4th Ramadhan: Urs of Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani, 39th Grandshaykh of the Naqshbandi Golden Chain

39th Master of the Naqshbandi ‘Aliyyah Golden Chain, Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestaniق

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

Du’a of Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Daghestaniق

“O my Lord! I am asking you to accept all the prayers I have made to You until the end of my life; also all the prayers at which I was present, or that I hear, before I go from this life.

O my Lord! Show me the results of these prayers.

May my prayers be acceptable from now up until my life’s end and give me from Your secret mercy treasures, from Your secret favours, more ‘hidaya’ (guidance), and make me more respectable here and Hereafter.”

The 4th of Ramadhan marks the haul/uroos of the passing of Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestaniق.

Heق is the Khatmal Awliya, and the 39th Master of our Golden Chain. 

Heق trained Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق upon the instruction of Rasulullah ﷺ, and today, we are basking in the guidance and light, radiating from his veil-less heart, through Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق and Mawlana Shaykh Mehmetق. 


Hisق Maqam is in Damascus, on Jabal Qasiyoon, and is being tended to by Shaykh Ibrahimق, who also runs the Soup Kitchen there feeding thousands of refugees daily.

We would not be where we are today, if not for the Sohbahs that poured from hisق beautiful heart.

7,000 Sohbahs that dressed Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق to perfection, and with our beloved Mursyid Shaykh Mehmetق being a perfect reflection of those Sohbahs.

Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqaniق and his Mursyid, Grandshaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestaniق.

Who is Grandshaykhق?

He was raised and trained by his uncle, Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestaniق, the 38th Master of the Naqshbandi Order, who took special care of him from his early life.

During Shaykh Sharafuddinق sister’s pregnancy, he told her:

“The son you are carrying has no veils on his heart.

He will be able to see events that have passed or that are coming.

He is one of those who can read the Unseen Knowledge from the Preserved Tablet (Loh Mahfuz) directly.

He is going to be Sultan al-Awliya’ in his time.

He is going to be called, among the Saints, ‘Naqeeb al-Ummah’, the Leader of the Nation of Muhammad ﷺ.

He is going to perfect the ability of being with God and being at the same time with people.

He will inherit the secret from the Prophet ﷺ which he referred to when he said, “I have one face looking at the Creator and I have one face looking at Creation,” and “I have one hour with the Creator and I have one hour with the creation.”

When you give birth to him call him Abdullah, because he will be carrying the secret of Servanthood.

He will spread the Tariqat back to the Arab countries, and through him, his successor will spread the Tariqat in Western countries and in the Far East.

You must be careful with him. 

I am asking that when he reaches the age of seven, you give him to me to raise him and to be under my guardianship.”

On the 12th of Rabiul Awwal, his mother Amina gave birth to her son, whom she named Abdullahق.

Five Year Seclusion

Shaykh Sharafuddinق raised and trained Shaykh Abdullahق with intensive spiritual discipline and long hours of Dhikr. After six months, he was ordered to enter seclusion for five years.

He, Shaykh Abdullahق said:

“As I was making Dhikr one night after midnight, a huge storm raged on the mountain. I could hear that storm felling trees, pouring rain and finally snow.

It was very cold and nothing made me warm except the heat of my Dhikr.

A heavy wind blew the cloth out of the hole [that was covering the cave]. I was freezing and snow blew in around me.

I was so cold that I couldn’t move my fingers to count the repetitions of my Dhikr.

My heart almost stopped.

Then it occurred to me to close the hole again.

As soon as that thought came to me, I saw the vision of my Shaykh shouting, ‘O my son! Are you busy with yourself or are you busy with the One who Created you? If you die from the cold it is better for you than allowing your heart one moment of heedlessness.’

That vision gave me warmth in my heart and determination to restart the Dhikr immediately.

As I continued the Dhikr, more wind came, and with it more snow. I struggled with myself, finally telling myself, ‘Let me die, even so I am continuing my Dhikr.’

As soon as I said that, the wind stopped and the snow stopped. Then a tree fell, and covered that hole in the cave.”

May Allah ﷻ continually honor his soul and elevate his station. Ameen.

Remember Grandshaykhق tonight by doing the following:

✅ Make intention to humbly make Spiritual ziarah of hisق Maqam in Syams Shareef.

✅ Recite 3 Surah Ikhlas and 1 Surah Fatiha for himق, give himق salams, and ask to be dressed from hisق Light, Himmat and Madad, through the living Naqshbandi Master of our time, Shaykh Muhammad Adilق.

✅ Recite Yasin and Tahlil with love for himق.

✅ Ask to be gathered with himق and all our Naqshbandi Guides of the Golden Chainق, on the Day of Resurrection.

With love, Al-Fatiha.

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