This was a series of three Ramadhan Suhbahs, aimed at cementing ties within this new group of Naqshbandi Haqqani Tariqah followers in Singapore. These three Suhbahs explain Maulana Shaykh Nazim’s universal message of Love and acceptance, which form the basis of all Associations.
Every new seeker, who wishes to embark on this Way, should begin by reading and pondering these words of wisdom.
Don’t be cruel
Suhbah at the house of Ummi (wife of late Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib) in Singapore on 19th of August 2010, 9th Ramadhan 1431, after Khatam Khwajagan
Float like a butterfly
Suhbah at the house of Ummi (wife of late Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib) in Singapore on 26th of August 2010, 16th Ramadhan 1431, after Khatam Khwajagan
Rabitah – a Bond of Love
Suhbah at the house of Ummi (wife of late Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib) in Singapore on 2nd of September 2010, 23rd Ramadhan 1431, after Khatam Khwajagan
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