3rd Ramadhan: Urs of Sayyidā Fāṭimah az-Zahrāʾ

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

The 3rd of Ramaḍhān marks the haul/uroos of the passing of one of the greatest women in all of creation, Sayyidā Fāṭimah az-Zahrāʾ (Salāmullāh ʿAlayhā).

She is the mother of Sayyidunā ʾImām Ḥassan and Sayyidunā ʾImām Ḥussain (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhʾum).

She is the wife of Sayyidunā ʾImām ʿAlī ibn ʾAbī Ṭālib (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnh).

She is the daughter of the Beloved of Allāh ﷺ and Sayyidā Khadījah al-Kubra (Raḍiy Allāhu ʿAnhā).

Some of her holy titles include:

Haura Insiyah
Heavenly beauty in human form.

Rasulullah ﷺ said, my daughter Fatima is heavenly, every time I miss heaven, I will kiss Fatimah (RA).

The one who is granted Help.

This name is the most famous in the heavens, Jibril (AS) calls her by this name.

The Resplendent.

When she entered her mihrab to worship and pray to Allah, her light illuminated the inhabitants of the heaven like the stars illuminate the inhabitants of the earth.

The most honest.

She never lied.

Which brings blessings.

Everything she touches brings blessings.

The Pure, Purified.

She has been purified by Allah.

Clean, beautiful and fragrant.

Who accepts all God’s provisions and never rejects His Decree.

Obtaining God’s pleasure and approval.

Who is cut off from the world.

She only focused on Allah and the afterlife, never seeing anything except Allah.

One of her Karamah was she never experienced menstruation and postpartum bleeding.

Most gentle.

Sayyidatun Nisa

Sayyidatun Nisa Il ‘Alamin, Sayyidatun Nisai Ahlil Jannah and Sayyidatun Nisail Mukminin.

Leader of all women.

Ummul Hasanain

Mother of Sayyidina Hasan and Sayyidina Husain (RA).

[Excerpts from the book ‘A Talk by the Caller to Allah’, by
al-Habib Muhammad ibn ‘Abd ar Rahman as-Saqqaf al-Husayni.]

In her character she was like Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ — in her mannerism, in her disposition and the way she walked. She even looked like Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ.

No one from aṣ-Ṣaḥābah resembled Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ more than Sayyidā Fāṭimah (Salāmullāh ʿAlayhā). She was a pure example of how to be a daughter, how to be a wife and how to be a mother.

She was so attached to the Prophet ﷺ that after he left this world, she soon followed him ﷺ to the next world.

Sayyidā Fāṭimah az-Zahrāʾ had a short lifespan, of which she spent in poverty and considerable hardship — yet, despite not having lived a very long life, she was blessed with one of the highest ranks amongst all women in creation.

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,

“Fāṭimah is the leader of the women of Paradise.”
[Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī]

“Fāṭimah is a part of me, so whoever makes her angry makes me angry.”
[Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī]

“The four greatest women are Maryam, Āsīya, Khadījah, and Fāṭimah.”
[Kanz al-ʿUmmāl]

“The most beloved of my family to me is Fāṭimah.”
[al-Jāmiʿ al-Saghīr]

“O ʿAlī, Jibrāʾīl has informed me that Allāh has married you to Fāṭimah.”

“All the children of a woman are attributed to their father, but not the sons of Fāṭimah [as they are to myself].”
[Kanz al-ʿUmmāl]

“On the Day of Judgment, a caller will call out, “Lower your gaze until Fāṭimah has passed by.””

Our Mother, Sayyidā ʿAʾishah (Salāmullāh ʿAlayhā) was asked, “Who was most loved by the Messenger of Allāh?” She replied, “Fāṭimah.” Then she was asked, “And amongst men?” She replied, “Her husband ʿAlī.”
[Mishkāt ul-Masābīh]

Sayyidā ʿAʾishah said, “Never have I seen anyone like the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, in his solemn way of standing and sitting, more than Fāṭimah. When Fāṭimah would come to the Noble Prophet, he would stand up for her, affectionately kiss her on her forehead and, would make her sit in his spot.
When the Noble Prophet would go to Fāṭimah, she would stand up, would kiss his blessed hand and, would respectfully make him sit in her place.”
[Sunan at-Tirmidhī]

The Prophet ﷺ was extremely happy whenever he set eyes on Sayyidā Fāṭimah. Whenever he underwent a journey, the last place he would leave, would be his daughter’s home and, the first place to which he would return would also be his daughter’s home.

Tonight, do recite Al-Fatiha for her blessed soul.

May Allah  allow us to benefit from her noble life, and may we be raised together with her.


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