Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
“وَيْلٌ لِلْمُطَفِّفِينَ”
(Qur’an 83:01)
“Waylun Lil-muţaffifīn”, “Woe to those that deal in fraud.” Ṣadaqa Llāhu l-‘Aẓīm.
Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla is telling about those who cheat in trade. There is a valley called Wail in hell. It is special for people who cheat in sales and deceive people. There is hell in Akhirah for people who are not merciful to people in this world but cheat them for their profit, who cheat with scales when shopping. They won’t benefit from anything they earn.
Why are we telling this? Because people have confused the principles completely in the last 2-3 years. They don’t think about anything but profit. They don’t care what to earn from. They don’t think if the poor will eat or not, they don’t care about it. All they want is to earn themselves. The government makes a raise of 3 kurush, but they raise for 30 kurush. The government looks and sees so much forgery. We see that they add something to meat, they add something to oil. They add things in everything. People have gone wild. And they don’t care at all. They are not scared of Allah ﷻ. They are not ashamed of people. And they don’t fear the government. They are following their egos and think they are in profit. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla says they don’t. The things they earn will come out of their nostrils.
Earn a little but with Barakah. If you earn a lot, the profit which is not Halal brings no benefit to you. It will come out of your nostrils. You will earn 3 kurush but become sick. Even if you spend a hundred or a thousand times more, you won’t recover. Nothing will work. Therefore, we must be careful. Don’t obey your egos.
They have devastated people. The whole world is devastated. It is the work of shaytan. It is those who are together with shaytan who do these things. There is no such thing as conscience in people anymore all over the world. May Allah ﷻ help poor people. May people eat from Halal to have the strength of Iman and the strength of the body. Otherwise, they will lose both Iman and health. They will lose Barakah and peace. A person who thinks he earns a lot by cheating people, who thinks he attains something out of it is a complete idiot. He is the mindless. He is the absolute fool. We must say so, as people don’t understand otherwise.
You look and see they sell the same product for 3 kurush in one place and for 5 kurush in another place. It is absolutely the same thing. There were no brands in old times, you could do anything. And in another place, it is sold for 10 kurush. Have fairness! May Allah ﷻ help us. May He ﷻ give mind and understanding to those people. They must know that if you earn a little but with Barakah, that is enough for you. It will be enough for your family and children. Otherwise, you will lose your heath, and what is worse, your children will be disobedient to you because of Haram money. Therefore, it is widespread now. They take pills, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Where do these things come from? They come from earning Haram money and lack of Barakah. May Allah ﷻ protect us. May Allah ﷻ help Muslims and their children insha’Allah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.
• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
1 February 2025/ 2 Sha’ban 1446
Fajr Prayer, Akbaba Dergah