#SultanSohbah: Laylatul-Qadr – A Precious Night


Read Sultanق’s Sohbah here:

Shukr to Allāh ﷻ, in shā’a Llāh tonight, Laylatu l-Qadr usually occurs on the 27th [of Ramadan]. There is a special sūrah for Laylatu l-Qadr.

“إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ”,

‘Innā anzalnāhu fī laylati l-qadr’,

‘Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree.’ (Qur’ān 97:01).

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, “We sent down Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Shān on this night.” This night is a holy night. Of course, it is not clear which day it is. By Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla’s wisdom, He ﷻ has hidden that night. The barakah of that night is as much as a lifetime. A thousand months is a lifetime. Eighty years is approximately the age of the average person. One night, by the wisdom of Allāh ﷻ, is better than a thousand months.

This is a great gift for people. It is a special gift from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla to Ummati Muḥammad ﷺ. There has never been before as it. Laylatu l-Qadr is only for the sake of our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ, because the Qur’ān was sent down on that night, the Qur’ān was sent down for our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ, it is specially for him ﷺ.

It can be on any day, says our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ. Laylatu l-Qadr may be anytime in the year, even outside Ramadan. Therefore, one must always strive. Just as he does his worship and obedience on Laylatu l-Qadr, he must also do it on other nights. He will come across it, with the permission of Allāh ﷻ. He will definitely come across it. Because if you don’t miss any night, you will come across Laylatu l-Qadr which is one night a year. You will receive its barakah. May Allāh ﷻ make the barakah of this beautiful night be upon us, in shā’a Llāh.

Also, sometimes people have committed badness, rebellion and sin throughout their lives. When he repents for that in one night or in one hour, his whole life is changed into goodness and beauty. This is another good tidings for Ummati Muḥammad ﷺ. When a person who honors our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ, believes in him ﷺ, and follows his ﷺ way repents, all his sins are changed into rewards, they are changed into thawāb.

Therefore, this is good tidings for Ummati Muḥammad ﷺ. Every time, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla calls us to beauty and to attain His ﷻ beautiful gifts. But unfortunately, people don’t listen. If there is something cheap somewhere, they run there. They do not accept the real gifts given by Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, or they don’t care about them. Then, they regret it. Of course, it will be too late for that regret.

May Allah ﷻ make this night blessed upon you. Our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ says to make du‘ā’ on this night. You must make du‘ā’ every night. His ﷺ du‘ā’ is:

“Allāhumma inni as’aluka l-‘afwa wa-l-‘āfiyata wa-l-mu‘āfāta t-dā’imah fī d-dīni wa d-dunyā wa-l-ākhirah.”

“Allāhumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuḥibbu l-ʻafwa fā-‘fu ‘anna.”

This means: may Allāh ﷻ forgive us. May He ﷻ keep us in good health. Both health and well-being are important for humans, for Muslims. Our Holy ‎Prophet ﷺ also says to make du‘ā’ that we not be tested with them. If that du‘ā’ is answered, a person can do everything, do good deeds and worship comfortably.

May Allāh ﷻ accept those beautiful du‘ā’s. Any du‘ā’ is not rejected in the presence of Allāh ﷻ, with the permission of Allāh ﷻ. May Allah ﷻ make this night blessed for us and all our nights, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani

05 April  2024/ 26 Ramadan 1445

Lefke, Cyprus

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