The Mockers’ End

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

“قُلِ اسْتَهْزِئُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ مُخْرِجٌ مَّا تَحْذَرُونَ”

(Qur’an 09:64)

“Quli s-tahzi’ū ‘Inna Allāha Mukhrijun Mā Taĥdharūna”, “Say, “Mock [as you wish]; indeed, Allah will expose that which you fear.”” Ṣadaqa Llāhu l-‘Aẓīm.

Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla says people mock. They often mock those who invite to Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. They don’t like them. They think they are clever and perfect people and that people on the way of Allah ﷻ are idiots and stupid. So they mock them. He ﷻ says, “Mock! I will reveal what kind of mistake you made later.” “مُخْرِجٌ مَّا تَحْذَرُونَ”, “Mukhrijun Mā Taĥdharūna”, “Expose that which you fear.” (Qur’an 09:64). Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla will bring it up to you to teach you that your mocking is in vain. That will be both here and hereafter. A person who thinks something is right and the rest are wrong in this world, he is mistaken most of the time. And he will be disgraced in the end.

If those who mock and oppress those on the way of Allah ﷻ regret it in this world before going to Akhirah, it will be good. If they don’t regret it, it will be bad. When they regret and ask for forgiveness, Allah ﷻ will forgive. But if they persist on it, they will be disgraced in this world and in Akhirah. Allah ﷻ will certainly give everyone’s due. Everyone is in the Hand of Power of Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Allah ﷻ is merciful. If they repent for what they do, He ﷻ will forgive. If they don’t repent, they will be disgraced in this world and have a great loss in Akhirah.

We must be careful. People think they own the world when they are given something. They think others are useless and unimportant, that they deserve to be mocked. We must be careful. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone might say wrong things. But if they repent and ask for forgiveness, Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla will surely forgive them. This is very important.

They mocked the people on the way of Allah ﷻ a lot. Kafirs and faithless ones mocked and laughed at the Prophets, their nations and their followers a lot. Their condition is described in Qur’an ‘Azimu sh-Shan and history books. It is described how they perished. There was no gain in mocking them. Those who mocked and went against Haqq always got disappointed. They didn’t attain anything and passed away to the other world; may Allah ﷻ protect us.

May Allah ﷻ protect us. Because they are cheating children, youth and the elderly in this time. Therefore, may Allah ﷻ protect them and all of us. Because this situation is dangerous. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.


• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani 

29 January 2025/ 29 Rajab 1446

Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah

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