1st Ramadhan: Birth of Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق

Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm

“O Naqshband of the world! Engrave my impression on your heart and imprint it in such a way that you are remembered with the title of ‘Naqshband’ (the one who engraves) till the Doomsday.”

– Ghawth al-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق to Shaykh Baha’uddin Shahق

[Taken from The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehmanق, p. 196]

On the 1st of Ramadhan, the birth of Ghawth al-Azam Sayyiduna Abdul Qadir Jilaniق marked a great blessing for the Ummah.

Allah ﷻ revealed to his parents in a dream that their son would someday be the Sultanul Awliya, and those who opposed him would be led astray.

Hazrat Abu Saleh Moosaق narrates, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق’s father, had a dream in which he saw our Beloved Prophet ﷺ, who said to him: “O my son Abu Saleh, Allah, Most High has given you a child who is my beloved son and also the beloved of Allah. His ranking among the Awliya is akin to my rank among the Prophets.”

The King of Awliya was born at dawn on Monday in 470 H, in the city of Jilan, Persia (modern day Iran) when his mother was sixty.

As he entered this world, his lips whispered “Allah Allah,” and the imprint of the Prophet ﷺ’s footprint was seen on his shoulder, signifying his Sainthood.

He observed his fast throughout Ramadhan and refused any milk till after sunset. On the very day of his birth, 1,100 other male infants were born in Jilan, and they all grew up to become Awliya Allah.

“My foot is on the shoulders of all Awliya Allah”

Once, whilst he was delivering a lecture, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق entered a spiritual state and said, “My foot is on the shoulders of all the Awliya Allah (Saints).”

When he uttered those words there were many Awliya Allah in his presence. Each one of them immediately lowered their necks. Sheikh Ali bin Haitiق who was also present in this gathering, immediately went and physically placed the foot of the great Ghawthق on his neck.

Sheikh Sayyidi Maajidق states: “When al-Ghawth al-A’zamق said these words, then every Wali on earth bowed his neck.” He also states, “There were 300 Awliya Allah and 700 Rijaalul Ghaib (Men of the Unseen) present in that gathering, and every one of them lowered their necks before him.”

Sheikh Makaarimق states: “The day on which al-Ghawth al-A’zamق made this statement, every Saint knew that the flag of Kingship was now planted before Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق. On this day, all the Saints from East to West lowered their necks on his command.”

Sayyidi Sheikh Khalifatul Akbarق states: “I saw the Beloved Rasool ﷺ in my dream and I asked him about the statement of al-Ghawth al-A’zamق – ‘My foot is on the shoulders of all the Saints.’”

The Holy Prophet ﷺ then said, “Abdul Qadir al-Jilaniق has spoken the truth and why should he not say this when he is the Qutb, and I am his Guardian.”

Al-Fatiha for Ghawth al-Azam (The Greatest Helper) Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilaniق.

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