Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
The final 10 days of Ramadhan is fast approaching, and these are the Days of Liberation from Hellfire.
It is also the most important 10 days of Ramadhan, in which we do iktikaf and seek the Night of Power.
We are to seek it on all the odd nights, but it is best if you can stay up all nights in these 10 nights.
How to get the strength to stay up all night?
1) Do take a short nap in the daytime after Zuhur each day, so as to have the strength to awaken for Tahajjud. This is advice from a Hadeeth.
Also make intention when sleeping, that it is for the purpose mentioned above.
2) Have a lighter meal than usual at break fast time. Too much food makes the body sleepy.
3) Take a short nap after Terawih if you need to, and awaken by 12am to 1am.
4) Drink coffee when you have awakened, let the aroma of coffee linger in your mouth all night long.
This aroma brings Angels who pray for your forgiveness and the coffee keeps you awake and focused.
How to approach Laylatul Qadr?
1) Bathe with good smelling soap before Maghrib and mop your house and prayer area clean.
2) At break fast and throughout the night avoid food with smell, like garlic, onions and durian.
3) Speak less, spend the nights in worship and du’as/prayers.
4) Make the intention for Iktikaf.
5) Start each night with Charity.
6) Read this nightly so as to not miss it.

What worshipping should we do?
1) Recite the attached Prayer of Forgiveness (below).

2) Pray to receive the FULL dressings of Laylatul Qadr, not just a portion.
3) Pray to be dressed with Ikhlas (sincerity) and Husnul Khotimah (good death in faith).
4) Ask to be in service of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and Sayyidina Isa (as).
5) Ask for the gifts that will allow us to serve the Ummah.
6) Ask to have the name of ALLAH stamped on our hearts, which is the meaning of NaqshBandi.
Shk Nazim said, whomsoever has Allah’s name embossed on his heart, will never enter Hellfire, hence that is the secret to safety in these last ten days.
7) Practices for the night can be found here.
What if a lady is having her period?
So many ladies get very upset and traumatised when they are having their menses during these special nights.
Some get depressed and feel like God has excluded them from the blessings of this night.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
A lady in this state, accepting His Will, pleases Him.
She is also able to do much khidmat that night, for the others who are worshipping, preparing food, coffee, finger food, and seeing to their needs and comfort.
Khidmat (Service) means one also attains the rewards of the worshipping of those one serves.
Also, she can engage in Zikrullah and much du’a till Fajr.
A woman may recite Qur’an silently in her heart, but she cannot touch, carry or recite audibly the Qur’an, during her period. In the Shafie mazhab, a menstruating lady may recite Qur’an in her heart, without moving her tongue.
She may also recite our Naqshbandi Adab & Awrad, but recite the Quranic verses silently in her heart.
May Allah grant us to meet Laylatul Qadr.
Ameen ya rabbal ‘alameen.
Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.
May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime.
May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.
Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.
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