Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
The 10th of Ramadhan marks the passing of Sayyida Khadijah al-Kubra (Salāmullāh ʿAlayhā), the esteemed wife of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and Mother of the Believers.
In Islamic history, few names shine as brightly as that of Sayyida Khadijah al-Kubra (RA), the beloved wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the very first person to embrace Islam.
A Noble Beginning
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) was born in the sacred city of Mecca. She belonged to the noble Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.
Coming from a wealthy and influential family, Sayyida Khadijah (RA) inherited the business acumen of her father, a prosperous merchant. She herself became a successful businesswoman, known as the “Princess of the Quraysh” (Amirah Quraysh) and “The Pure One” (al-Tahirah).
Her wealth was not her only defining trait; her generosity, wisdom, and integrity made her a revered figure in Mecca. Before meeting the Prophet ﷺ, she had experienced the joys and sorrows of life, being twice widowed and a mother at a young age.
Despite her status, she sought not just wealth or nobility in a spouse but exceptional character. This pursuit led her to Muhammad ibn Abdullah, a man known for his honesty and trustworthiness.
A Blessed Union
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) recognized the rare qualities of the Prophet ﷺ long before his prophethood. Entrusting him with her business affairs, she observed his integrity and excellence in trade. Impressed by his character, she proposed marriage through her confidante, Nafisah.
Despite being wealthier and older than the Prophet ﷺ, she chose him for his virtue, and their union became one of the most blessed in history.
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) was the first and only wife of the Prophet ﷺ for 25 years. During her lifetime, he never took another wife, a testament to the deep love and loyalty they shared. Their marriage was one of mutual respect, love, and support.
She bore him all of his children, except for Ibrahim, who was born to Maria al-Qibtiyya later.
A Pillar of Support
Sayyida Khadijah’s (RA) unwavering faith and support for the Prophet ﷺ were unparalleled. When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ received the first revelation in the cave of Hira, he was deeply shaken.
He rushed home, seeking comfort in Sayyida Khadijah’s (RA) arms, saying, “Cover me! Cover me!” She consoled him, saying:
“By Allah ﷻ, Allah ﷻ will never disgrace you, for by Allah ﷻ, you maintain good relations with your kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, entertain your guests generously, and assist those who are stricken with calamities.”
Her belief in him ﷺ was absolute, and her actions matched her words. She took him to her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal, a learned monotheist, who confirmed that the Prophet ﷺ’s experience was true. Her unwavering conviction in his mission became the foundation upon which Islam would grow.
Her Sacrifices for Islam
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) stood by the Prophet ﷺ during the most challenging times. She would often climb the mountains of Uhud just to bring him food and drink while he meditated and worshipped in solitude.
Her sacrifices were so immense that Jibreel (AS) conveyed Allah ﷻ’s special greeting to her:
“Here is Khadijah coming to you with a vessel of seasoned food or drink. When she comes to you, offer her greetings from her Lord ﷻ, the Exalted and Glorious, and on my behalf and give her glad tidings that she will have a palace in Paradise built of qasab (pearls and precious gems) wherein there will be neither any noise nor any fatigue (trouble).”
This was a special honor from Allah ﷻ, recognizing her sacrifices and promising her eternal peace.
The Prophet ﷺ also said:
“The best of the world’s women is Maryam (at her lifetime), and the best of the world’s women is Khadijah (at her lifetime).”
Belief, Devotion, and Resilience
Sayyida Khadijah’s (RA) faith made her the first believer in Islam. She stood by the Prophet ﷺ through the trials that followed.
When the Quraysh boycotted the Muslims, she endured famine and hardship without complaint, depleting her wealth in the cause of Islam. Even after losing two sons, she remained steadfast.
Her home was a sanctuary for the Prophet ﷺ, where they worshipped together even before formal prayers were prescribed. She was the mother of Sayyida Fatimah (RA), the grandmother of Imam Hasan and Husayn—leaders of the youth in Jannah.
A Legacy Left Behind
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) passed away in Ramadhan, shortly after the death of the Prophet’s ﷺ uncle and protector, Abu Talib.
This was the 10th year of his ﷺ Prophethood and was referred to as, “The Year of Sorrow.”
Her departure marked the end of an era, and the Prophet ﷺ mourned her deeply. Even years later, he would recall her with love and reverence, saying:
“She believed in me when people disbelieved, she trusted me when people accused me of lying, she shared her wealth with me when people deprived me.”
Sayyida Aisha (RA), beloved wife of the Prophet ﷺ, once admitted that she never felt jealous of any of his wives except Sayyida Khadijah (RA), despite never having met her, because of the Prophet ﷺ’s enduring love for her.
Sayyida Aisha (RA) narrated:
“I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Sayyida Khadijah (RA) despite not seeing her, but the Prophet ﷺ used to mention her very often.
Whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the female friends of Sayyida Khadijah (RA).
When I sometimes said to him, ‘You treat Sayyida Khadijah (RA) in such a way as if there is no woman on Earth except her.’
He would say, ‘Khadijah (RA) was such-and-such, and from her I had children.‘”
An Everlasting Inspiration
Sayyida Khadijah (RA) was not only the Prophet ﷺ’s wife; she was his greatest supporter, his comfort, and his strength. She believed in him when no one else did, sacrificed her wealth for Islam, and remained by his side through every hardship.
As the esteemed “Mother of the Believers”, her legacy endures, inspiring Muslims across generations.
May her life and virtues continue to illuminate hearts and guide future generations in faith, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion.
May Allah ﷻ elevate her ranks and enable us to benefit from her. Ameen.

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