Tag Archives: ego

The tragic end of Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden has been a controversial figure in the Muslim world. Some view him as a true Islamic warrior, others, as a murderer and terrorist. Is his death that of a martyr or otherwise? Maulana skillfully dissects Osama’s actions and motives, explaining to the mureeds a very important lesson as to why Tariqah is so important, for it is the only means of subduing the Ego. Maulana says, we are all servants – either to our Egos, or to our Lord. One who returns to Allah as a slave to his Ego, has lost his honour, forever.

This is perhaps one of the most important Suhbahs ever Summarised, it is for anyone who seeks to know what religion is really all about. The aim of religion is so simple, so fundamental, but shaitan has distracted us from the true destination – it is like a student who enrolls in the best University, who goes to campus everyday, and participates in so many campus activities (like Sports, Social work, running the Campus newsletter and standing for elections on the Student Council etc) – he does everything, except study, and in the end he fails his examinations.

Today’s believers are doing just that – they are aimlessly going through the motion of performing the religious rituals, but they are not tasting or feeling anything real, for they have left out the most important ingredient of the meal. Food without salt is tasteless, just as drinks without sugar is. Each time we have whip up a gourmet meal, shaitan ensures that we forget the salt and sugar. Because religion is so tasteless today, people are seeking to taste from the enjoyment of dunia instead.

Read this Suhbah slowly and with a real desire to understand what has gone wrong in our lives. Maulana has laid out our most important struggle in religion, clearly for us to see.

May Allah bestow us all with understanding and wisdom, ameen! Continue reading

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“Oh My Lord, I surrender!” 12th October 2010

Ego makes it difficult for a person to accept that there is one more knowledgeable than himself. Oh believers, humble yourselves! You must admit to yourselves, that you are in constant need of guidance and supervision. What is the Summary of the purpose of the whole Shariah of Islam? It is so that, day by day, the ego becomes weaker and weaker, until it eventually surrenders. At that point, you will say, “I am surrendering, Oh my Lord.” Continue reading

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Satu pertanyaan dari Sahabat2 Nabi Isa: 11hb Oktober 2010

Setiap perbuatan yang kamu lakukan, yang menta’ati ego, adalah penderhakaan kepada Allah! Setiap permintaan ego mu, adalah haram! Maka, walau kamu bergerak setapak pun menurut kehendak ego mu, kamu akan di azab oleh Allah. Pastikan setiap tapak yang kamu ambil adalah dalam ta’at kepada Syariat Allah. Setiap saat dalam kehidupan mu, mesti di dalam keta’atan. Orang yang beriman, tidak di izinkan untuk melakukan walau satu perbuatan menurut egonya! Sikap tunduk dan redha dengan senang hati atas setiap kehendak Allah, adalah adab yang paling sempurna bagi seorang yang bergelar hamba. Adakah kamu benar2 yakin yang Allah mampu untuk menanggung keperluan rezeki mu? Continue reading

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There is a Pharoah in each one of us! 6th October 2010

Allah says, “Ya Muhammad (saw), if I am giving the same opportunity to all the Children of Adam, as I had given to Fir’aun, they would all have become like him!” we are like him in many ways, that, like him, we desire absolute power, we secretly wish to be idolised and ‘worshipped’, we desire to be emulated, to be the centre of attention, to be the main attraction, to be the one everybody admires and bows to, to be the dominant Master. We are as egoistic as Pharoah was! Continue reading

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Setiap manusia mempunyai ciri2 dan sifat egois seperti Fir’aun! 6hb Oktober 2010

Maulana menerangkan sifat tersembunyi yang tersirat di dalam hati setiap insan, iaitu mereka ingin menjadi seorang yang di sanjung dan yang berkuasa, seperti Fir’aun. Maulana menasihati kita supaya tidak memberi peluang kepada ego yang merbahaya ini, untuk berkembang. Continue reading

Posted in 2010 @id, Oktober | Tagged , | Comments Off on Setiap manusia mempunyai ciri2 dan sifat egois seperti Fir’aun! 6hb Oktober 2010

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest one of all?

Shaitan has a magic mirror, that he holds up for our ego to admire itself. Shaitan tells us to use this mirror all the time. It is a special mirror, as when the ego looks at himself in that mirror, he looks humungous, he looks so important, he is the centre of attention, he is the special, chosen one, he looks so majestic. When we look into this mirror, we feel pride about ourselves, we feel arrogant and superior, we feel high and mighty! Continue reading

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