Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
In shā’a Llāh we make ṣuḥbah with our Muslim brothers. We are, in shā’a Llāh, asking Allāh ʿAzza wa Jalla to bless you. As Ḥaḍrati Abū Bakr said, may Allāh ﷻ make what they said to be, in shā’a Llāh. We are not claiming anything but, in shā’a Llāh, may Allāh ﷻ makes us as you think, in shā’a Llāh.
Our way, way of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is the way of all good things. Every nice, every beautiful thing is in this way. It is teaching human beings humanity. Only Islām is teaching this way. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is teaching this way. Real Islām is the way of our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.
The first example, perfect example for this is Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, who said, “أَدَّبَنِي رَبِّي فَأَحْسَنَ تَأدِيبِي”, “Addabani Rabbi fa ahsana ta’dibi”, “Allāh ﷻ gave me good behavior and He perfected it.” Allah ﷻ taught me adab, good behavior, and He ﷻ made the best thing completely in myself, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said.
So, to have respect and adab is not bad. Adab is a very important thing. But nowadays, it is the worst thing for those who are claiming they are looking after humanity, teaching humanity. It is not an acceptable attribute for them. You must not be good behaved, you must be aggressive, you must be violent, you must be every bad thing. If you do so, nobody touches you. But if you are good behaved and quiet and so, they are riding on you and want to do every [bad] thing to you. So, Islām is opposite of this. Islām is, alhamduliLlah, giving, making people higher; making them higher and higher. But others make them and want them to be lower and lower.
Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was in the middle of people who don’t have any respect, any adab or anything. They only have, the most important thing for them, is to be proud, Takabbur. This is the most important thing. Each one was going to the other saying, “I am better than you, I am higher than you.” And they didn’t speak with lower people. There were many things that they were doing. But Islām took out all this. Nobody is better than the other, only with good deeds, with good behavior.
So, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam taught the ṣaḥābah, all of them, to be the best example for us. The best example, they said, when Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam spoke – Normally when others were not Muslim, nobody listens to the other. They were shouting, fighting, doing. But then, they became Muslim and Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam taught them adab and good behavior. While Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was speaking, they said that they sit still as if there is a bird on their head. If they do anything, any movement, the bird will fly away. So, they didn’t even do any small movement. This is what Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam taught the ṣaḥābah and they taught us. They taught us what we must do. But of course, like nowadays also, from that time there were also people who didn’t learn adab; even at that time.
After Madinah Munawwara, they came to Makkah, to open Makkah, to make it Muslim. After Makkah, there was the Battle of Hunayn. This was a big war. Many tribes came from places around to help against these people. They fought with Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. It was a difficult war, but with the mu’jizah, miracle for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, Allāh ﷻ made him ﷺ win over them. It was a very strong war.
There is a time after war to take the spoils of war. They divided what they took from the enemy between the army, those fighting, those who became shahīd; all of them. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was giving each one what he must take. One of the fifth is for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. He ﷺ can give as much as he ﷺ likes. And the left is distributed between the army or those fighting there.
So, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was distributing it. And there were some of this one tribe called Bani Tamim. One man from this tribe, his name is maybe Huwaysira or something, entered to where Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was. The ṣaḥābah were looking at him ﷺ. They were very happy to look at the face of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. And they were very happy to see him ﷺ doing, giving and speaking to people. One said, “I was very happy seeing, looking at Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.” So, this man came and said, “O Prophet ﷺ, you must divide with justice.” He said like this. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, “If I don’t divide with justice, who will divide with justice?” If without justice, nothing will be here.
So Sayyidina Umar ibn Al-Khattab became angry very quickly – And one must be angry for this, for what this man said there – He said to Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, “Let me punish him.” Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam has wisdom. All wisdom is with Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Wisdom comes from him ﷺ. “Don’t, Ya Umar. Don’t do this. He has a family, his tribe. It will be a big fitnah. Just leave him go.” But these people like him are the ones who read Qur’an, but the Qur’an is not coming down from their mouths down [to their hearts]. Only coming until here [their throats]; nothing more. And they will be going out of Islam like the arrow goes out of the bow.
This is what bad behavior does to people. Many of them are now around us. And many people are happy with them. They just ask, “Why are there many people following them, youngsters, others, all this.” I will tell you. It’s very easy. Because you are in the right way. Imagine, you can ask anybody who has a little bit of wisdom, “Why is it difficult for people to come here, yet they are going there?” A very easy question. Because if you come here, a thousand shayṭāns will make you not come. “You are tired. You are not good. Don’t go. These people are a few people. The majority are the other people.” When they go to the other people, shayṭān pushes them [to the same place, encouraging them], “Go there. Don’t come. You are right. You are all right. The other people are mushrik. They are kafir. Every bad thing is with these people”, he says.
So, people are cheated by shayṭān. For this, they are easily going. When doing the bad thing, shayṭān doesn’t prevent you, he helps you go there. This is the wisdom for people. Many people, maybe even our people are also saying this, “Maybe you are wrong, because not much people are coming. If 100 come to you, 2000 come to them. If 500 come to you, 50,000 people go there.” This is the reason. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, in the end of times, you will be many people but there isn’t any value for you. No value because you are not following, taking the valuable thing, precious thing. You only take stone; you only take garbage; nothing of benefit. So, what can you do? Nobody wants you. Can you collect garbage, can you collect stone, can you collect dirt? Nobody is happy with that. But if you are collecting jewelry, you will have value, and they will be against you, trying to take this from you.
For this, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says to be in his ﷺ way, to be respectful, to be good people. Because Muslims must be easy [going]. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says about the Muslim, easy [going], smiley and helpful to people. This is what Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is saying. Not to be harsh and not smiling. Sayyidina Ja’far as-Sādiq who is from the great-grandsons of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, the sign of a good Muslim, believer is to be smiling, to be soft with people. And the sign of the munāfiq, or who doesn’t accept Prophet ﷺ and is not happy with Prophet ﷺ, is that his face is dark and he is not smiling, and he is bad with people. This is the sign of the munāfiq or the other people who are not respecting Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.
AlhamduliLlah, we are, in shā’a Llāh, following Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. You must be all the time happy. Nothing makes you afraid from what people are saying and what they are showing: the way of shayṭān. Don’t follow and don’t be afraid of this. You are in the good way, alhamduliLlah, way of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. The way of ṭarīqah is the way of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam which is connecting to Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. Without ṭarīqah, we see they call it gathering, this gathering, that gathering. They give names for things.
But if no ṭarīqah, all are going in the end to the wrong way. It can only be with ṭarīqah. Because Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam keeps who are following him ﷺ, reaching until him ﷺ. Because there are also many ḥadīths that tell to look for those who saw Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. This was a tradition. Some people were saying, this man saw Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. After him, another one who saw the Prophet ﷺ. After him, who saw the one who saw Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, until Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam.
So, our, alhamduliLlah, all ṭarīqahs are connecting to Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. The real ones. Of course, some people can claim, “I am Shaykh, I am this, I am that,” but if he is not following sharī’ah, it is not real. You must look. We saw many people who claim they are Shaykh yet they’re not following. Some of them are not even praying. For this, it is not right to follow them. Also, Allāh ﷻ has given us a brain to look and see if it is true or not true. You must know. Don’t believe: this is coming from Sham, this is coming from Pakistan, this is coming from India, this is coming from Egypt, from anywhere. Don’t be cheated without looking, without seeing if he is following madhhab.
Madhhab is also very important. Nowadays, these people are denying. About ṭarīqah, they are denying ṭarīqah. And about madhhab, they are also denying. They say, “No need for madhhab. I can judge by myself what is right, and what is not right.” So, who is claiming this, don’t speak to him, go away from him. Because this puts illness in your heart. And people can be easily affected by these people. So, don’t follow him. Don’t follow anyone saying this. Even if he knows the whole Qur’an, if he knows ḥadīth, if he knows everything, but is not following madhhab and not following what Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says: all of this is of no benefit.
Who is the biggest scholar, biggest ‘ālim? Shayṭān, Iblīs. Iblīs was knowing all the Heavenly Books. He knows everything. Everything. But he is a cursed one. There’s no benefit from what he knows. It’s not important to know, what’s important is to do. If you pray 2 rak’at in the night, it is better than 100 rak’at in daytime. But also, if you pray your whole life 1000 rak’at at night time and not pray 1 rak’ah from Fard, it is not equal to this. And this is also important. You must be awake, not be cheated with people. They say, “I am not praying but the whole night I am making tasbih, making dhikr, making ḥadrah, reading Qur’ān, ḥadīth. But there’s no need for praying because I am doing all of this. I think I am the most perfect one.”
It sounds like a joke, but many people are following these people. Many people believe in them and are following them. What we gave is one example; not about everybody doing this. One of them only. There are thousands of these. You must be careful because you are in the way. You must be very careful. It’s like you are in a high place, any time you can fall down. So, we must follow the way until we meet Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. This is very important to be until our last time, our last breath, in the right way, stable and strongly in this way, insha’Allah.
May Allāh ﷻ help Islām and Muslimīn. Because with all of this, only Allāh ﷻ can help us. And this is what Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying. Prophet means prophecy. He ﷺ was telling what will happen until Qiyamah, until the end of dunyā also. He ﷺ said about this time, as we said, there will be many Muslims but of no benefit. But also, after this, Allāh ﷻ will send one from the lineage of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, Sayyidina Al-Mahdi, to fix all of this, to finish the bad things and bad people. They will change or they will go. This is only what will be. There will only be clean, pure Islām in the whole earth, in shā’a Llāh. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.
• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
18 February 2025/ 19 Sha’ban 1446
Maidenhead Mosque – Maidenhead, UK