Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

“أَيَّامًا مَّعْدُودَاتٍ”
(Qur’ān 02:184)
“Āyyāman Ma’đūdāt”
“[Specific] numbered days.” Ṣadaqa Llāhu l-‘Aẓīm.
Numbered days, says Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Every person’s life and every time is numbered. The days we fast in the year, in the month of Ramaḍān are numbered days, He ﷻ says. Life is numbered too.
Half of Ramaḍān has passed at once. The other half, as it is also numbered, also passes. Those days are a profit for those who honor them and know their value. They are a very big profit. Not like the worldly profit. It is the profit of the hereafter that is permanent. It is an everlasting profit. As we said, worldly profit passes. No matter how much you do, even if the whole world is yours, since it is numbered, you will leave it and someone else will come. Someone else will live those numbered days and leave too.
But if he knows their value, if he knows the value of this gift given by Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and if he does the worships that should be done, their value will last forever. It will not end in this short life. These are the beautiful things that Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla has given to people. They are great favors. But mankind doesn’t know. He admires himself, “I know everything. I’m educated. What are you saying? Who are you? This is for someone like me who has studied and is knowledgeable. The things you say won’t pass me.” If it doesn’t pass, then it doesn’t matter. That too will pass, your life will pass and the days will pass. After that, you will regret it.
May Allāh ﷻ not make us among those who will be regretful. May He ﷻ make us among those who value these days. May He ﷻ grant us to appreciate them and act accordingly, in shā’a Llāh. May Allāh ﷻ make us a means for goodness.
Our lives are always for the sake of Allāh ﷻ. We live for the sake of Allāh ﷻ. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is not asking you for anything. He ﷻ doesn’t want food or drink from you. He ﷻ also doesn’t want your worship. Your worship and everything is for you. What’s for Allāh ﷻ is to obey Him ﷻ and please Him ﷻ.
Some very foolish people still ask, up until now, “What is the meaning of life?” This is the meaning of life. Those who know this will be at ease. Those who don’t know wander around recklessly and leave. “I will do sports. I will read that book. I will watch a movie”, and I don’t know what they do. They think life is like this. Life is not like that. We were not created for that. We are created to gain the pleasure of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla has also given you everything. You can do anything from what’s ḥalāl. You can live your life with all kinds of beauties; without being in distress. As long as you have Allāh’s ﷻ pleasure, as long as you are on His ﷻ way, there are all kinds of beauties. The opposite of the ḥarām, opposing the ḥarām is the ḥalāl. If you do what’s ḥalāl, you will win. If you do what’s ḥarām, you will lose. You will not win anything even though you think you will win.
May Allāh ﷻ protect us. May these beautiful days be perpetual, in shā’a Llāh. May Allāh ﷻ not deprive us of His ﷻ barakah and mercy. May He ﷻ not let us stray from the right way. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.
• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
15 March 2025/ 15 Ramadhan 1446
Fajr Prayer – Akbaba Dergah, Istanbul
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