25 May by Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil Ar-Rabbani
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
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Insha’Allah tonight is a holy blessed night, the night of Jum’ah. We will make Khatm ul-Khwajagan. Insha’Allah we will make a little bit Sohbah and after it we will make Khatm ul-Khwajagan. This is the order of our Tariqah, order of Naqshbandi Tariqah. Insha’Allah we can do it here insha’Allah. Allah ﷻ sent us this place, it’s okay. Everywhere for the Mu’min (believer), he can do. Where Allah ﷻ wants, we can do this Dhikr insha’Allah. Do they want to translate to French?
Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla, as we said, makes for the Mu’min, for the believer, for the Muslim the whole earth “Tahoora” (clean). So you can pray everywhere. You can do your ‘Ibadah, your worship everywhere on this earth. The important thing is to be clean. It must be clean where you make your ‘Ibadah, where you make Sajdah, where you stand for praying Salat. The earth must be clean and yourself also. Everything in your clothes, and you must make Wudu (ablution), you make Ghusl (full-body ablution). You are clean then. With this, you can do your worship everywhere insha’Allah.
When you do ‘Ibadah, worship in some place, this place becomes light from Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. With ‘Ibadah, Allah ﷻ sends there His ﷻ blessed looking. And when He ﷻ is looking, there becomes light, Nur from Allah ﷻ for this place. When you go inside every mosque and every Dergah, you feel a good feeling. Whoever can see, can see light coming from there. And this light comes to the heart. And when the heart is lightened, it is happiness for the believer.
AlhamduliLlah today we went to this place that they are claiming is for worshipping, but normally it’s not like this. What Sayyidina ‘Isa ‘alayhi s-salam/Jesus or Sayyidina Musa were ordering them to do from ‘Ibadah is not like this. For this, when you go to such places you feel heaviness, you be in darkness and sadness in this place. But also, we are insha’Allah going there for Allah ﷻ insha’Allah to give light to many people there who are sincere people, for the light of Allah ﷻ to come to their hearts. And maybe Allah ﷻ gives them Hidayah (guidance) to go to the right way. Because they are very sincere people and very good people but they don’t know that what are doing is of no benefit.
We must go everywhere Allah ﷻ is ordering, to give Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla’s message for human beings, to call them to the right way: the way of Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. This is the mission for us. So of course, we cannot go and say, “Oh come and be Muslim.” Just our appearance makes them, as we said, if Allah ﷻ has given them something, it will come from that point for the better and better insha’Allah.
And to do this, insha’Allah we first make ourselves also on the way of what Allah ﷻ and Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam like us to do; to be better and better and better. And from your intention, you can bring somebody to the way of Allah ﷻ. And when you bring someone, this is the biggest favor from Allah ﷻ for you.
Once, there was a big ‘Awliyau’Llah Shaqīq al-Balkhī. He is from [the time] after the Sahabah, from Tabi’een. He was the student of Ibrahim ibn Adham, a big ‘Awliya also. He was following his Murid. He was talking about himself that during his youth, he was with young people and they were playing. Once, they were near a place for worshipping fire. This temple was for fire worshippers in Turkistan, in Central Asia. There were many people worshipping fire. “Majoosi” we call them. Even when we were in Dagestan [we were told that] also before 300 or 400 years there were also many places where they were worshipping fire, Majoosi. I was surprised to hear about this. I thought they were finished a long time ago. But until maybe 300 years, they were still worshipping. And after this, with the Barakah of the Naqshbandi Mashayikh, they left that and became strong believers and strongly Muslim. Shaqīq al-Balkhī said that for enjoying themselves, they went inside this temple and saw one young man worshipping fire. Shaqīq al-Balkhī told the young man, “What are you doing! This is not good. Don’t worship fire. Become a Muslim.” When he talked like this, this young man slapped him on his face. When he slapped him on his face, he said, “I understand. I have done something wrong because I am also not ready. I am not better than him. So what I have told him did not affect him. He didn’t take what I said, he even attacked me and hit me.” He was crying at himself. Because his ego was like this, he was crying to Allah ﷻ asking for forgiveness. And after this, he looked at himself and was following Mashayikh and following ‘Ulama (scholars). He became better and he was famous between people. He became famous and he had many followers. Of course, he was with big ‘Awliya and big ‘Ulama. He was worshipping and making his ego under his feet. So many people were following him, loving him and taking Barakah from him.
Once also, he was going through the city. He saw this temple again. He said, “We will look what they are teaching these people, why they are not following the right way. Let’s go and see what they are doing.” And he went inside with his follower. When he went inside, he said that he saw one old man worshipping fire also. He told him, “O good man, pure man. What are you doing?” This man told him, “Tell me about Islam.” He told him and he quickly made Shahadah and became Muslim. That time, Shaqīq al-Balkhī said to him, “O nice old man. There was here, once before many years, one young boy, what happened to him? Where is he?” He said, “I am this man. I became old.” When he said this, Sayyidina Shaqīq al-Balkhī said, “I was telling you at that time to become Muslim. Why didn’t you become Muslim at that time?” He said, “That time when you said this, what you told me didn’t affect me at all. Because maybe you didn’t have this responsibility or what you said was without Himmah (support), without power. When you said this now, it directly came to my heart and made me surrender and become Muslim.”
This is an important thing: your sincerity. It is very important. Everything must be not by following your ego, but following Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam: how he ﷺ was acting, how he ﷺ was affecting people, what he ﷺ was doing. He ﷺ was not looking after Dunya. Even once – there are ladies here, many ladies – his wives, after when in Madinah, they became rich. But Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was not looking at all after Dunya. They asked something from him ﷺ – Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was very gentle. Not like our people, if they are saying something, quickly they are fighting with their wives, shouting doing this and that; no. Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was never doing this. When he ﷺ was not happy, he ﷺ was not saying anything – So he ﷺ was not happy with what they said. He ﷺ didn’t come to them for one month. And Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla said to them, “If you want Dunya, money, jewelry, gold, yes you can take this and go away from Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. If you want Allah ﷻ, you don’t look for this at all.” They said, “Yes we want Allah ﷻ. We don’t want anything else.” This is the attribute of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and this is what he ﷺ is teaching us.
With this, all millions and billions of people become Muslim from Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. And he ﷺ showed us this way. The first thing: we must look at ourselves. Don’t look after Dunya. When you are looking to bring somebody to Iman, to the way of Prophet salla Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, this is the biggest favor, the biggest victory for you. Trading with Allah ﷻ is better than trading for Dunya. There are people looking at people who come, “How can I take from them?” No, don’t take. Ask from Allah ﷻ. Don’t ask from people.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
25 May 2023/ 5 Dhul Qa’dah 1444
Quebec, Canada

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