#SultanSohbah: Better Than a Thousand Months

Sohbah on 21 March 2025 by Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil Ar Rabbaniق

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

Today, shukr to Allāh ﷻ, this occasion of Ramaḍān is the means for all kinds of goodness. In this blessed month, Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n was revealed. Allāh ﷻ sent down the Qur’ān to our ‎Prophet ﷺ in this month, in the month of Ramaḍān.

Therefore, this night is Laylatu l-Qadr. It is a night better than a thousand months, says Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. A thousand months is a person’s lifetime. It is the age most people live; if you take out one’s childhood. Everyone will have received the virtue of about 90 years in one night. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says that Laylatu l-Qadr is even better than that [thousand months]. So, everyone seeks Laylatu l-Qadr. If it manifests upon a person, all kinds of goodness will be granted to him.

Therefore, in the Ḥadīth Sharīf we read of our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, the holy ṣaḥābah asked our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, “Which night is the Night of Power?” Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said – The Night of Power might be in any night of the year. But it is mostly in Ramaḍān. And it also coincides with the last ten days of Ramaḍān. So, our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, “If I tell you which night it is, then people will leave praying and so, and wait for that night, and do nothing else.”

Therefore, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla has hidden Laylatu l-Qadr. If people are always in worship so that they may come across it, they will certainly come across it. So even if one does not know, a person who is consistent in his worship will certainly come across it. And its benefit will appear in ākhirah. A person will then say, “Allah Allah. I have come across Laylatu l-Qadr several times unknowingly. But it is good that I did not know about it, so that I would not ask for nonsense things. Allāh ﷻ has left its virtue for me for ākhirah.” Because its thawāb and reward is left for ākhirah, it will be a great beauty for a person.

All kinds of beauty manifest in the month of Ramaḍān. That’s why, people feel and sense it as the most beautiful, most virtuous month of the year. And one of the secrets of this beautiful month is Laylatu l-Qadr. Its fasting, suḥūr, everything is rewarded. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, I will reward everything done not 1 to 10, but 1 to 100, 1 to 700, 1 to a thousand times. “I will give the reward of the fasting person,” says Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. He ﷻ gives without measure.

So, how happy is the Muslim; and not anyone else. How happy is the human who becomes a Muslim! Because being a human is something created by Allāh ﷻ. Being from a tribe is something else. But for a human to follow the way of Allāh ﷻ is in the hands of that person. If a person wants it, it happens.

Therefore, controlling one’s ego and going on the way of Allāh ﷻ is the best favor for a person. It is the best benefit. One must make shukr to Allāh ﷻ that He ﷻ gave him this favor. He must always make shukr for that, day and night. He should not stray from His ﷻ way. May Allāh ﷻ help us.

May it be Mubarak upon you, in shā’a Llāh. Ramaḍān is not over yet. In shā’a Llāh, we come across it. As we said, most people have certainly come across but they didn’t know about it. Because there are some things Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla has created, if a person comes across them, whatever he wants happens. Even worldly things happen. And the things of the ākhirah definitely happen if we come across them.

Therefore, our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says that the best du’ā’ you make is,

“اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ والمُعافَاة الدّائِمة في الدّينِ والدُّنيا والآخِرَة”

“Allāhumma innī as’aluka l-‘afwa wa-l-‘āfiyata wa-l-mu‘āfāta d-dā’imah fi d-dīni wa d-dunyā wa l-ākhirah”

“O Allāh, I ask You for forgiveness, well-being, and perpetual healthiness in the religion, here and hereafter.”

Ask Allāh ﷻ for forgiveness, and ask for health and well-being. May our health continue and be perpetual upon us. Health is one of the greatest favors. Health and well-being are a great favor. That [du’ā’] is important in order not to be a burden upon others, to serve on the way of Allāh ﷻ and to continue worshipping. It must be said constantly.

A person is thinking about money, I don’t know what, land, car, etc. Say whatever you want, but the most important is this du’ā’. Therefore, whoever says this du’ā’ will surely come across it, and he will live in health and wellness, and Allāh ﷻ will forgive us, in shā’a Llāh. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.


• Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani 

21 March 2025/ 21 Ramadhan 1446

Lefke, Cyprus

For more resources on the Last 10 Nights of Ramadhan, please click here.


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