Tag Archives: Scholars
The Story of the Thief and the Saint
Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s elder son, and full Khalifah on Golden Chain, Shaykh Muhammad Adil, also affectionately known as Shaykh Mehmet, tells this fascinating tale, to explain the amazing attributes of the Friends of Allah.
With his easy and humorous story-telling style, Shaykh Mehmet beautifully illustrates the difference between Shariah and Tariqah, Scholars and Saints, Knowledge and Wisdom. A Gem of a Tale indeed! Continue reading
You must take blessings from April’s rain!
Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s 500 Suhbah Series You must take blessings from April’s rain! 9th May 2010 A’uzubillah himinash shaitan nirrajeem Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt (This Suhbah was given a year ago, and is part of the 500 Suhbahs … Continue reading
Are you standing in a Circle in the Sand?
Many scholars draw a circle in the sand around themselves and accept only what is within that circle, rejecting all that lies outside it. Why? Why place an imaginary limit to Allah’s limitless gifts of knowledge? Why limit yourself from growing in understanding, when Allah gives endlessly? It is a loss for the scholars themselves when they do so, for they are merely standing in shallow waters (of understanding), rejoicing in the little water that surrounds them, rejecting the vast ocean of knowledge before them, hence rejecting the pleasurable satisfaction of advancing in understanding and in spiritual stations. What is worse is that all of this is self-inflicted. It is them who have drawn this imaginary circle around themselves! Continue reading
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