Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ deeply loved his daughter, Sayyida Fatima (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhā), and she is beloved by all the angels and righteous believers. We ask Allah ﷻ to grant us the honor of being under her protection on the Day of Judgement.
The Prophet ﷺ once confided in her, saying, “I am experiencing stomach pain and have not eaten for three days.”
Sayyida Fatima (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhā) replied, “Ya Rasoolullah, I have not eaten for seven days as there is no food in the house.”
Prophet ﷺ wept and said, “Ya Fatima, my eyes have tears because Allah ﷻ gave me someone like you who doesn’t complain. If I ask Allah ﷻ to send me a table from Heaven He will, but due to love of Allah, I prefer hunger now and to go to Paradise hungry.”
Sayyida Fatima (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhā) replied, “I am like you. I prefer Akhirah to dunya.”
Then Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Ya Fatima, abshee, glad tidings! Be happy that because of you suffering hunger without complaint, you are the queen of all ladies in Paradise (without exception), you are their Sayyida, master.”
Sayyida Fatima az-Zahra (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhā) had only one dress and it did not cover her feet or head. Prophet ﷺ showed her how to cover herself with his turban cloth.
Our Prophet ﷺ—who will first appear in front of Allah ﷻ on Judgement Day—will observe people and decide to send them to Paradise without account, standing on behalf of the whole Ummah that Day.
And yet in this world, for three days he did not eat. While we live in a world where freezers overflow and complaints abound. Instead of practicing moderation, we choose to waste.
May this Ramadhan inspire our hearts to embrace the noble Sunnah of contentment and simplicity. Ameen.
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