Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
In honour of Isra’ Mi‘raj, which took place on the 27th of Rejab, the 27th night of Ramadhan is widely regarded by many scholars as the Laylatul Qadr of the masses.
While some may have experienced their personal (khusus) Laylatul Qadr on other nights, the 27th night is special for everyone.
This year, it coincides with the Last Friday of Ramadhan (in Singapore), making it an exceptionally blessed and meaningful night.
Even if you have already found your own Laylatul Qadr, do not let this night slip away without seeking its blessings.
Do spend it in devotion and worship, sincerely seeking Allah’s forgiveness, love and guidance.
Full practices for Laylatul Qadr here.
Practices for the Last Friday of Ramadhan here.
May Allah grant us all a night filled with barakah and divine acceptance.
May our prayers be answered, our hearts illuminated with His mercy, and our efforts rewarded abundantly.
For more resources on the Last 10 Nights of Ramadhan, please click here.
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