Sohbah given by Hajja Rukiye on 5/5/2021
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
According to calculations, Laylatul Qadr is this Saturday night; on the night of Saturday to Sunday. There is a prayer of 4 rak’ats after Tarawih and after the witr wajib, which you can pray yourself, not in jama’ah.
Make niyyah for 4 rak’ats Salat Laylatul Qadr, in each rak’ah read:
1 Fatiha, 1 Sura At-Takathur (Quran 102) and 3 Ikhlas Sharif. Read this in each rak’ah.
And after giving salam, read: ‘Astaghfirullah’ 100 times, ‘Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ‘aali Muhammadin wa sallim’ 100 times, and then make dua for whatever you like. This is the prayer for that holy night.
Actually the night of Qadr is not known but mostly they celebrate it on the 27th night. But it can be the 21s night, or the 23rd night, or the 25th night, or the 27th night, or the 29th night, any of these nights can be Laylatul Qadr. It can come at any time, so get ready every night for Laylatul Qadr.
Laylatul Qadr is hidden. Allah Azza Wa Jalla says that the Quran Al-Kareem descended from the Lawh Al- Mahfouz to the first heaven, Baytul ‘Izzah, and it was kept there. And then slowly slowly Jibril alayhi salam brought the verses of the Quran to the Prophets every time there was an event happening. And when the Prophet recited the Quran, the Sahabah Kiram were listening to him while others were writing it down. and some were memorising it,
The Prophet was telling the sahaba: “This ayah put it here. That ayah put it there”. And he asked them to read it to him again and again, and he was reading the verses also for them. The Prophet always checked the holy Quran that was in the hands of the sahaba and the order of its suras and ayahs.
Every year Jibril alayhi salam came to the Prophet to check the Quran. The year the Prophet passed away, Jibril alayhi salam checked the Quran two times, he read it two times. There is a famous story from Hazrat Fatima. The Prophet was in his last days, she came to visit him and he told her something in her ear and she started to cry. Then he told her something else and she was smiling.
In his last days the Prophet was in Hazrat Aisha’s room – so she asked Hz. Fatima: “What did he tell you? Why did you first cry and later smile?”
Hazrat Fatima replied: “It’s a secret, I cannot tell you.” And she left.
When the Prophet left this world, Hazrat Aisha asked Hazrat Fatima again: “Why did you first cry and then laugh?”
She said: “First he told me: ‘Every year, once Jibril alayhi salam checks with me the Quran Al-Kareem that we read. This year he checked it two times, that means that I am leaving, I am going to Allah. Then I was crying. I was so sad that I was crying. Then he told me: ‘You will be the first one of my family to come after me, to join me.’ That’s why I was smiling, I was very happy.”
The Prophet was born on 12th Rabi’ Al-Awwal – and he passed away on the same day, also a Monday. Hazrat Fatima passed away six months later in Ramadan, her anniversary of passing away is in Ramadan. So, Rabi’ Al-Awwal, Rabi’ Al-Akhir, Jumada Al-Awwal, Jumada Al-Akhir, Rajab, Shaban and then in Ramadan she was with her father again.
Wa min Allahi at-tawfeeq.