Tag Archives: death

Be always aware of your approaching death: 9th October 2010

Death is a constant reminder of the hereafter, and we are asked to keep this reminder, by visiting graves. Keep advising the family about the certainty of death, and strive for true conviction and belief (yaqeen). One who has it, will be propelled into Paradise, but one who has no conviction, will become a ride (mount) for his ego and for shaitan. Continue reading

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Float like a butterfly

Butterflies can taste the sweetness, unlike caterpillars. Right now, we are just eating from the leaves, not tasting any sweetness. We ask from Allah, after we go through the 10 days of good iktikaf, that we will be able to taste the sweetness of Islam, the sweetness of Iman (faith), the sweetness of love for Allah and His Rasul and our Shaykh. Continue reading

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The disease of this Nation, is that we forget Death

Mawlana called out to us: Make preparations for the Day of Resurrection, you are about to be in the Divine presence! Ponder over it; you are going to be ordered to present your deeds to Him! Why are you chasing dunya, when you cannot own more treasures and jewels than Qarun did. And even if you did, look what happened to Qarun- he and his wealth were swallowed by an earthquake from Heavenly Anger.
Everyday, he is in suffering in his grave, and he will continue to suffer for eternity. Is it worth it, to seek dunya? Qarun was with Sayyidina Musa (as) only physically, by he gave his heart to Shaytan, and he incurred Divine Wrath! Mawlana prayed, “Oh Allah, protect us from following those who are astray!” Continue reading

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