one man many, many years ago in Pakistan, when we finished our Ramadhan. He’s a very pious man. Some people say he’s Awliya. So I asked him, I said, Saidi, when was this year’s Laylatul Qadr? This is a very famous topic, right? Every time after Ramadhan finished, we would like to ask each other, right? When was Laylatul Qadr? Do you catch it? Do you see any signs? And of course, we find that everybody saw something on a different day. I asked this man, he said, this year’s, that was 25 years ago, he said, for this year, he said on the first night of Ramadhan was Laylatul Qadr. On the very first night Allah showed it to me, he said.

So don’t be heedless. Don’t say it must be in the last 10 days or it must be on the 27th. No, the Hadith clearly mentioned even outside Ramadhan can be Laylatul Qadr. That’s why Mawlana said to treat everybody as Sayyidina Khidir Alaihisalam and treat every night as Laylatul Qadr. So now that we are entering Ramadhan, from the very first night you must already be looking for Laylatul Qadr.

You must be already doing some tahajjud, don’t leave that night with nothing and say nevermind, last 10 days then I’ll do a bit, but now it is not the time. We don’t want this last Ramadhan of ours to be something whereby when you finally know on Judgement Day that it was on the 7th of Ramadhan or it was on the 15th because on the 15th, the flag of Laylatul Qadr comes down and is put on top of the Kaaba. That’s why on the 15th night, our Witir is split two and one instead of doing three at one go.

And so, chase your Laylatul Qadr from the first night of the entire Ramadhan. Make sure you wake up for Tahajjud every night. Because you have to wake up for sahur, right? Don’t have the bad habit, of having a sahur at 12 o’clock or 1am, you know? Don’t do that. Make sure you wake up an hour before sahur time, before azan or subuh. Wake up an hour before. And have maybe half an hour for worshipping. Try to do your solat najat, all the things that you’ve already learned in your journey so far.

Like I said, it’s not the time to learn, time to execute, right? If you know solat hajat, do. Solat tawbat, do. Solat tasbih, do. Solatul hubb, you do. Every single solat that you can do, you do. You can read Quran, do as much as you can. Dalailul Khairat do as much as you can. You’re already in the zone where you’re going to collect as much as you can from the gifts of Allah Almighty.

One of the prophets, Sayyidina Ayyub Alaihisalam, he went through so much difficulty and eventually Allah Almighty granted him richness again after he lost everything. It was said in a story that Allah Almighty sent down from the sky golden locusts, made of gold. And he lifted his jubah and was collecting these locusts that were falling from the sky. I mean gold, right, falling from the sky, he went to collect. And Allah Almighty said to him, “Ya Ayub, isn’t it enough what I’ve already given to you?” 

And Sayyidina Ayyub Alaihisalam said, “No, ya Allah, I am your servant and I always want to be in need of whatever you are giving.” So Allah likes to see a servant, imagine if Mawlana throws sweets, and then you can’t be bothered to take any of the sweets, it’s a sign of arrogance, actually. But even if you have so many sweets at home, I hope you say MashaAllah, I want to take one as a barakah, as this is from my Shaykh.

Similarly, when Sayyidina Ayub lifted his jubah to take from the falling locusts it’s not as though he doesn’t have enough money, but it’s a sign saying I am a servant and I am always in need of whatever you throw at us. 

We are beggars, ya Allah. We are the fukara, we are the fakir. We are the poor ones, ya Allah. So Allah is opening the doors of Forgiveness, Mercy, Elevation, Closeness, Familiarity, Love in this month of Ramadhan fully so don’t say, “Oh I’m only going to do 27 or I’m only going to wake up on the odd nights or last 10 nights. No, go from the first night saying “I am in need, ya Allah, whatever comes down from you, ya Allah, I am in need, a fakir, a poor one ya Allah. I need forgiveness, I need mercy, I need You to help me with all my difficulties, I need You to polish my heart, I need You to give me qalbun salim, I need You to grant me your pleasure, I need you to grant me servanthood.” Like this you are asking, grant my children, grant my parents, grant my neighbors, grant my jama’ah, everyone, ya Allah.

And you must always be begging and begging and begging. So many times it’s said in many of the Hadiths, Allah says to the angel, “Withhold my gift from this servant.” And the angels are amazed. They say, “Allah he is very pious. He’s praying to you.” And Allah says, “No, I love to hear his voice. I love to hear him begging me. I love to hear him as he’s asking me and praising me and humbling himself before me. I love to hear his voice. So hold back my gift. I want to hear his voice.” And so Allah loves to hear us asking.

So this Ramadhan, ask. Ask. Allah loves to hear. Allah is not poor. His storehouses are never empty. Allah said in a Hadith Qudsi, “If I gathered all of mankind from the first man, Adam a.s., to the last man who will live in this dunya, all of them on mashar, Allah says. And I ask every one of these people to ask from me all their needs, every single thing they want, they want Jannah, they want the biggest palace, or they want richness, they want everything from dunya and akhirat, they ask and ask until they have nothing to ask.”

Allah says, from the whole of my Ocean of Generosity. So don’t be scared to ask. Allah Almighty loves to hear us asking. Allah loves us to humble ourselves and don’t forget to ask for your dunya. Allah says in the holy Quran don’t forget your portion of this dunya. We live in dunya. We have taxes to pay, we have rentals to pay, we have to pay for so many things. Ask for your dunya, don’t be shy. Allah knows we are in need but don’t forget to ask for all the gifts of akhirat until the Qalbun salim, and don’t forget to ask all these gifts for your descendants as Mawlana said in the du’a of Nifsu Sha’ban, ”Oh Allah we entrust ourselves, our dignity, our children to you, oh Allah, to Rasulullah.”

Du’a for your descendents to receive guidance, to take bai’ah to follow a Guide, to meet the Sultan Awliya of that time to take bai’ah and to find safety in the Mercy of Allah. So this Ramadhan is a very precious, very powerful Ramadhan as we draw closer and closer to the emergence of Saydina Mahdi Alaihissalam, every Ramadhan is filled with more powerful dressings. 

Mawlana said, if you combine all the Ramadhans before this, Shaykh Nazim was saying before he passed away, all the Ramadhans from before added up, the gifts in this one Ramadhan alone exceeds all the previous Ramadhans combined together. MashaAllah and if you live to the next Ramadhan, that Ramadhan will be so much more powerful than even this Ramadhan. Every Ramadhan Allah gives more than all the previous Ramadhans combined so don’t be one who is just chasing for a few days.

You are a mureed, chase from the first day up to the last day. Even on the last night Of Eid, don’t go out shopping, or go for bargains at the bazaar. So don’t be shopping. You want to shop, you go and shop now. You want to buy curtains, go and buy now. You want to paint your house, you still have six days, go and paint your house. You want to make baju (clothes), anything, you go and do everything now, right? You want to buy snacks that you can panaskan (heat up), go and buy now. Fill up your freezer. But don’t go out shopping during the daytime of Ramadhan or the nighttime of Ramadhan. Maybe a few minutes if you really need to buy something.

But don’t spend these precious nights just walking around bargaining for carpets and all that. Go and buy now. Don’t wait till the Holy Month has started. I’m devastated to see every year, thousands and thousands of people spend practically the whole night, especially the malam raya, the night of Eid, the shopping goes on up to Fajr. I used to do transportation, and people would be calling me and say, “Abang, your lorry available. I bought 15 carpets. You can come and collect from Geylang?” And this is the malam of Hari Raya, the night of Eid, and they are buying carpets, buying baju, buying food, all this kind of stuff. 

Then on the morning of Eid, when you go for your prayers, all the roads are lined with angels giving you salams, shaking your hands, giving you salam upon salam upon salam, because you have Eidul Fitri, means to return to purity. You have become like a newborn baby. That’s what you must aim to be in this Ramadhan. 

May Allah grant us a Ramadhan of forgiveness. May Allah grant us help in this difficult journey. May Allah make it easy for us and dress us with what makes us amongst the beloved ones, the servants of Allah. 

Just to answer one question that has been asked of me a few times, I mentioned in the last few sohbas about following the voice from your heart, about the mintalah fatwa dari hatimu sendiri. Ask for a decision from your own hearts. A few people have asked me, so I decided to answer openly like this, how to tell whether it’s something from the ego or something from the heart.

I just summarise it very quickly, I don’t want to drag on. If something is coming, Mawlana said, if something is coming from your ego, it is usually something that happens one time. And also your state, your heart is full of excitement or full of anger or full of, you are in that sense, emotional. That’s the word I’m trying to find. But if something is coming from Allah, inspirations or from your heart talking to yourself, it is something that is persistent. The same message comes again and again and again, and you’re in a condition where you’re very calm.

So for example, somebody cuts into your way when you’re driving, then you feel the anger, you want to hammer the guy, you are wondering whether this is a Divine Inspiration. Look at yourself, you are emotional, right? You are emotional. And you feel, you know, all this anger and all, and you don’t feel yourself. And you can feel later on, after that incident has passed, when you go to a carpark, for example, you park your car, and then you have calmed down, the inspiration doesn’t come back like, let’s hunt him down, and let’s make him pay and regret for the rest of his life. That thing disappears.

Something coming from shaytan is an instantaneous, emotional thing that happens one time. But if something is a Divine thing, like for example, you want to go to Iktikaf, you know, in the mosque, and then you’re feeling lazy, then it comes to your heart. Iktikaf is good, let’s go to the mosque. The mosque is so nearby. And you say, you know, like, malaslah (lazy). Then it comes again after a few hours. Iktikaf lah, you know, if you have not been to Iktikaf before, try one day, two days.

When this thing keeps coming to your heart about Iktikaf, then you’re good. So you can see a difference? There’s no emotional feeling, there’s no loss of your mind. It comes regularly, and it’s the same message, and you’re in a state of calmness. That is Divine Inspiration.

Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen. Bi hurmatil Habib, Bi hurmatil Fatiha.

• Almarhum Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan

17 March 2023/ 25 Shaʻban 1444 AH

Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.

May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime. 

May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.

Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.

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