9th Ramadhan: Urs of Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, The Early Convert, Qur’anic Scholar, and Close Companion of the Prophet ﷺ

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

The 9th of Ramadhan marks the Urs of the esteemed companion of the Prophet ﷺ, Abdullāh ibn Masʿūd (RA), who was one of the earliest and most knowledgeable companions of the Prophet ﷺ.

His journey into Islam, unwavering devotion to the Prophet ﷺ, and contributions to Islamic scholarship left a lasting impact on the Muslim world, which we are still benefiting from today.

His First Meeting with the Prophet ﷺ and Abū Bakr (RA)

Before embracing Islam, Abdullāh Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was a young shepherd in Makkah. He worked for ʿUqbah ibn Abī Muʿayṭ, a powerful leader of the Quraysh, and spent his days tending to sheep in the hills outside the city.

One day, as he was grazing the flock, two men approached him. They were the Holy Prophet ﷺ and his closest companion, Abū Bakr as-Ṣiddīq (RA). At this time, Islam was still new, and only a handful of people had accepted it.

The Prophet ﷺ said to him:
“O young man, do you have any milk that we can drink?”

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) replied:
“I cannot give you milk because these sheep belong to my master.”

The Prophet ﷺ then said:
“Do you have any young sheep that have never been milked?”

He brought them a young lamb, and the Prophet ﷺ placed his blessed hands on it and made supplication to Allah ﷻ. Milk began to flow abundantly from the sheep, eventhough it had never been milked before.

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was amazed by this miracle and saw with his own eyes that the Prophet ﷺ was no ordinary man.

Becoming the 6th Person to Accept Islam

After witnessing this miracle and hearing about Islam, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was deeply moved. He sought out the Prophet ﷺ and said:

“Teach me these words you are calling people to.”

The Prophet ﷺ explained the message of Islam to him, and without hesitation, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) accepted the religion.

This made him the 6th person in history to embrace Islam—at a time when being a Muslim meant facing persecution and hardship.

His decision was not easy. He was from a poor and humble background, with no powerful tribe to protect him. Unlike others who had family support, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) faced torture, beatings, and insults from the Quraysh. However, he remained steadfast and never wavered in his faith.

This early acceptance of Islam allowed him to spend years learning directly from the Prophet ﷺ and he became one of the most knowledgeable companions in Qur’anic recitation, Fiqh (jurisprudence), and Islamic teachings.

His Special Relationship with the Prophet ﷺ

From the moment he accepted Islam, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) devoted his life to serving the Prophet ﷺ.

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was among the most beloved and trusted companions of the Prophet ﷺ. Unlike many others, he had direct and frequent access to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his household.

It is reported that Ibn Masʿūd (RA) would carry the Prophet’s ﷺ sandals wherever he went, brought the Prophet ﷺ his water for ablution, held his ﷺ miswāk, and woke him ﷺ up for nightly prayers (Tahajjud).

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was so close to the Prophet ﷺ that the other companions would say:

“He is the one who enters the Prophet’s home when we are not allowed to.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

The Prophet ﷺ himself said:

“If you want to see someone whose heart Allah ﷻ has filled with faith, look at Ibn Masʿūd.” (Musnad Aḥmad)

His closeness to the Prophet ﷺ allowed him to memorize the Qur’an directly from him ﷺ and understand its meanings deeply.

His Knowledge of the Qur’an and its Interpretation

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was one of the first people to memorize the entire Qur’an and was considered an expert in its recitation and interpretation.

The Prophet ﷺ personally recognized his mastery of the Qur’an and said:

“Take the Qur’an from four: Ibn Masʿūd, Sālim (the freed slave of Ḥudhayfah), Ubayy ibn Kaʿb, and Muʿādh ibn Jabal.” (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī)

He also praised Ibn Masʿūd’s (RA) recitation by saying:

“Whoever wishes to recite the Qur’an as fresh as it was revealed, let him recite like Ibn Masʿūd.” (Musnad Aḥmad)

His Firmness in the Face of Persecution

One of the most defining moments in Ibn Masʿūd’s (RA) life was when he became the first companion to recite the Qur’an out loud in Makkah.

The Muslims were still few in number and being persecuted by the Quraysh. Some companions wondered, “Who will go and recite the Qur’an at the Kaʿbah so that the Quraysh may hear?”

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) volunteered without hesitation, despite having no tribal protection.

The companions warned him:
“We fear they will harm you.”

He replied with determination:
“Allah ﷻ will protect me.”

He went to the Kaʿbah and stood in front of the Quraysh leaders. He then began to recite Surah Ar-Raḥmān in a loud, clear voice.

The Quraysh, enraged by the words of Allah ﷻ, attacked him brutally, beating him until his face was swollen and bloody.

When he returned, the companions told him:
“This is what we feared for you!”

He replied with unshaken faith:
“I will do it again tomorrow, for Allah ﷻ will protect me!”

His Beautiful Recitation That Made the Prophet ﷺ Weep

One day, the Prophet ﷺ asked Ibn Masʿūd (RA) to recite the Qur’an to him.

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was surprised and said:
“Should I recite to you when it was revealed to you?”

The Prophet ﷺ replied:
“I love to hear it from someone else.”

So, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) began reciting Surah An-Nisāʾ. When he reached the verse:

“So how [will it be] when We bring from every nation a witness and We bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness against these [people]?” (4:41)

The Prophet ﷺ began to weep.

His Authority in Issuing Islamic Rulings

The Prophet ﷺ allowed only a select few companions to issue Fatwas (Islamic rulings) during his ﷺ lifetime, and Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was among them.

ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (RA) described him as:

“A vessel filled with knowledge that is filled to the brim.” (Muṣannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah)

Even after the Prophet ﷺ’s passing, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) remained one of the top scholars among the Saḥābah (companions).

Abū Mūsā al-Ashʿarī (RA) once said:

“Do not ask me anything as long as Ibn Masʿūd (RA) is among you, for no one is more knowledgeable than him.”

His opinions and interpretations of Islamic law heavily influenced the Ḥanafī school of thought, which millions of Muslims follow today.

The Prophet ﷺ Defended Him Against Mockery

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) was small in stature and had thin legs. One day, he climbed a tree, and some companions laughed at how thin his legs were.

The Prophet ﷺ immediately defended him, saying:

“Are you laughing at his legs? By Him in whose hand is my soul, they are heavier on the scale than Mount Uḥud!” (Musnad Aḥmad, Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān)

His Simplicity and Humility

Despite being one of the most knowledgeable and respected companions, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) lived a simple life and never sought power or wealth.

When ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (RA) appointed him as a teacher and leader in Kūfah, he told the people:

“I prefer Ibn Masʿūd for you over myself.”

However, Ibn Masʿūd (RA) never used his position for personal gain. When someone saw him wearing simple clothes and asked why he wasn’t dressed in finer garments, he replied:

“I dislike that my heart should incline towards the world.”

Even when he was offered wealth and gifts, he refused, saying:

“I do not need it, for I learned to be content from the Prophet ﷺ.”

His Death and Final Words

Ibn Masʿūd (RA) passed away in 32 AH (653 CE). As he lay on his deathbed, ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān (RA) asked if he had any needs.

Uthmān (RA) visited him and asked:
“What is your sickness?”
Ibn Masʿūd (RA) replied:
“My sins.”

ʿUthmān (RA) then asked:
“Do you have any need?”
He responded:
“I only need Allah ﷻ’s mercy.”

When he was asked about his wealth, he said:
“I left nothing behind. I advised my family to place their trust in Allah ﷻ.”

Even in his final moments, his heart was filled with remembrance of Allah ﷻ and only Him ﷻ.


Abdullāh ibn Masʿūd (RA) was more than just a companion of the Prophet ﷺ. He was a scholar, a defender of Islam, and a living embodiment of Qur’anic teachings. His life exemplifies dedication, humility, and unwavering faith, serving as a timeless inspiration for all of us.

He once said:

“You are living in a time when scholars are many and speakers are few.

But after, you will come a time when speakers will be many and scholars will be few.

The Qur’an will be abandoned, and people will dispute over worldly matters.”

His words are relevant now, more than ever before, reminding us of the need to seek knowledge, staying connected to the Qur’an, and upholding the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ.

In an era where his concerns have become reality, his life stands as a guiding light for those who strive to walk the path of righteousness.

May Allah ﷻ be pleased with him and grant him the highest place in Jannah.


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