(by Hajjah Amina ‘Adil- Rahmatullāhi ‘Alayha)
Sayyidina ‘Ali (Karam Allahu Wajhahu), the Holy Prophet ﷺ’s son-in-law, spoke of the excellence of the Tarawih prayer, which is a part of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. He said:
“Whoever prays the Tarawih prayer in the first night of Ramadan, will be made pure and freed of all sin, just as a new- born child.”
And he said, “Whoever prays the Tarawih prayer in the second night of Ramadan, his father and mother will be granted forgiveness, provided they were Muslims.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the third night of Ramadan, an angel will bring him the good tidings from the Divine Throne that he is now purified and that Allah has forgiven him all his sins of the past.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the fourth night of Ramadan, Allah will record for him the rewards of having read all the Holy Scriptures, the Torah, Injil, Zabur and Qur’an.
Whoever prays the Tarawiḥ prayer of the fifth night of Ramadan will be rewarded as if he had prayed in the holy mosque at Jerusalem, the Masjid al-Aqsa, or in Medina.
For the Tarawih prayer of the sixth night of Ramadan a person receives the rewards of having made tawaf of the heavenly house, the bayt al-ma’mur, and all the stones and dust upon the earth will pray and intercede for him.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the seventh night of Ramadan, will receive the reward of having lived in the time of the Prophet Musa, ‘alayhis-salam, and having supported him against Pharaoh.
For the Tarawih prayer of the eighth night of Ramadan, he will be rewarded as the Prophet Ibrahim (‘alayhis-salam) was rewarded by his Lord.
For the Tarawih prayer in the ninth night of Ramadan, he receives the blessings of having prayed together with the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
For praying Tarawih in the tenth night of Ramadan, Allah Almighty provides him with all the goodness of this life and the next.
Whoever prays Tarawih during the eleventh night of Ramadan, will be without sin at the time he leaves this world, like a newborn child.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the twelfth night of Ramadan, on the Day of Judgment his face will shine as the moon when it is full.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the thirteenth night of Ramadan will be protected from all evils and devils.
Anyone who prays Tarawih in the fourteenth night of Ramadan, the recording angels will speak in his defense, saying, ‘O Lord, this person has prayed the Tarawih prayer,’ and his trial on the Day of Judgment will be made easy for him.
Whoever prays Tarawiḥ in the fifteenth night of Ramadan, the angels of the Divine Throne and the Divine Court will ask for forgiveness for him.
For one who prays the Tarawih prayer of the sixteenth night of Ramadan the Lord will vouchsafe safety from the fires of Hell and promises to admit him into Paradise.
For the prayer of the seventeenth night, Allah will grant him the rewards of the prophets, peace be upon them.
In the eighteenth night, an angel will call out from on high:
‘Good tidings to you, O servant of Allah! The Lord is well-pleased with you, and also with your parents!’
For praying Tarawih in the nineteenth night, he is dignified by being admitted among the dwellers of the loftiest paradise, the firdaws al-a’la.
For the Tarawih prayer of the twentieth night, Allah will grant him the rewards of the martyrs and the righteous.
In the twenty-first night the Lord erects a paradise mansion for him built of pure light.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the twenty-second night of Ramadan he will be led to the place of Judgment with a joyful heart, untroubled by grief and sorrow.
For the Tarawih prayer of the twenty-third night of Ramadan Allah will reward him with a splendid palace in Paradise.
If he prays Tarawih in the twenty-fourth night of Ramadan, Allah will grant twenty-four of his supplications during this night.
For the Tarawih prayer of the twenty-fifth night of
Ramadan, Allah will free him from the punishment of the grave.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the twenty-sixth night of Ramadan will receive the rewards of forty years of prayer.
Whoever prays Tarawih in the twenty-seventh night of Ramadan will pass over the bridge of Sirat with the speed of lightning.
For the prayer of Tarawih in the twenty-eighth night of Ramadan, his rank in Paradise will be elevated a thousandfold.
In the twenty-ninth night of Ramadan Allah Almighty will grant him the rewards of a thousand holy warriors for praying Tarawih.
And in the thirtieth night, the Lord Himself will address him, saying, ‘O My servant, eat of the fruits of Paradise and quench your thirst from its rivers, for I am your Lord God, and you are My beloved servant…””
Once there lived a man named Muhammad who did not pray or fast for eleven months of the year. However, when Ramaḍān came around, he arose and washed himself, put on fresh clothes and perfumed his beard. He would then fast and pray, making up all the prayers of the past year. People asked him why he acted in this way, and he told them, “This month of Ramadan is the month of repentance and forgiveness; it is a month of mercy and special blessings. I trust my Lord to forgive me all my sins in this month, that is why I always pray during Ramadan.”
It so happened that this man Muhammad died one day and after that several of his friends saw him in their dreams. They all asked him, “How have you fared? How has the Lord treated you?” All of them received the same answer in their dreams: “Allah the All-Merciful has forgiven me my sins on account of my having honoured the holy month of Ramadan.”
Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik (Radi Allāhu ‘Anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet said: “Whoever seeks the company of saintly and learned people during the month of Ramadan will receive the reward for the prayers of a whole year for every step towards such an assembly, and on the Day of Judgment he will stand together with me before the Throne of Mercy. And whoever prays all the prayers of this month in congregation, for every rak’a Allah Almighty will grant him a city in Paradise filled with unimaginable delights. Whoever makes his parents pleased with him in Ramadan, Allah Almighty’s Gaze of Mercy rests upon him. And I am his guarantor, he will enter Paradise!”
If a woman’s husband is pleased with her during Ramadan, she will receive the rewards of Maryam, the mother of the Prophet Isa (‘alayhis salām), and of Asya, the wife of Pharaoh.
And if someone looks after the needs of a poor person during Ramadan, Allah will take care of a thousand of his own needs.
Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah (Radi Allāhu ‘Anhu) relates that he heard the Holy Prophet ﷺ say: “If someone lights a lamp in the mosque during Ramadan, Allah will make a light to shine for him in his grave, and He will grant him the reward of all the prayers that were prayed in the mosque in which his light shone. The angels pray for him and the Throne-bearers ask for forgiveness for him as long as his light is burning in the mosque…”
May Allah grant us the blessings of Ramadhan, Amin!

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