Oh Muslims, give your Highest respect to Rasulullah (s.a.w)

Summary of Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s Suhbah

8th December 2009, Tuesday

Oh Muslims, give your Highest respect to Rasulullah (s.a.w)

A’uzubillah himinsh shaitan nirrajeem

Bismillahir Rahman-nir Raheem

Assalamu’alaikum wrh wbkt

  • Maulana began with the recitation of A’uzubillahiminasy syaitanirrajeem. When a believer recites this, the shaitan accompanying him is pelted with heavenly arrows, and he flees from the believer. When a believer seeks to come closer to Allah, the door for him to do so, is closed, as long as he is accompanied by shaitan. So when you recite A’uzubillah….shaitan flees and the door to Allah opens for you.

  • It is very important for you to beseech Allah, “Oh My Lord, I am seeking to come closer to You, help me against my sworn enemy, shaitan, and open the way to safety for me…..Oh Allah…”

  • Similarly when the Azan is said, shaitan flees again, and when it is over, he returns to try to influence the believer to mix evil, into his good amal. Hence the recitation of A’uzubillah and Azan strikes FEAR in shaitan’s evil heart. That is your WEAPON against him, use it often! That is why we are encouraged to start every activity with A’uzubillah and to recite the Azan loudly before every prayer even if you are praying at home.

  • When the Selawat is recited at the end of the Azan, that is even more painful for shaitan, he melts in agony, like iron in a furnace. This is because shaitan hates Rasulullah (saw) intensely, Rasulullah is the most hated creation in the sight of shaitan.

  • Iblis had yearned to be the most honoured of creation, and when Allah had given that title to Rasulullah (saw), that had caused him to rebel against Allah and defy Him from that moment. So many titles of honour had been heaped upon Rasulullah (saw) and that only increases iblis’ venomous hatred and envy for Rasulullah (saw).

  • Iblis has worked hard to ensure that Muslims leave the act of performing Selawat upon Rasulullah (saw), especially after Azan, as that is especially hurtful to him. Many Muslims now believe that reciting Selawat upon Nabi is an act of Shirik and, in their ignorance, they forbid others from doing so, whereas Rasulullah (saw) is the beloved of Allah, and Allah Almighty Himself recites Selawat upon Rasulullah (saw), together with all His angels, and Allah has commanded in the Al-Qur’an, “Oh Believers, Selawat upon him!”. Yet many still make their own fatwa, and forbid Muslims from reciting Selawat.

  • In each moment that Iblis hates Rasulullah (saw), his face grows uglier and uglier. Similarly, those who forbid others from loving Rasulullah (saw) and reciting Selawat upon him, will also show signs of shaitanic influences on their faces, they will grow progressively uglier by the day. Look closely at the faces of those who speak ill of Rasulullah (saw), even if they are Muslim, they will have an evil darkness and ugliness about their faces, that cannot be hidden with make-up or medicine.

  • Maulana cited a passage in the Quran. The Jews were commanded to respect Sabbath, and to spend that day in worship. But Allah tested them, He sent them multitudes of fish in their lakes, only on Sabbath, and they fell to temptation. They dug pits beside the lake to push the fish into, so that they could then catch these fish the next day. They incurred Allah’s wrath by defying Him, and He turned them into pigs and apes.

  • Maulana says, we have so much fear for a tiny virus (pig-flu), but we have no fear for Allah. If we persist in defying Allah, we may wake up one day, and look into the mirror, and see a pig or an ape instead. Worse still, some people’s faces are transformed only upon Death, so that those burying you will see the face of a pig/an ape.

  • Maulana says, in this life, the only act that matters, is TO PLEASE ALLAH, YOUR LORD! And since Rasulullah (saw) is the most loved by Allah, do not incur Allah’s wrath by defiling him, or speaking ill of Rasulullah (saw) or forbidding people to recite Selawat upon him. For those upon whom Allah’s wrath descends, they are utterly destroyed, in this world and in the hereafter!

  • Give your greatest respect to Rasulullah (saw). He is the Most Beloved One in the Divine Presence, we must emulate, and love him too, for the Prophet (saw), lived ONLY to please Allah and to LOVE Him, in every moment of his blessed existence.

    Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad, wa ‘ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad.


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