Category Archives: Daily Practices for Mureeds
A Guide to Dalailul Khayrat
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim The recitation of Dalailul Khayrat is a daily practice [awrad/wazifa] of our beautiful Naqshbandi Way. People of these end of times, would rather spend their time in useless activities like reading the newspapers and watching movies, whilst … Continue reading
A Collection of Ramadhan Resources
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم The Prophet ﷺ says, Everyone’s book is closed after death, except for three persons. The first is a man who was guiding people on the right way by his writings. As long as people are taking … Continue reading
The Intention (recited Daily by every Mureed)
Qur’an App for Mureeds
A powerful tool to help every mureed’s Qur’an recitation www.Tanzil.netI would like to introduce this website above to you today. As mureeds, we have much Qur’an to recite in our daily practices: ✅ we must read a particular surah after … Continue reading
Daily Practices of each fardhu prayer (Wazifa)
Dalailul Khairat
Dalailul Khayrat, Istanbul version Our Beloved Shaykh Bahauddin blessed us with a Tablespread of Spiritual Nourishment during the Singapore leg of the Chat. During the Q&A session a mureed was asking if he has the permission, other than the Dalailul … Continue reading