Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
The 17th of Ramadhan marks the passing (haul/uroos) of Sayyida A’isha (RA), the daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (RA) and Sayyida Umm Rūmān, and the beloved wife of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Sayyida A’isha (RA) was born into the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. Her father, Abu Bakr (RA), was a dear friend and Companion of the Prophet ﷺ. Sayyida A’isha (RA) was extremely observant and was known for her intelligence, articulation, and impeccable memory.
An example of Beauty and Brilliance
She excelled not only in Islamic jurisprudence but also had deep knowledge of poetry, dentistry, and medicine.
When asked about her medical knowledge, she explained,
“When the tribes and Bedouins came to the Prophet ﷺ and presented their ailments, he would teach them about prophetic medicine.”
Her vast knowledge and impeccable memory were among her greatest contributions to the Ummah. Many rulings we know today resulted from her inquisitive nature.
The ruling of tayammum (dry ablution) was revealed due to the famous incident of her lost necklace, showing how even seemingly unfortunate events led to divine wisdom.
Sayyida A’isha (RA) was known for her habit of asking questions. She once noted to the Prophet ﷺ,
“The men obtain the best reward; they go for fighting, and we do not, but we want that reward in the afterlife too.”
He responded:
“You have the best act of jihad without going out for fighting, and that is Hajj Mabrūr.” (al-Bukhārī)
She also asked the Prophet ﷺ for a kunya (nickname).
In response, he called her the Mother of ‘Abdullāh (Umm ‘Abdullāh).
Even though she did not have children, her praiseworthy attributes and status in Islam granted her this honor.
A Selfless, Joyful Heart
Sayyida A’isha (RA) was renowned for her generosity and deep compassion. She gave freely to those in need, keeping nothing for herself, as her devotion to Allah far outweighed any attachment to worldly possessions.
One of the most striking examples of her selflessness occurred when she was fasting.
The Caliph, Sayyidunā ‘Umar (RA), sent her a monthly allowance, and without hesitation, she instructed her servant to distribute all of it to the poor. When the time came to break her fast, she realized that nothing had been set aside for her own meal.
Her servant, surprised, asked why she had not kept something for herself, to which she humbly replied that it had never crossed her mind. This moment perfectly encapsulates her unwavering empathy and devotion to others.
Despite her immense piety, Sayyida A’isha also had a lighthearted, playful nature that brought joy to those around her, especially the Prophet ﷺ. She would often joke with him, making him smile.
On one occasion, she teasingly told him about a horse with two wings. Amused, the Prophet ﷺ asked how such a thing could exist, to which she cleverly responded,
“Did not Sulaymān have a winged horse?”
The Prophet ﷺ laughed, appreciating both her wit and her knowledge.
A Match Made in Heaven
It is often said that marriages are divinely ordained, but in the case of Sayyida A’isha and the Prophet ﷺ, this was true. Their union was decreed by Allah, and the Prophet ﷺ saw her in two dreams before their marriage.
In one, he lifted a silk cloth to reveal her image, and in another, he was shown seeking her hand from her father, Abū Bakr (RA). He ﷺ described,
“I saw a picture on a piece of silk, and when I lifted it to see the picture, it was hers.”
Sayyida A’isha (RA) was a source of comfort, and she stood by the Prophet ﷺ through trials and triumphs, filling the void left by Sayyida Khadījah (RA).
When Amr ibn al-‘As asked the Prophet ﷺ who his most beloved person was, he replied, “A’isha.” When asked about his favorite man, he said, “Her father.” This showed how special she was to him, to the extent that anything associated with her was dear to him.
Despite their simple and humble life, their companionship was filled with love and tenderness. One intimate moment beautifully illustrates this: one night, while the Prophet ﷺ was praying, their small room meant that his feet brushed against hers.
When he finished, he gently asked for some time alone in devotion. Instead of leaving, she simply expressed her love, wanting to remain close to him—a reflection of their deep emotional connection.
Once, the Prophet ﷺ said,
“I know when you are happy with me and when you are upset with me.”
She asked how he knew, and he explained,
“When you are happy, you say, ‘By the Lord of Muhammad,’ and when you are upset, you say, ‘By the Lord of Ibrāhīm.'”
She responded,
“By Allah ﷻ, it is only my tongue which does not say your name, but your name is in my heart. And my heart will never let you go.”
Their love, filled with faith, laughter, and unwavering devotion, remains an inspiring testament to the beauty of true companionship.
An Unending Quest for Improvement
Sayyida A’isha (RA) yearned for perfection in everything she did. She would often ask the Prophet questions on how she could improve her character and disposition (akhlāq).
Once, she wanted to give a gift to one of her two neighbors but was unsure who should receive it first.
She asked the Prophet ﷺ, and he advised her, “Choose the door that is closest to yours.” This simple yet profound lesson teaches us the importance of prioritizing those nearest to us.
Her love for knowledge and inquiry left a lasting legacy. She is the leading female narrator of Hadiths, having narrated 2,210 Hadiths from the Prophet ﷺ.
She ranks fifth among all narrators, with Sayyidunā Abū Hurayrah at the top.
A Test of Resilience
Life often intertwines blessings with trials, and Sayyida A’isha (RA), the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, was no exception. One of the most challenging was the slanderous accusation against her, which tested her faith and patience to the utmost degree.
During one of the Prophet’s ﷺ expeditions, Sayyida A’isha (RA) accompanied him. As they returned, she went to relieve herself but realized that her necklace, a cherished gift from her sister Asma, was missing.
She began searching for it, and by the time she returned, the caravan had unknowingly left without her, assuming she was still atop her camel due to her light weight. Despite being left alone in the desert, she remained composed, trusting in Allah ﷻ’s plan.
The Prophet ﷺ had a practice of appointing a companion to check for anything left behind, and on this occasion, it was Safwan ibn al-Mu’attal. He found Sayyida A’isha (RA) and, without speaking, offered his camel for her to ride.
With complete modesty, he averted his gaze.
However, as they reached Medina, whispers of slander spread, initiated by Abdullah ibn Ubayy, the leader of the hypocrites.
The rumors deeply impacted the Prophet, the Muslim community, and especially Sayyida A’isha (RA).
Searching for the Truth
Unaware of the rumors at first, Sayyida A’isha (RA) fell ill upon her return. She noticed the Prophet’s ﷺ demeanor had changed. Usually, when she was unwell, he would show great concern, but this time, something felt different.
She requested to stay with her parents, and the Prophet ﷺ granted her permission.
Meanwhile, the slanderous talk grew, causing distress to both the Prophet ﷺ and the Muslim community.
The Prophet ﷺ sought counsel from trusted individuals. Sayyida A’isha’s (RA) servant attested to her character, saying,
“I do not know anything but all good (khayr). The only fault she has is that if I have prepared the dough and I tell her to keep an eye on it, she will go and play and leave the dough, and then the sheep will come and eat it. Otherwise, this woman has no faults.”
Sayyiduna Ali (RA) also reassured him, stating,
“O Prophet, we do not know anything but good about her.”
It was during this time that Sayyida A’isha (RA) learned of the accusations. She was accompanying a relative when the woman cursed her son, Mistah.
Shocked, Sayyida A’isha (RA) defended him, but the woman revealed,
“You do not know what he said about you.”
The weight of the slander crushed her, and she wept continuously for three days, overcome with sorrow yet unwavering in faith.
When the Prophet ﷺ finally visited her, he said,
“O A’isha, if what they are saying is true, say it and ask Allah ﷻ for forgiveness, and He will forgive you.”
Sayyida A’isha (RA), astonished, turned to her father for support, but he remained silent. She then sought reassurance from her mother, who also said nothing.
Seeing no defense, she declared,
“I am not going to say anything but what the father of Yusuf said: ‘Beautiful Patience,’ and I have turned my back to everybody.”
The Triumph of Faith
Sayyida A’isha’s (RA) faith never wavered. She knew that her innocence rested with Allah ﷻ.
Her patience was rewarded when revelation descended upon the Prophet ﷺ, clearing her of all accusations. Allah ﷻ declared in the Qur’an:
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ جَاءُوا بِالْإِفْكِ عُصْبَةٌ مِّنكُمْ لَا تَحْسَبُوهُ شَرًّا لَّكُم بَلْ هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ
“Indeed, those who came up with that slander are a group of you.
Do not think this is bad for you. Rather, it is good for you.”
(Al-Nur, 24:11)
The Prophet ﷺ, relieved and overjoyed, told her,
“O A’isha, your innocence has come.”
Abu Bakr (RA) and her mother rejoiced, urging her to thank the Prophet ﷺ, but she responded,
“No, I am not going to give thanks except to the One Who knew I was innocent and Who sent my innocence—Allah ﷻ.”
She added, “I knew I was innocent, and I knew Allah ﷻ would show my innocence.
But I never thought that I was so worthy in the sight of Allah ﷻ, that entire verses of the Qur’an would be revealed proclaiming my innocence, and that they will be read until the end of days.”
This incident, though painful, became a source of strength and inspiration. Sayyida A’isha’s (RA) patience, resilience, and unshakable faith remain a timeless example for all believers, teaching us that ultimate justice lies with Allah ﷻ and that true faith never falters in the face of hardship.
Honoured and Revered
The trial that Sayyida A’isha (RA) went through was unimaginable, but so was the honour she received from being defended by Allah ﷻ.
Sayyida A’isha’s (RA) honour was also exemplified in her being the closest in proximity to the Prophet ﷺ at the time of his death.
He ﷺ passed away in her house and in her embrace. She was by his side till the end, comforting him and supplicating for him.
She lived many years after him and continued sharing her immense wisdom and knowledge with the Companions.
Sayyida A’isha (RA) was the most knowledgeable woman in Medina, with prominent Companions taking her opinion and advice on rulings and Islamic jurisprudence. Her insight and understanding of religious matters gave her a command that few had.
She passed away on the 17th of Ramadan at the age of 66, leaving behind a legacy till the end of time.
Her courage, intelligence, and unwavering faith in Allah ﷻ are a testament to the resilience and strength that our faith bestows upon us as Muslims.
As we continue to honour and cherish her legacy, may we draw inspiration from her unwavering devotion to Allah ﷻ, her ability to endure, and her unyielding faith in the face of adversity. Ameen.
For more resources on the Last 10 Nights of Ramadhan, please click here.
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