29th Ramadhan: Night of Hari Raya Eidul Fitri

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

Tonight in Singapore (30th March), at the azan of Maghrib, we bid blessed Ramadhan, farewell.

Do look at the sky and read the new moon Du’a at Maghrib.

The night of Eid is a very blessed night to stay up in, it is the night of Distribution of Rewards.

There is no Terawih tonight, we are to do Takbir instead to decorate this night.

“Whoever stays up on the night of Eid, his/her heart will remain alive, when all other hearts have died.”- Hadeeth

Eidul Fitri means – to return to purity. That summarises what Ramadhan and this celebration is all about – thankfulness that Allah ﷻ has guided us back to the path of self purification, and hence closeness, to Him.

On the Day of Eid, there are many Sunnahs we can perform, including:

8 raka’at Solat Sunnat Syawal

This special Sunnah to be done in the month of Syawal and if possible, best completed tonight, in case we forget.

View and download the steps here.

⁠Solat Sunnat Khusoma

This prayer can also be done tonight but, is best done tomorrow, between Zuhur and Asar.

View and download the steps here.

Both these prayers are taught by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق.

The notes for the devotions of the night of Eid, Eid day, and Syawal, are found in an earlier post, here.

The Prophet (ﷺ) summarised how we should spend Eid in a beautiful Hadeeth:

“Decorate your Eid with Takbir (Allahu akbar), Tahmid (Alhamdulillah), Tahlil (Lailahaillallah), Tasbih (Subhanallah) and charity.”

Recite Subḥāna Llāh wa biḥamdī’ 300 times on Eid Day

As narrated by Imam Al-Ghazali,

“The one who on Eid day recites ‘Subḥāna Llāh wa biḥamdī’ 300 times and gives its blessings as a gift to the Muslims who have died, then 1,000 enlightened blessings will enter the grave of every Muslim. 

And when he dies Allah ﷻ will send 1,000 enlightened blessings in his grave”.


Also do try to complete,

✅ 6 Days of Syawal Fasting

Best to begin the 6 day fasting on the day after Eid, but this will be impossible for all as it is a day of visiting for believers. So start your six day fast whenever it is convenient, perhaps after the weekend visiting.

The 7th of Syawal is the most important day to fast, as 8th of Syawal is Eidul Abrar, the Eid of Saintly Ones.

You may celebrate Eidul Abrar even if you have not completed the six day fast yet.

To all of you, we wish you Eid Mubarak, minal Aidin wal fa izin, have a blessed Eid.


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