Tag Archives: Egypt
Maulana addresses Egyptians – Oh Scholars, Leaders and Protesters!!
Maulana Shaykh Nazim gave a series of Special Suhbahs to address all layers of society in Egypt. Religion is advice, and it is especially needed at crucial moments like this. Maulana addressed the ulama’, the Leaders, the Protesters and finally the entire nation. We have divided the entire address into two parts for easy reading.
Part one of Maulana address to Egyptians is to Scholars, Leaders and Protesters. In this very special address, Maulana extracts from the Holy Quran, a series of beautiful and relevant Verses, that provide guidance in these dangerous and trying times. He speaks from the advice of the Saints from the Golden Chain, and from the Awtad (Pillar Saints) of Egypt.
Do read carefully, ponder over them and disseminate the information fully, for it could help save lives and save Souls. Continue reading