Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm:
إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‘
’Innā Lillāh Wa ‘Innā ‘Ilayhi Rāji`ūn’’
‘‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.’’ (Qur’ān 02:156).
Whatever lifespan Allah جل جلاله has granted each of u, we will return to where we came from. We came from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla, and we will return to Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, our brother-in-law passed away last night. We’ve been together for over fifty years, almost sixty years. May Allah جل جلاله bless his soul. May he rest in paradise. With the guidance of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, he has reached these ranks, Shukr to Allah جل جلالهWhen they had come, they were students. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim brought them to Grandshaykh Mawlana Shaykh AbduLlah ad-Daghestani.
They were brothers. His brother Shaykh Adnan passed away a couple of years ago. They were together. They had taken their worldly clothes off and kept on this way in Jubbahs and turbans. With the Barakah of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, they reached these ranks, Shukr to Allah جل جلاله. Their ranks are not like worldly ranks. Worldly ranks disappear. They had other brothers with worldly ranks. Their names are not even remembered. They won’t be remembered. Because their way was different. The way of Allah جل جلاله and the way of Dunya are different. Therefore, may Allah جل جلاله bless him. May his Maqam be high insha’Allah. We express our condolences.
His health had slowly deteriorated after Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, and he was sick for years. May Allah جل جلاله be pleased with our sister Hajjah Naziha. She took his burden, as she was taking care of him and was in his service. Her service is accepted. And with that service, she has reached these ranks. Everything has its wisdom. Who are with the Mashayikh are always in profit, because all the worry and matter of Mashayikh is Akhirah, not this world. How happy are they if they earn Akhirah.
There is nothing better. So today is his feast. It is a feast for a person who goes to Akhirah today. As Mawlana says, it is Urs. Urs means holiday. Meeting Allah جل جلاله, meeting His جل جلاله beloved is a holiday.May Allah جل جلاله give the safety of Iman to all of us. May He جل جلاله not separate us from the right way. May He جل جلاله not separate us from the way of Allāh جل جلاله. That is what’s important.
May He جل جلاله not let us be greedy for Dunya. May Dunya be for Akhirah. Dunya should not be for this world. You may have worldly things, but they should be for the way of Allah جل جلاله. May there be strength for Muslims and help for the poor. May there be various help for all needy people insha’Allah. May we help them.What Allah جل جلاله says happens in order.
This is something that will happen to everyone. It means our turn is approaching. When someone goes, it’s turn for someone else. May Allah جل جلاله not separate us from the right way. May our service be for the pleasure of Allah جل جلاله. May it not be for this world insha’Allah. May Allah جل جلاله bless his soul. Condolences to our sister and their children. May Allah جل جلاله give them long good life. May they go in the footsteps of their father. May they not leave the way insha’Allah. May they all walk on the way of Mashayikh insha’Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
05 December 2024/ 04 Jumada al-Thani 1446
Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah
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