السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In Loving Memory of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan – Ramadhan Series
Here is a short synopsis of a Sohbah given by Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar Khan on 12 March 2023:
• Allah ﷻ created the Mind and Ego to lead us in different directions – one towards Him ﷻ and the other away from Him ﷻ.
• Ramadhan is a month where the Ego is weakened by hunger and thirst, giving believers the strength to worship and harvest the best gifts of the month to draw closer to Him ﷻ .
• Learn about the different levels of fasting, and the best practices to attain the greatest benefits of this Holy Month.
• A sign of the closeness of Qiyamah is in the gathering of large numbers of beasts. Listen and learn how this sign is manifesting today.
Almarhum Sheikh Abdul Sattar advised us to listen to this Sohbah to prepare for Ramadhan, which is just days away.
He reminded us to settle our worldly matters and Zakat Mal, and, like a racehorse, be ready for the starting pistol to begin the race and reap the most bountiful harvest of our lives this Ramadhan.
He encouraged us to give our all and collect from the Divine Dressings, Blessings, Gifts, Mercies, Forgiveness and Closeness being offered in this coming Holy Month.
A month so blessed that even sleeping is considered worship!
“If you knew the blessings of Ramadhan, you would pray that all year round is Ramadhan.” (Hadith)
So go all out.
It may be our last.
Please watch the Sohbah for a detailed explanation of the points mentioned above:
Jazakumullahu Khairan.
Our beloved Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan reunited with his true love, Allah Almighty, on 11 November 2023.
May Allah forgive his shortcomings, bestow upon him endless blessings, mercy, and light, and elevate his rank for the sincerity of his efforts and contribution during his lifetime.
May he be placed amongst those closest and dearest to Allah Almighty.
Al-Fatiha for Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan.