Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Daily Suhbah
6th March 2010, Saturday
Unlock your heart
A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem
Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem
Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt
- Maulana asks us to doa, that our hearts are unlocked, to receive spiritual guidance. When the Prophet (saw) preached to the Jewish community, they said to him, “Our hearts are locked, wrapped up, we cannot accept your message.” They couldn’t bring themselves to open their hearts to accept the truth, so who can open such hardened and locked hearts? Allah! So why didn’t they beg Allah to do so?
يُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ مَّا فَقَلِيۡلًا رِهِمۡ بِكُفۡ اللّٰهُ لَّعَنَهُمُ بَل غُلۡفٌؕ قُلُوۡبُنَا وَقَالُوۡا
They say “Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah’s word we need no more).” Nay Allah’s curse is on them for their blasphemy; little is it they believe. (Quran 2:88)
- By saying that your hearts are locked, it does not diminish your responsibility in the Divine Presence when you return to him. Many humans today don’t say that their hearts are locked, but they behave in that manner – they place no importance on the afterlife at all.
- Many of the ancient Holy Books have been adulterated by Shaitan, and have been rewritten by humans, hence losing its Divine blessings. The ancient Torah came with a commentary from Nabi Musa (as), but the re-written thalmud that is used by the Bani Israel today, does not contain the Torah or its commentary.
- After the passing of Prophet Musa (as), hundreds of Prophets were sent, and they all referred to the original Torah and its commentary, to teach their communities.
- The Bani Israel (Children of Israel) are mentioned so very often in the Qur’an, and Allah advised them repeatedly to follow His guidance. The nature of Bani Israel, is that they killed many Prophets, and they even tried to crucify Nabi Isa (as), but Allah had replaced Nabi Isa (as) with a man who looked like him, and when the Jews had crucified him, they were in confusion if that crucified man was indeed Jesus, as his body was different from the Jesus whom they knew (although the face was similar). Until today, confusion reigns amongst the Christians too, some say he died, others say he is heaven, sitting on the Right of the Divine Throne. Maulana asks which Holy Book has ever stated that, and warned about deviations introduced into the religion by shaitan. The Holy Qur’an cleared this matter, clearly stating that Nabi Isa (as) was neither killed nor crucified.
- Nabi Muhammad (saw) and Nabi Musa (as) both brought a Holy Book, and a Sword, unlike Jesus, who turned the other cheek.
- Maulana asks, if you find a treasure chest that is locked, would you simply walk away from it? If the chest contained all the wealth that you desire, would you leave it and pretend that it didn’t interest you? If you knew that Rasulullah (saw) brought good tidings, brought heavenly treasures, surely you would make an effort to unlock this chest of gifts! You would seek out the missing key, to unlock all these heavenly treasures. Many Bani Israel reject Rasulullah (saw), saying that they are loyal followers of Nabi Musa (as), but Nabi Musa (as) himself is following Rasulullah (saw)!
- It is strange that those who claim not to understand Rasulullah’s message, understand their worldly dealings perfectly. Bani Israel were enemies with all the Prophets sent to them, due to their love for dunia. That love of dunia, locks up human hearts! If they do not accept the message in dunia, they will accept it in akherat, for when the Bani Israel sees the Arash at Masyar, they will say, “My heart accepts now.” On that Day, Rasulullah, Allah’s Most Beloved, will sit on the Divine Throne, representing Allah, for he is the Waseelah, who will be given the Maqam Mahmuda, as we pray for him, after each Azan.
- Ask Rasulullah (saw) to unlock your heart, but the proud ones are too busy with their worldly life to bother.