Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
The 3rd of Ramadhan marks the haul/uroos of the passing of Mawlana Shaykh Khas Muhammad Sirwaniق.
He was the 33rd Grandshaykh of the Naqshbandi Golden Chain.
“The Almighty Lord did not send anything to this Earth, except as a lesson for his Servants to learn from.”
“The Naqshbandi Sufi Order is based on four characteristics of behavior:
• Mawlana Shaykh Khas Muhammad Sirwaniق
• do not speak except when asked
• do not eat except when weak with hunger
• do not sleep except when overcome by fatigue
• and do not keep quiet when you are in His Presence (i.e. ask incessantly from Allah).”
For twenty years he did not eat except once a week. His daily practice of remembrance (wird) consisted of 350 raka’ats of prayer.
Shaikh Ahmad al-Kawkasiق said, “One time I was travelling from the city across the forest to another city on important business. On my way snow was falling heavily, and a great wind was blowing.
Then the snowfall cleared, and in its stead rain poured down, making all the roads like rivers. I had no choice but to pass through that forest.
I entered the forest as night was approaching and got lost in the middle. The skies were pouring rain, night was overtaking me, the flood was increasing, and I did not know where to go.
I came to a river running through the woods. The flood made that river like an ocean, full of waves. The bridge over it was wrecked, but I had to cross. The river was raging, rising higher and higher, until it reached up to my legs, and then reached up the legs of my horse.
I feared drowning for myself and my horse. I raised my hands and asked my Lord, “O Allah ﷻ, help me in this difficulty.”
Immediately I heard a voice behind me saying, “O Ahmad, why are you calling me and bringing me from my house?”
I looked and I saw Shaikh Khas Muhammadق behind me, but he was huge.
He said, “Hold my hand and cross the river with me.” I felt fear. He said, “When you are with Us you must not feel fear.” Then we crossed the river. He walked on the river, and I was walking with him on the water. We crossed to the other side. He said, “Now you are safe,” and he disappeared.
When I reached my destination and went to the mosque, I saw him sitting there. I asked him, “How did you come?”
He said, “O Ahmad, for Us there are no boundaries. We can be anywhere and everywhere at any time.”
Do send gifts of Surah Al-Fatiha & Surah Yasin to our 33rd Grandshaykh of the Golden Chain, Mawlana Shaykh Khas Muhammad Sirwaniق, tonight.