Knowledge of the Beginning and End

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

Welcome to all of you. We are coming for the sake of Allāh ﷻ to meet good people; those whom everybody wants to be from. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created human beings clean and to be good. And He ﷻ created the ego and created shayṭān to be a test for human beings. Who follows them will not be happy. Who follows his ego, shayṭān and does bad things will never be happy. First for himself. What you do, you do for yourself. If you do a good thing, you do it for yourself. If you do a bad thing, you also do it for yourself. People must know this. They know but they are cheated. They think what they do is good for them. After that, they regret it.

For this, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is sending His ﷻ Messengers, Prophets. All these Prophets, since Ādam ‘alayhi s-salam until Sayyidinā Muḥammad ṣallá Llāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, had come to remind people not to do the bad thing, to remind people of their humanity. Humanity means to be good. You are, as a human, a good creature. But if you make bad things to people, even animals will be better than you. Any animal attacks others only to feed itself, just so it eats. After that, it doesn’t do so when it’s angry. But human beings are not like this. They are not getting enough. They want more and more and more. For this, many times animal are more merciful. They are only looking for what they want. When it’s enough for them, they sit there until they want another meal, another food. They go running after their food. But human beings take everything and it’s not enough. They are running after people to kill them, to steal them, to make bad things for them. Why? Because they have a mind, but they use this mind for bad things, not for good things.

But this life is a test for all human beings. And there is another life also; which is after death. They will be in life, the real life forever. Not only like this life: you are born, then you die, and after that you become earth or ashes. Now they also burn people. They say, “They are ashes. We were created from earth; we can be earth again. But when burnt to ashes, we cannot be [resurrected] again.” No, you can be [resurrected]. This is not a problem for the Creator. He ﷻ create us from nothing. So, there’s no problem if you are ashes, and even if you were eaten by animals or other things.

When all human beings will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection, you will become a whole human being again. Again, as we are now with blood and bone and meat. We will be again, same as now. And we will remember everything; even who was forgetting everything. Nobody will forget any moment. All of this will be shown to you, and you will be asked: what you had done, why did you do this, etc. And you will be a winner or a loser. There are two options there. It is a court but there’s no need for a lawyer. The lawyer is only here. He can make the right wrong and the wrong right, the white black and the black green. Lawyers can do anything. Why? Because this court can be cheated.

But in that court, nobody can cheat. Because everything will appear. It is said, even your body will be a witness for you. This is said in the Qur’ān. Your body, hand, foot, everything will say, “Yes, you had done this.” That time, everything will appear. No need to [lie] like in this time saying, “No. My hand cannot speak.” Everything can speak that time. And the man or woman will say, “You are a part of me. Why are you witnessing against me?” They will say, “Allāh ﷻ made us speak. We cannot shut up. When He ﷻ makes us speak, we speak truly. And you have done this. You have done that.” And these people will be punished.

For this, what’s important in life is to be good with everything: with humans, with animals, with nature. With everything. It is an order. Allāh ﷻ orders us to be good with everything. Don’t be extreme in harming anything; not only human beings. Everything that can be harmed, don’t harm it. Be careful. Live in this world peacefully and leave this world peacefully. You will be in peace the in the next life, in peace forever. There isn’t any more death, or sadness, or illness, or poorness, or stress; nothing. This is forever.

Some people say, “How forever?” Even now, all people are living life as if they will not die. You cannot imagine somebody from all these people saying, “I will die,” and is preparing for this. No. They just think that life is going on the same and nothing will change. But after that, it will end. So, this is a preparation for the forever life. Allāh ﷻ prepares people in this dunyā to think they will not die. This is a sign that the next life will be forever, no death, no any bad thing for good people.

And we are living like this. When you do this – what will you lose if you are good with people? Nothing. You will not lose anything. If you are bad with people, you will not win anything also. You will not be happier. You will not have a long life. You will not have any good thing for you, if you are bad with people. You will even be more anxious, more depressed, more afraid. This is what you will be. But if you are good with people, you will not lose anything and you will be a winner in the next life.

This is what prophets were teaching through holy books and especially the last heavenly book, which is the Qur’ān. And it is all reserved: nothing less, nothing more. It is all coming from heaven. It is a miracle. We can touch it, we can read it, we can understand it. And there is every knowledge in it, knowledge of the awwalīn wa l-ākhirīn, He ﷻ says. Knowledge of the beginning and the end. All this technology, all these things we see are coming through the Qur’ān, the knowledge of the Qur’ān.

Time by time, when something will happen, there becomes permission and inspiration for people to do something new. We see everything now. People are wondering how this can be. This can be because by the permission for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He ﷻ is saying, now is the time for electricity, now is the time for petrol, now is the time for atom. There is knowledge which this knowledge is nothing compared to it. You cannot compare the knowledge of Allāh ﷻ, what He ﷻ has with this.

We think it is too much. It is not much at all. It is only a little bit. And when the time comes, all of this will also go. And there will come knowledge which has never been before at all. All of this, they say technology, they say computer and other things, will be nothing compared to that knowledge. This is from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. His ﷻ mightiness is unlimited. And we are lucky because the only heavenly book now coming through heaven is the Qur’ān. And who reads it, gets all good things, good knowledge, blessings and health. Everything you want, you can find in the Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n.

Of course, there are other books: the Bible or Torah, etc. But most of them were written later on and were not preserved like Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n. Because each one is different from the other. So, the only heavenly book in the world is the Qur’ān. It is teaching people everything from beginning to end. It is blessed. And nobody can change it, nobody can imitate it. Arabs liked poems, and thought, “This is a poem, we can do this.” But in the Qur’ān it is said, if everybody comes together and tries to make one sentence like it, it is impossible to do like it. For this, there are thousands of miracles of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, but the biggest one is the miracle of the Qur’ān.

We thank Allāh ﷻ for this good present for humanity. It is light. It is a blessing for all humanity. May Allāh ﷻ make it in our hearts. We are asking du’ā’ from Allāh ﷻ, we pray to make it in our heart to lighten the whole world, in shā’a Llāh. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.


• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani 

11 February 2025/ 12 Sha’ban 1446

St. Benedict’s Church – Glastonbury, UK

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