Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
1) Keep away snacks, balance food.
Do keep away snacks and unfinished food in the house, as we may accidentally start snacking, due to the force of habit that may have developed in the past.
Should you eat by accident, it does not nullify the fast; continue fasting.
It is sign of Allah’s ﷻ Might and Power, that He ﷻ can put food in the belly of His ﷻ servant, even when he is fasting obediently.
2) First 10 days of Ramadhan are Days of Mercy.
Recite abundantly:
Allahummar Hamna ya Arhamarrahimeen
A servant is saved only by His ﷻ Mercy, so beg Allah ﷻ for His ﷻ Mercy for yourself and all of Mankind.
Do daily charity, recite Quran and Selawat Fatih abundantly.

Eat and sleep moderately.
Reduce unnecessary conversation.
Don’t pass the time binge watching TV, not even Islamic shows. Instead hold your Tasbih/Quran and plunge into the world of remembrance. When tired, switch to tafakkur of Allah’s ﷻ Signs and self introspection of how we have sinned, and repent.
Watch the acts of your organs, don’t sin even with your mind or heart.
Keep your eye on your heart. Keep your heart with your Mursyid.
Indeed, reminders benefit the believers. (Quran)
3. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) used to say:
Seek Lailatul Qadr (LLQ) in every night of Ramadhan, and treat every person as Sayyidina Khidr (as).
(Meaning, show the highest respect for each night and each person you meet).
Dear Jemaah, never assume that LLQ is going to be in the last 10 days, or on the 27th.
It has occurred even within the first few days of Ramadhan. And even outside Ramadhan!
So treat every night, as if it were LLQ, otherwise, you may miss it.
Angels descend in every night in Ramadhan bearing different and amazing gifts, dressings and blessings.
Aim to awaken by the last third of the night, and do the morning devotions, followed by having sahur and fajr prayers.
On days in which you are not working the next morning, you should awaken a little earlier at tahajjud time, to take more blessings from Qiyamullail.
There are great blessings in Sahur, especially when taken close to Fajr, so don’t skip it. Even if you are not hungry, just take a sip of water, with intention of sahur, with intention to follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet ﷺ, and share in its blessings.
4. Don’t miss tahajjud on even a single night throughout Ramadhan.
Even if it is just to perform two raka’ats of Solat Sunnat Shukur.
“Two raka’ats before Fajr, is worth more than the world and all its riches,”
said our Holy Prophet ﷺ.
Eat light at breaking fast time and sleep immediately after terawih, then try to awaken in the last third of night, to be with Him ﷻ.
5. Beware of foul odours in the house, for these cause the Angels to avoid coming to our homes.
Prophet ﷺ forbade some Companions from attending tahajjud with himﷺ in the Mosque, for their mouths were smelly after eating foods like garlic and onions.
So keep your clothes, bodies and especially mouths, clean and fragrant always. Beware of foods that contains raw onion eg cole slaw, satay. Remove food stuck between teeth after sahur and after breaking fast, it is much disliked by angels.
6. What was Prophet ﷺ busy with all Ramadhan?
Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) narrates,
“Rasulullah ﷺ was the most generous person, and he ﷺ would be at his most generous in Ramadhan because Jibrail (as) would come to him ﷺ every night and he ﷺ would read/study the Qur’an with him (as).
Truly, when Rasulullah ﷺ would meet Jibrail (as), he ﷺ would be more generous than a fleeting wind.”
So, Prophet ﷺ was busy with:
✅ Reading Qur’an with Jibrail (as) every night.
✅ Spending the nights with Jibrail (as), his ﷺ Spiritual Guide.
✅ Being generous, Rasulullah ﷺ called Ramadhan, “a month of charity”.
So, let us be busy with these three things too!
Read Qur’an abundantly, keep connection with your Mursyid, and donate generously in this month.
And when is the best time to read Qur’an?
Qur’an can be read at any time, but especially between tahajjud time & fajr time, it is extra special and blessed, as,
“Angels gather to witness the reading.”
(Qur’an 17:78)
May Allah ﷻ grant us all to meet the actual moment of the Night of Power.
Ameen ya Rabbal ‘alameen.
Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.
May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime.
May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.
Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.
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