Know the Value of Ramadhan

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In Loving Memory of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan – Ramadhan Series

Here is a synopsis of a Sohbah given by Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar Khan on 7 April 2022:

When Sayyidah Aisha (RadhiAllahu anha) asked the Prophet ﷺ, “O Messenger of Allah, if it is Laylatul Qadr, then what should I supplicate with?”

He ﷺ replied, “Allahumma, innaka Afuwwun Karimun, tuḥibbu al-afwa fa‘afu anna.”

“O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning and Generous; You love to pardon, so pardon us.”

Ramadhan is known as a month of Forgiveness. A tremendous opportunity to seek Divine Mercy and to ask and grant forgiveness, amongst ourselves, opens in this blessed month, in hope of earning Allah’s ﷻ Pleasure. It is also a month of good fasting, where believers restrain from all that displeases Allah ﷻ externally and internally.

Mostly, Ramadhan is known as, Shahrul Qur’an, the month of the Holy Quran. In it, our Beloved Prophet ﷺ recited the Quran in its entirety and twice in the last Ramadhan before his ﷺ passing, with Sayyidina Jibrail (Alayhi Salam).

Ramadhan and the Qur’an are inseparable. It will appear either as a source of intercession or, Allah ﷻ Forbid, a curse for the believer on Judgement Day, favouring those who have understood and esteemed its Divine Value, as the honourable month bearing the final revelation of the Holy Book of Allah ﷻ.

Abstaining from what is forbidden in the Quran and upholding its laws are the people who will see it come as an intercessor for them in the Hereafter.

Allah ﷻ has made this easily attainable for the Ummah by weakening obstacles and removing Seventy Veils, except one, which prevents us from being with Him ﷻ.

The one hijab (barrier) left is for us to work on removing steadfastly, with the i’badah of fasting, reciting Quran, Zakat, Zikrullah, Tawbah and giving Ramadhan its highest respect as the month that will bring one closer to Allah ﷻ.

There is no other month like the Sultan of all months. Mawlanaق said that Ramadhan is the most special month of the year, as in it believers increase their worshipping and in turn, gain the gift of closeness to Allah ﷻ.

Therefore, mureeds must strive to fully submerge into the Abundance of Ramadhan, emerging cleansed, as a servant worthy to be granted its Shafa’a.

May we be raised as those who honour Ramadhan and the Holy Quran, attaining its intercession on Yaumul Qiyamah.

Please do take some time to listen to the full Sohbah here:

Jazakumullahu Khairan.

Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.

May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime. 

May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.

Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.

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